
Gli incendi incombono sulla Giornata della foresta amazzonica

Il 5 settembre si è celebrato l'anniversario dell'istituzione della provincia di Amazonas. Ma le fiamme divorano la foresta

epa11588563 A drone photograph shows a fire that took over a green area in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, 05 September 2024. Amazonas, the largest state in Brazil, is suffering from an environmental crisis after experiencing the worst drought in its history and record fires in 2023. This year everything indicates that the figures could be exceeded and even sooner than expected.  EPA/RAPHAEL ALVES
epa11588564 A drone photograph shows a fire that took over a green area in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, 05 September 2024. Amazonas, the largest state in Brazil, is suffering from an environmental crisis after experiencing the worst drought in its history and record fires in 2023. This year everything indicates that the figures could be exceeded and even sooner than expected.  EPA/RAPHAEL ALVES
epa11588565 Firemen try to put down a fire in a green area in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, 05 September 2024. Amazonas, the largest state in Brazil, is suffering from an environmental crisis after experiencing the worst drought in its history and record fires in 2023. This year everything indicates that the figures could be exceeded and even sooner than expected.  EPA/RAPHAEL ALVES
epa11588567 Firemen try to put down a fire in a green area in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, 05 September 2024. Amazonas, the largest state in Brazil, is suffering from an environmental crisis after experiencing the worst drought in its history and record fires in 2023. This year everything indicates that the figures could be exceeded and even sooner than expected.  EPA/RAPHAEL ALVES
epa11588566 A fireman trys to put down a fire in a green area in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, 05 September 2024. Amazonas, the largest state in Brazil, is suffering from an environmental crisis after experiencing the worst drought in its history and record fires in 2023. This year everything indicates that the figures could be exceeded and even sooner than expected.  EPA/RAPHAEL ALVES
epa11588568 A fireman trys to put down a fire in a green area in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, 05 September 2024. Amazonas, the largest state in Brazil, is suffering from an environmental crisis after experiencing the worst drought in its history and record fires in 2023. This year everything indicates that the figures could be exceeded and even sooner than expected.  EPA/RAPHAEL ALVES
epaselect epa11588563 A drone photograph shows a fire that took over a green area in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, 05 September 2024. Amazonas, the largest state in Brazil, is suffering from an environmental crisis after experiencing the worst drought in its history and record fires in 2023. This year everything indicates that the figures could be exceeded and even sooner than expected.  EPA/RAPHAEL ALVES
epaselect epa11588564 A drone photograph shows a fire that took over a green area in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, 05 September 2024. Amazonas, the largest state in Brazil, is suffering from an environmental crisis after experiencing the worst drought in its history and record fires in 2023. This year everything indicates that the figures could be exceeded and even sooner than expected.  EPA/RAPHAEL ALVES

Doveva essere una giornata in cui celebrare la bellezza e l’importanza della foresta amazzonica: ma il 5 settembre, giorno in cui in Brasile si ricorda l’istituzione della provincia di Amazonas nel 1850 e per questo scelto come Giornata della foresta amazzonica, è stato funestato dall’emergenza incendi.

Proprio in questo giorno si è infatti toccato un nuovo apice nel lavoro dei vigili del fuoco, impegnati a controllare le fiamme dovute ad una crisi ambientale che dura ormai da anni, e che ora si inserisce nella peggior siccità mai registrata. Sinora l’anno record per gli incendi era stato il 2023, ma a quasi quattro mesi dalla fine dell’anno la superficie di foresta andata in fumo è già pericolosamente vicina a quella dello scorso anno: tutto fa pensare, dunque, che il 2024 deterrà il nuovo triste primato.

Una Giornata della foresta amazzonica, dunque, che ne ha tragicamente ricordato la fragilità.

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