Tre per-dono e con-dono. Rileggendo il Salmo 51

This theological reading of Psalm 51 explores the dynamics within a sinner’s human nature when the sinner comes before God, emphasizing both the recognition and the confession of personal weakness and limitations, and the resulting need for purification and for the gift of wisdom. This experience becomes the condition for the possibility of receiving the gift of grace through the Spirit and entering into the life of God, creating in the sinner a rebirth, a new creation. Thus within the human person, who is at once self-involved and yet open to God, a tension arises that dynamically orientates the person to relationships with others. Dwelling within the intimacy of God, the forgiven sinner enters into a new way of understanding the reality of which he or she is part. From the divine space where humanity individually and ecclesially is located, this dynamic within human nature sheds new light on today’s world, with its negative and fragmentary appearance, and offers a deeper  understanding of its significance.
1. Dalla confessione del peccato all’intimo di Dio

Senza voler approfondire il Salmo 51 da un punto di vista esegetico, in quanto fuoriuscirebbe dall’intento di questa ricerca, sarà tuttavia necessario tracciare alcune linee di teologia biblica per coglierne, dapprima, i fondamenti e le implicazioni teologiche e antropologiche; poi, per farne emergere quella logica che possa fungere da criterio interpretativo del contesto odierno.

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