
Il papa a Singapore

Si conclude oggi, 13 settembre, il viaggio apostolico del pontefice nell'Asia Pacifico

epa11601273 Pope Francis waves upon his arrival to an interreligious meeting with young people at the Catholic Junior College in Singapore, 13 September 2024. Pope Francis is visiting Singapore from 11 to 13 September, marking the final stop of his apostolic journey through the Asia-Pacific region, which also included Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and East Timor.  EPA/HOW HWEE YOUNG
epa11601277 Pope Francis (L) is greeted by a student  upon his arrival to an interreligious meeting with young people at the Catholic Junior College in Singapore, 13 September 2024. Pope Francis is visiting Singapore from 11 to 13 September, marking the final stop of his apostolic journey through the Asia-Pacific region, which also included Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and East Timor.  EPA/HOW HWEE YOUNG
epa11601276 Pope Francis arrives for an interreligious meeting with young people at the Catholic Junior College in Singapore, 13 September 2024. Pope Francis is visiting Singapore from 11 to 13 September, marking the final stop of his apostolic journey through the Asia-Pacific region, which also included Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and East Timor.  EPA/HOW HWEE YOUNG
epa11601280 Pope Francis (L) is greeted by a student  upon his arrival to an interreligious meeting with young people at the Catholic Junior College in Singapore, 13 September 2024. Pope Francis is visiting Singapore from 11 to 13 September, marking the final stop of his apostolic journey through the Asia-Pacific region, which also included Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and East Timor.  EPA/HOW HWEE YOUNG
epa11601275 Pope Francis waves upon his arrival to an interreligious meeting with young people at the Catholic Junior College in Singapore, 13 September 2024. Pope Francis is visiting Singapore from 11 to 13 September, marking the final stop of his apostolic journey through the Asia-Pacific region, which also included Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and East Timor.  EPA/HOW HWEE YOUNG
epa11601300 Students prepare for the arrival of Pope Francis (Not Pictured) to an interreligious meeting with young people at the Catholic Junior College in Singapore, 13 September 2024. Pope Francis is visiting Singapore from 11 to 13 September, marking the final stop of his apostolic journey through the Asia-Pacific region, which also included Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and East Timor.  EPA/HOW HWEE YOUNG
epa11601298 Students prepare for the arrival of Pope Francis (Not Pictured) to an interreligious meeting with young people at the Catholic Junior College in Singapore, 13 September 2024. Pope Francis is visiting Singapore from 11 to 13 September, marking the final stop of his apostolic journey through the Asia-Pacific region, which also included Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and East Timor.  EPA/HOW HWEE YOUNG
epa11601299 Performers prepare for the arrival of Pope Francis (Not Pictured) to an interreligious meeting with young people at the Catholic Junior College in Singapore, 13 September 2024. Pope Francis is visiting Singapore from 11 to 13 September, marking the final stop of his apostolic journey through the Asia-Pacific region, which also included Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and East Timor.  EPA/HOW HWEE YOUNG
epa11601297 Students prepare for the arrival of Pope Francis (Not Pictured) to an interreligious meeting with young people at the Catholic Junior College in Singapore, 13 September 2024. Pope Francis is visiting Singapore from 11 to 13 September, marking the final stop of his apostolic journey through the Asia-Pacific region, which also included Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and East Timor.  EPA/HOW HWEE YOUNG
epa11601320 Performers prepare for the arrival of Pope Francis (Not Pictured) for an interreligious meeting with young people at the Catholic Junior College in Singapore, 13 September 2024. Pope Francis is visiting Singapore from 11 to 13 September, marking the final stop of his apostolic journey through the Asia-Pacific region, which also included Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and East Timor.  EPA/HOW HWEE YOUNG
epa11601322 Students prepare for the arrival of Pope Francis (Not Pictured) for an interreligious meeting with young people at the Catholic Junior College in Singapore, 13 September 2024. Pope Francis is visiting Singapore from 11 to 13 September, marking the final stop of his apostolic journey through the Asia-Pacific region, which also included Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and East Timor.  EPA/HOW HWEE YOUNG
epa11601335 Pope Francis (C-L) greets the mascot of Singapore Catholic Junior College after attending an interreligious meeting with young people at the Catholic Junior College in Singapore, 13 September 2024. Pope Francis is visiting Singapore from 11 to 13 September, marking the final stop of his apostolic journey through the Asia-Pacific region, which also included Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and East Timor.  EPA/HOW HWEE YOUNG
epa11601340 Pope Francis greets an official after attending an interreligious meeting with young people at the Catholic Junior College in Singapore, 13 September 2024. Pope Francis is visiting Singapore from 11 to 13 September, marking the final stop of his apostolic journey through the Asia-Pacific region, which also included Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and East Timor.  EPA/HOW HWEE YOUNG

Ultima tappa per il viaggio del pontefice nella zona cosiddetta “Asia Pacifico”: dopo aver visitato Indonesia, Papua Nuova Guinea e Timor Est, papa Francesco si è fermato a Singapore dall’11 al 13 settembre. Qui alcune immagini della sua visita al Catholic Junior College, scuola cattolica di Singapore.

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