
Tregua a Gaza, si manifesta anche a Seoul

Nella capitale sudcoreana si scende in piazza per chiedere l'effettiva ratifica da parte del governo israeliano dell'accordo con Hamas. Che, a quanto annunciato da Netanyahu, arriverà oggi 17 gennaio

epa11829740 Members of Action4Palestine Korea hold up placards calling for the liberation of Palestinians during a rally outside the Israeli embassy in Seoul, South Korea, 17 January 2025. Protesters gathered to demand that Israel approve a Gaza ceasefire and hostage deal after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delayed a cabinet vote on the agreement on 16 January.  EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN
epa11829741 A member of Action4Palestine Korea hold up a placard calling for the liberation of Palestinians during a rally outside the Israeli embassy in Seoul, South Korea, 17 January 2025. Protesters gathered to demand that Israel approve a Gaza ceasefire and hostage deal after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delayed a cabinet vote on the agreement on 16 January.  EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN
epa11829737 Members of Action4Palestine Korea hold up placards calling for the liberation of Palestinians during a rally outside the Israeli embassy in Seoul, South Korea, 17 January 2025. Protesters gathered to demand that Israel approve a Gaza ceasefire and hostage deal after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delayed a cabinet vote on the agreement on 16 January.  EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN
epa11829742 Members of Action4Palestine Korea hold up placards calling for the liberation of Palestinians during a rally outside the Israeli embassy in Seoul, South Korea, 17 January 2025. Protesters gathered to demand that Israel approve a Gaza ceasefire and hostage deal after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delayed a cabinet vote on the agreement on 16 January.  EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN
epa11829739 A member of Action4Palestine Korea hold up a placard calling for the liberation of Palestinians during a rally outside the Israeli embassy in Seoul, South Korea, 17 January 2025. Protesters gathered to demand that Israel approve a Gaza ceasefire and hostage deal after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delayed a cabinet vote on the agreement on 16 January.  EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN
epa11829743 A member of Action4Palestine Korea hold up a Palestinian flag and placard calling for the liberation of Palestinians during a rally outside the Israeli embassy in Seoul, South Korea, 17 January 2025. Protesters gathered to demand that Israel approve a Gaza ceasefire and hostage deal after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delayed a cabinet vote on the agreement on 16 January.  EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN
epa11829738 Members of Action4Palestine Korea hold up a Palestinian flag during a rally outside the Israeli embassy in Seoul, South Korea, 17 January 2025. Protesters gathered to demand that Israel approve a Gaza ceasefire and hostage deal after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delayed a cabinet vote on the agreement on 16 January.  EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN
epaselect epa11829743 A member of Action4Palestine Korea hold up a Palestinian flag and placard calling for the liberation of Palestinians during a rally outside the Israeli embassy in Seoul, South Korea, 17 January 2025. Protesters gathered to demand that Israel approve a Gaza ceasefire and hostage deal after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delayed a cabinet vote on the agreement on 16 January.  EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN

I membri dell’associazione Action4Palestine hanno promosso nella capitale sudcoreala Seoul una manifestazione per chieder che l’accordo per il cessate il fuoco a Gaza, già firmato dalle parti aq Doha, venisse effettivamente ratificato dal governo israeliano, dopo che il premier Netanyahu aveva posticipato la data della riunione di gabinetto a questo scopo. Poche ore più tardi è in ogni caso arrivato l’annuncio che l’incontro è previsto per oggi, venerdì 17 gennaio: si attendono dunque ulteriori sviluppi della vicenda.

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