
Una giornata per pulire le coste

Si celebra il 20 settembre la Giornata internazionale per la pulizia delle coste

epa11615047 Environmental advocate volunteers collect trash on the eve of International Coastal Cleanup Day in Navotas city, Metro Manila, Philippines, 20 September 2024. International Coastal Cleanup Day is the world's largest volunteer effort for ocean's health that held annually on every third Saturday of September, with this year’s theme ‘Arctic Cities and Marine Litter’.  EPA/FRANCIS R. MALASIG
epa11615049 Environmental advocate volunteers collect trash on the eve of International Coastal Cleanup Day in Navotas city, Metro Manila, Philippines, 20 September 2024. International Coastal Cleanup Day is the world's largest volunteer effort for ocean's health that held annually on every third Saturday of September, with this year’s theme ‘Arctic Cities and Marine Litter’.  EPA/FRANCIS R. MALASIG
epa11615052 An environmental advocate volunteer collects trash on the eve of International Coastal Cleanup Day in Navotas city, Metro Manila, Philippines, 20 September 2024. International Coastal Cleanup Day is the world's largest volunteer effort for ocean's health that held annually on every third Saturday of September, with this year’s theme ‘Arctic Cities and Marine Litter’.  EPA/FRANCIS R. MALASIG
epa11615048 An environmental advocate volunteer collects trash on the eve of International Coastal Cleanup Day in Navotas city, Metro Manila, Philippines, 20 September 2024. International Coastal Cleanup Day is the world's largest volunteer effort for ocean's health that held annually on every third Saturday of September, with this year’s theme ‘Arctic Cities and Marine Litter’.  EPA/FRANCIS R. MALASIG
epa11615051 Environmental advocate volunteers collect trash on the eve of International Coastal Cleanup Day in Navotas city, Metro Manila, Philippines, 20 September 2024. International Coastal Cleanup Day is the world's largest volunteer effort for ocean's health that held annually on every third Saturday of September, with this year’s theme ‘Arctic Cities and Marine Litter’.  EPA/FRANCIS R. MALASIG
epa11615050 Environmental advocate volunteers collect trash on the eve of International Coastal Cleanup Day in Navotas city, Metro Manila, Philippines, 20 September 2024. International Coastal Cleanup Day is the world's largest volunteer effort for ocean's health that held annually on every third Saturday of September, with this year’s theme ‘Arctic Cities and Marine Litter’.  EPA/FRANCIS R. MALASIG

È l’evento che, a livello mondiale, raduna il maggior numero di volontari per raccogliere rifiuti dalle spiagge: parliamo della Giornata mondiale per la pulizia delle coste, che si celebra ogni anno il 20 settembre. Il tema di quest’anno è “Le città artiche e i rifiuti marini”, dato che lo scioglimento dei ghiacci apre scenari inediti anche su questo fronte. Queste immagini arrivato dalle Filippine, per la precisione da Navotas City, nell’area metropolitana della capitale Manila.

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