Sfide e opportunità di una teologia degli animali. Dialogo con von Balthasar e Hemmerle
This contribution investigates the implications of a theology that seeks to include animals in agapic love, starting from the reflections of Klaus Hemmerle and Hans Urs von Balthasar. Based on Hemmerle’s eighteenth “Thesis of Trinitarian Ontology”, which places agape at the center of our Christian existence, the question of the participation of animals in divine love is addressed. Traditionally, theology has privileged humanity, neglecting the role of animals in God’s plan. However, current ethical concerns require a theological reconsideration that recognizes animals as subjects of love and participants in communion with God. Through the work of von Balthasar, Only Love is Credible, and Hemmerle’s Theses – clearly anthropocentric –, we will try to outline the principles of a theology of animals, highlighting the spiritual opportunities of a more inclusive vision of agape.