
La guerra non ferma la musica

Il Baalbeck International Festival ha spostato per il 2024 la sua sede a causa degli scontri tra Israele e Hezboll

epa11572514 Lebanese oud player Charbel Rouhana (3-R), Palestinian brothers Adnan Joubran (3-L), Wissam Joubran (4-L), and Samir Joubran (2-R), of 'Le Trio Joubran' perform during the Baalbeck International Festival, in Horsh Tabet area, Lebanon, 29 August 2024. The Baalbeck International Festival has been moved from Baalbeck at Bekaa Valley to Beirut due to changed cross-border strikes between Hezbollah and Israel.  EPA/WAEL HAMZEH
epa11572516 Lebanese oud player Charbel Rouhana performs during the Baalbeck International Festival, in Horsh Tabet area, Lebanon, 29 August 2024. The Baalbeck International Festival has been moved from Baalbeck at Bekaa Valley to Beirut due to changed cross-border strikes between Hezbollah and Israel.  EPA/WAEL HAMZEH
epa11572513 Palestinian brothers Adnan Joubran (L), Wissam Joubran (C), and Samir Joubran (R), of 'Le Trio Joubran' perform during the Baalbeck International Festival, in Horsh Tabet area, Lebanon, 29 August 2024. The Baalbeck International Festival has been moved from Baalbeck at Bekaa Valley to Beirut due to changed cross-border strikes between Hezbollah and Israel.  EPA/WAEL HAMZEH
epa11572512 Lebanese oud player Charbel Rouhana (2-R), Palestinian brothers Adnan Joubran (L), Wissam Joubran (2-L), and Samir Joubran (R), of 'Le Trio Joubran' perform during the Baalbeck International Festival, in Horsh Tabet area, Lebanon, 29 August 2024. The Baalbeck International Festival has been moved from Baalbeck at Bekaa Valley to Beirut due to changed cross-border strikes between Hezbollah and Israel.  EPA/WAEL HAMZEH
epa11572515 Lebanese oud player Charbel Rouhana performs during the Baalbeck International Festival, in Horsh Tabet area, Lebanon, 29 August 2024. The Baalbeck International Festival has been moved from Baalbeck at Bekaa Valley to Beirut due to changed cross-border strikes between Hezbollah and Israel.  EPA/WAEL HAMZEH
epa11572539 Lebanese oud player Charbel Rouhana (3-L) performs during the Baalbeck International Festival, in Horsh Tabet area, Lebanon, 29 August 2024. The Baalbeck International Festival has been moved from Baalbeck at Bekaa Valley to Beirut due to changed cross-border strikes between Hezbollah and Israel.  EPA/WAEL HAMZEH

La sua storia inizia in Libano nel 1956, quando l’allora presidente libanese Camille Chamoun diede il suo patrocinio all’avvio di un festival culturale che mettesse in luce i talenti artistici libanesi in diverse discipline – dalla musica, alla danza, al teatro – nella splendida cornice dei templi romani della valle della Bekaa, e più precisamente nella città di Baalbek; e negli anni il festival che ne prende il nome è diventato internazionale, affermandosi come il maggiore del Medioriente.

Quest’anno però il Baalbek International Festival ha dovuto fare i conti con la guerra in corso tra Israele e Hezbollah, che ha coinvolto il sud del Libano: gli spettacoli si sono così spostati nella capitale Beirut. Fortunatamente la guerra ha spostato, ma non fermato, la musica e l’arte.

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