
Il Vaticano approva i pellegrinaggi a Medjugorje

Dopo 43 anni è arrivato il verdetto della Santa Sede sulle apparizioni della Madonna nella località bosniaca.

epa09300611 Pilgrims pray in front of the church in the village of Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 25 June 2021. Pilgrims gathered in Medjugorje to mark the 40th anniversary of the alleged appearance of the Virgin Mary to local shepherds in the hills surrounding the village. More than 30 million people are believed to have visited the world-famous village since the saint's first appearance. The Catholic Church has not yet recognized the miracle of Holy Mary's appearance to the Medjugorje shepherds on 24 June 1981.  EPA/FEHIM DEMIR
epa09300681 A priest shrives a faithfiul in the village of Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 25 June 2021. Pilgrims gathered in Medjugorje to mark the 40th anniversary of the alleged appearance of the Virgin Mary to local shepherds in the hills surrounding the village. More than 30 million people are believed to have visited the world-famous village since the saint's first appearance. The Catholic Church has not yet recognized the miracle of Holy Mary's appearance to the Medjugorje shepherds on 24 June 1981.  EPA/FEHIM DEMIR
epa10563406 A woman prays in front of a statue of Our Lady during Good Friday in the village of Medjugorje, southern Bosnia and Herzegovina, 07 April 2023. Thousands of pilgrims from all over the world gathered in Medjugorje where the Virgin Mary is believed to have appeared to local shepherd children on 24 June 1981 in the hills around the village. It is believed that more than 30 million people have visited the world-famous village since the first Virgin Mary appearance in Medjugorje, which the church has not yet recognized.    EPA/FEHIM DEMIR
epa10563445 Pilgrims climb Krizevac hilll during a Good Friday procession to the place of the  supernatural appearance by the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus, in the village of Medugorje, southern Bosnia and Herzegovina, 07 April 2023. Thousands of pilgrims from all over the world gathered in Medjugorje where the Virgin Mary is believed to have appeared to local shepherd children on 24 June 1981 in the hills around the village. It is believed that more than 30 million people have visited the world-famous village since the first Virgin Mary appearance in Medjugorje, which the church has not yet recognized.  EPA/FEHIM DEMIR
epa10710815 Pilgrims pray in front of the statue of Our Lady of Medjugorje, in the village of Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 25 June 2023. Pilgrims gathered in Medjugorje to mark the 42nd anniversary of the alleged appearance of the Virgin Mary to local shepherds in the hills surrounding the village on 24 June 1981. More than 30 million people are believed to have visited the world-famous village since the Virgin's first appearance, which the Catholic Church has not yet recognized.  EPA/FEHIM DEMIR

È stato annunciato oggi, giovedì 19 settembre, attraverso la nota “Regina della Pace”, diffusa dal Dicastero per la Dottrina della Fede. Il nulla osta emesso dal vescovo di Mostar-Duvno Petar Palić in accordo con la Santa Sede dà il via libera al culto e ai pellegrinaggi a Medjugorje, in Bosnia Erzegovina.

Il Vaticano, dopo un ampio lavoro di discernimento e alla luce delle numerose conversioni, riconosce che i fedeli «possono ricevere uno stimolo positivo per la loro vita cristiana attraverso questa proposta spirituale e autorizza il culto pubblico». Tuttavia, specifica che questo «non implica dichiarare come autentici i presunti eventi soprannaturali» o i messaggi, i quali «vanno letti nel loro insieme» e accolti «come testi edificanti che possono stimolare una bella esperienza spirituale».

Il cardinale Víctor Manuel Fernández, prefetto della Dottrina della Fede, ha sottolineato che «i pellegrinaggi non si fanno per incontrarsi con i presunti veggenti, ma per avere un incontro con Maria, Regina della Pace» e «per incontrare Cristo».

Il direttore editoriale di Vatican Media, Andrea Tornielli, ha condiviso interessanti numeri rilevati fino a giugno 2024 sin da dicembre 1986 relativi ai pellegrinaggi a Medjugorje: oltre un milione di pellegrini all’anno, 1.060.799 sacerdoti concelebranti.

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