
L’Ecuador verso le elezioni

Il Paese latinoamericano va alle urne per le presidenziali e per rinnovare il Parlamento domenica 9 febbraio

epa11879897 Candidate to Ecuador's Presidency Luisa Gonzalez of the Citizen Revolution movement dances during a rally in Guayaquil, Ecuador, 06 February 2025. Ecuador will hold general elections this Sunday 09 February.  EPA/Carlos Duran Araujo
epa11879895 Candidate to Ecuador's Presidency Luisa Gonzalez of the Citizen Revolution movement gestures during a rally in Guayaquil, Ecuador, 06 February 2025. Ecuador will hold general elections this Sunday 09 February.  EPA/Carlos Duran Araujo
epa11879896 Candidate to Ecuador's Presidency Luisa Gonzalez of the Citizen Revolution movement delivers a speech during a rally in Guayaquil, Ecuador, 06 February 2025. Ecuador will hold general elections this Sunday 09 February.  EPA/Carlos Duran Araujo
epa11879826 A member (C) of the Armed Forces stands guard in a campaign closing event of the president and candidate for the presidency of Ecuador, Daniel Noboa, in Quito, Ecuador, 06 February 2025. Noboa closed his electoral campaign without delegating the post to his vice-president Veronica Abad, with whom he is at odds, despite the recent ruling of the Constitutional Court that indicated that she should be the one to replace the head of state in case of absence.  EPA/JOSE JACOME
epa11879824 Supporters participate in a campaign closing event for the president and candidate for the presidency of Ecuador, Daniel Noboa, in Quito, Ecuador, 06 February 2025. Noboa closed his electoral campaign without delegating the post to his vice-president Veronica Abad, with whom he is at odds, despite the recent ruling of the Constitutional Court that indicated that she should be the one to replace the head of state in case of absence.  EPA/JOSE JACOME
epa11879825 A supporter holds a large cutout of Ecuadorian President and presidential candidate Daniel Noboa during a campaign closing event, in Quito, Ecuador, 06 February 2025. Noboa closed his electoral campaign without delegating the post to his vice-president Veronica Abad, with whom he is at odds, despite the recent ruling of the Constitutional Court that indicated that she should be the one to replace the head of state in case of absence.  EPA/JOSE JACOME
epa11879823 Supporters participate in a campaign closing event for the president and candidate for the presidency of Ecuador, Daniel Noboa, in Quito, Ecuador, 06 February 2025. Noboa closed his electoral campaign without delegating the post to his vice-president Veronica Abad, with whom he is at odds, despite the recent ruling of the Constitutional Court that indicated that she should be the one to replace the head of state in case of absence.  EPA/JOSE JACOME
epa11879827 Supporters participate in a campaign closing event for the president and candidate for the presidency of Ecuador, Daniel Noboa, in Quito, Ecuador, 06 February 2025. Noboa closed his electoral campaign without delegating the post to his vice-president Veronica Abad, with whom he is at odds, despite the recent ruling of the Constitutional Court that indicated that she should be the one to replace the head of state in case of absence.  EPA/JOSE JACOME

Si è chiusa la campagna elettorale in Ecuador, dove domenica 9 febbraio si terranno le elezioni generali – per eleggere cioè sia il nuovo presidente della Repubblica che il nuovo Parlamento. Nelle immagini vediamo gli ultimi comizi dei due favoriti, il 37enne presidente uscente Daniel Noboa e l’avvocatessa 47enne Luisa González, appoggiata dall’ex capo di Stato Rafael Correa. Entrambi hanno scelto Guayaquil, la città più popolosa del paese sudamericano, per chiudere le loro campagne elettorali.

Noboa è un esponente del partito Azione democratica nazionale (Adn), mentre González appartiene al movimento Rivoluzione cittadina. Sono 14 milioni gli ecuadoregni chiamati alle urne in un voto obbligatorio, che si preannuncia come un testa a testa per quanto Noboa sia in lievissimo vantaggio nei sondaggi. Pressoché a zero, invece, gli altri 14 candidati.

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