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Scontro diretto tra Usa e milizie Houthi

Si alza il livello dello scontro diretto degli Usa contro le milizie scite in Yemen

epa11970489 Houthi supporters hold up a mock missile and wave a Palestinian flag during a protest in Sana'a, Yemen, 17 March 2025 against US airstrikes on Houthi positions. Houthi supporters have taken to the streets of Sana'a to protest the airstrikes that targeted Houthi-held positions in several Yemeni cities on 15 March. The Houthis have vowed to target US ships in the Red Sea in retaliation for the recent US airstrikes that killed at least 53 people and wounded 98 others, according to a statement by Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarea.  EPA/YAHYA ARHAB
epa11970458 Houthi supporters hold anti-US and Israeli placards and wave flags during a protest in Sana'a, Yemen, 17 March 2025 against US airstrikes on Houthi positions. Houthi supporters have taken to the streets of Sana'a to protest the airstrikes that targeted Houthi-held positions in several Yemeni cities on 15 March. The Houthis have vowed to target US ships in the Red Sea in retaliation for the recent US airstrikes that killed at least 53 people and wounded 98 others, according to a statement by Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarea.  EPA/YAHYA ARHAB
epa11970465 Houthi supporters shout slogans and hold up their weapons during a protest in Sana'a, Yemen, 17 March 2025 against US airstrikes on Houthi positions. Houthi supporters have taken to the streets of Sana'a to protest the airstrikes that targeted Houthi-held positions in several Yemeni cities on 15 March. The Houthis have vowed to target US ships in the Red Sea in retaliation for the recent US airstrikes that killed at least 53 people and wounded 98 others, according to a statement by Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarea.  EPA/YAHYA ARHAB
epa11970481 A Houthi supporter carries a mock missile during a protest in Sana'a, Yemen, 17 March 2025 against US airstrikes on Houthi positions. Houthi supporters have taken to the streets of Sana'a to protest the airstrikes that targeted Houthi-held positions in several Yemeni cities on 15 March. The Houthis have vowed to target US ships in the Red Sea in retaliation for the recent US airstrikes that killed at least 53 people and wounded 98 others, according to a statement by Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarea.  EPA/YAHYA ARHAB
epa11970477 Houthi supporters shout slogans and hold up their weapons during a protest in Sana'a, Yemen, 17 March 2025 against US airstrikes on Houthi positions. Houthi supporters have taken to the streets of Sana'a to protest the airstrikes that targeted Houthi-held positions in several Yemeni cities on 15 March. The Houthis have vowed to target US ships in the Red Sea in retaliation for the recent US airstrikes that killed at least 53 people and wounded 98 others, according to a statement by Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarea.  EPA/YAHYA ARHAB
epa11970462 A Houthi supporter carries a mock missile as others wave the flags of Palestine (R) and Yemen (L) during a protest in Sana'a, Yemen, 17 March 2025 against US airstrikes on Houthi positions. Houthi supporters have taken to the streets of Sana'a to protest the airstrikes that targeted Houthi-held positions in several Yemeni cities on 15 March. The Houthis have vowed to target US ships in the Red Sea in retaliation for the recent US airstrikes that killed at least 53 people and wounded 98 others, according to a statement by Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarea.  EPA/YAHYA ARHAB

Come riporta l’Ansa, « ai massicci raid americani di sabato 15 marzo 2025 in Yemen, che secondo la Casa Bianca hanno eliminato molte figure di primo piano del movimento filo-iraniano, le milizie sciite hanno subito risposto lanciando una pioggia di missili sulla portaerei Truman, di stanza nel Mar Rosso a protezione dei mercantili. Sullo sfondo di questa crisi c’è l’Iran».

Trump ha assistito da remoto in tenuta informale all’attacco aereo contro le forze Houthi mentre, nello stess tempo, sta aprendo una linea diretta con Putin per trattare un cessate il fuoco in Ucraina


Foto Ansa

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