
Australia, operatori sanitari contro l'”hate speech”

Anche all'altro capo del mondo, a Sydney, l'"hate speech" - il "discorso d'odio" - è un problema nella società in generale e nello specifico nella sanità

epa11892000 Nurses and medical professionals gather during a nurses and midwives rally against hate speech, in Sydney, Australia, 13 February 2025. Two NSW public hospital nurses are under investigation over a video in which they allegedly make anti-Semitic comments and appear to boast they would kill Israeli patients.  EPA/DEAN LEWINS   AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT
epa11891913 Nurses and medical professionals gather during a nurses and midwives rally against hate speech, in Sydney, Australia, 13 February 2025. Two NSW public hospital nurses are under investigation over a video in which they allegedly make anti-Semitic comments and appear to boast they would kill Israeli patients.  EPA/DEAN LEWINS   AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT
epa11891992 Nurses and medical professionals gather during a nurses and midwives rally against hate speech, in Sydney, Australia, 13 February 2025. Two NSW public hospital nurses are under investigation over a video in which they allegedly make anti-Semitic comments and appear to boast they would kill Israeli patients.  EPA/DEAN LEWINS   AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT
epa11891995 Nurses and medical professionals gather during a nurses and midwives rally against hate speech, in Sydney, Australia, 13 February 2025. Two NSW public hospital nurses are under investigation over a video in which they allegedly make anti-Semitic comments and appear to boast they would kill Israeli patients.  EPA/DEAN LEWINS   AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT
epa11891996 Nurses and medical professionals gather during a nurses and midwives rally against hate speech, in Sydney, Australia, 13 February 2025. Two NSW public hospital nurses are under investigation over a video in which they allegedly make anti-Semitic comments and appear to boast they would kill Israeli patients.  EPA/DEAN LEWINS   AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT
epa11891991 Nurses and medical professionals gather during a nurses and midwives rally against hate speech, in Sydney, Australia, 13 February 2025. Two NSW public hospital nurses are under investigation over a video in which they allegedly make anti-Semitic comments and appear to boast they would kill Israeli patients.  EPA/DEAN LEWINS   AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT
epa11891998 Nurses and medical professionals gather during a nurses and midwives rally against hate speech, in Sydney, Australia, 13 February 2025. Two NSW public hospital nurses are under investigation over a video in which they allegedly make anti-Semitic comments and appear to boast they would kill Israeli patients.  EPA/DEAN LEWINS   AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT
epa11891990 Nurses and medical professionals gather during a nurses and midwives rally against hate speech, in Sydney, Australia, 13 February 2025. Two NSW public hospital nurses are under investigation over a video in which they allegedly make anti-Semitic comments and appear to boast they would kill Israeli patients.  EPA/DEAN LEWINS   AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT
epa11891997 Nurses and medical professionals gather during a nurses and midwives rally against hate speech, in Sydney, Australia, 13 February 2025. Two NSW public hospital nurses are under investigation over a video in which they allegedly make anti-Semitic comments and appear to boast they would kill Israeli patients.  EPA/DEAN LEWINS   AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT
epa11892001 Nurses and medical professionals gather during a nurses and midwives rally against hate speech, in Sydney, Australia, 13 February 2025. Two NSW public hospital nurses are under investigation over a video in which they allegedly make anti-Semitic comments and appear to boast they would kill Israeli patients.  EPA/DEAN LEWINS   AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT
epa11891994 Nurses and medical professionals gather during a nurses and midwives rally against hate speech, in Sydney, Australia, 13 February 2025. Two NSW public hospital nurses are under investigation over a video in which they allegedly make anti-Semitic comments and appear to boast they would kill Israeli patients.  EPA/DEAN LEWINS   AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT
epa11892003 Nurses and medical professionals gather during a nurses and midwives rally against hate speech, in Sydney, Australia, 13 February 2025. Two NSW public hospital nurses are under investigation over a video in which they allegedly make anti-Semitic comments and appear to boast they would kill Israeli patients.  EPA/DEAN LEWINS   AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT
epa11891999 Nurses and medical professionals gather during a nurses and midwives rally against hate speech, in Sydney, Australia, 13 February 2025. Two NSW public hospital nurses are under investigation over a video in which they allegedly make anti-Semitic comments and appear to boast they would kill Israeli patients.  EPA/DEAN LEWINS   AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT
epa11892014 O’bray Smith, President of the NSW midwives and Nurses Association, addresses Nurses and medical professionals during a nurses and midwives rally against hate speech, in Sydney, Australia, 13 February 2025. Two NSW public hospital nurses are under investigation over a video in which they allegedly make anti-Semitic comments and appear to boast they would kill Israeli patients.  EPA/DEAN LEWINS   AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT
epa11892016 O’bray Smith, President of the NSW midwives and Nurses Association, addresses Nurses and medical professionals during a nurses and midwives rally against hate speech, in Sydney, Australia, 13 February 2025. Two NSW public hospital nurses are under investigation over a video in which they allegedly make anti-Semitic comments and appear to boast they would kill Israeli patients.  EPA/DEAN LEWINS   AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT
epaselect epa11891999 Nurses and medical professionals gather during a nurses and midwives rally against hate speech, in Sydney, Australia, 13 February 2025. Two NSW public hospital nurses are under investigation over a video in which they allegedly make anti-Semitic comments and appear to boast they would kill Israeli patients.  EPA/DEAN LEWINS   AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT
epa11891915 Nurses and medical professionals gather during a nurses and midwives rally against hate speech, in Sydney, Australia, 13 February 2025. Two NSW public hospital nurses are under investigation over a video in which they allegedly make anti-Semitic comments and appear to boast they would kill Israeli patients.  EPA/DEAN LEWINS   AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT
epa11891912 Nurses and medical professionals gather during a nurses and midwives rally against hate speech, in Sydney, Australia, 13 February 2025. Two NSW public hospital nurses are under investigation over a video in which they allegedly make anti-Semitic comments and appear to boast they would kill Israeli patients.  EPA/DEAN LEWINS   AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT
epa11891914 Nurses and medical professionals gather during a nurses and midwives rally against hate speech, in Sydney, Australia, 13 February 2025. Two NSW public hospital nurses are under investigation over a video in which they allegedly make anti-Semitic comments and appear to boast they would kill Israeli patients.  EPA/DEAN LEWINS   AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND OUT

In Italia ultimamente di parla spesso degli episodi di violenza, sia fisica che verbale, contro i sanitari; ma anche dall’altra parte del mondo, in Australia, il problema è sentito. Infermieri, infermiere e altri operatori sanitari sono così scesi in piazza a Sydney per manifestare contro la violenza verbale negli ospedali; e la cosa interessante è che non se ne sono “tirati fuori”, nel senso che l’occasione per manifestare è stata l’inchiesta aperta contro due infermiere accusate di aver fatto commenti antisemiti contro alcuni pazienti. Il discorso d’odio, quindi, come fenomeno da combattere non solo quando arriva dai pazienti contro i sanitari, ma anche quando i sanitari stessi vi cadono, contribuendo a mantenere alta l’attenzione su un fenomeno che i social hanno contribuito ad accentuare.

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