Israele, continuano le manifestazioni contro Netanyahu

Dissenso aperto da parte della società israeliana contro il governo attuale che appare diviso su scelte importanti come la liberazione di Mohammad Abu-Salmiya, direttore dell'ospedale Shifa a Gaza

epa11445951 An Israeli protester holds up a banner depicting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (L) and his wife, Sara Netanyahu (R), during an anti-government demonstration calling for immediate elections, the resignation of Prime Minister Netanyahu's government and the release of the hostages, near the Kirya military headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel, 29 June 2024.  EPA/ATEF SAFADI
epa11445935 Israeli protesters hold up banners depicting Israeli hostages held by Hamas in Gaza during an anti-government demonstration calling for immediate elections, the resignation of Prime Minister Netanyahu's government and the release of the hostages, near the Kirya military headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel, 29 June 2024. According to the Israeli military, 116 Israelis, who were abducted and taken to the Gaza Strip during the 07 October 2023 attacks by Hamas, remain in captivity. Rallies in Israel have been critical of the government's handling of the crisis, demanding the immediate release of all hostages.  EPA/ATEF SAFADI
epa11445936 Israeli protesters hold up banners depicting Israeli hostages held by Hamas in Gaza during an anti-government demonstration calling for immediate elections, the resignation of Prime Minister Netanyahu's government and the release of the hostages, near the Kirya military headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel, 29 June 2024. According to the Israeli military, 116 Israelis, who were abducted and taken to the Gaza Strip during the 07 October 2023 attacks by Hamas, remain in captivity. Rallies in Israel have been critical of the government's handling of the crisis, demanding the immediate release of all hostages.  EPA/ATEF SAFADI
epa11445845 Israelis take part in an anti-government protest calling for immediate elections, the resignation of Prime Minister Netanyahu's government and the release of the hostages held in Gaza, near the Kirya military headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel, 29 June 2024.  EPA/ATEF SAFADI
epa11445819 A demonstrator lights flares as Israelis take part in an anti-government protest calling for immediate elections, the resignation of Prime Minister Netanyahu's government and the release of the hostages held in Gaza, near the Kirya military headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel, 29 June 2024.  EPA/ATEF SAFADI
epa11445818 Israelis take part in an anti-government protest calling for immediate elections, the resignation of Prime Minister Netanyahu's government and the release of the hostages held in Gaza, near the Kirya military headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel, 29 June 2024.  EPA/ATEF SAFADI
epa11445646 Israeli protesters hold up banners during an anti-government demonstration calling for immediate elections, the resignation of Prime Minister Netanyahu's government and the release of the hostages held in Gaza, near the Kirya military headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel, 29 June 2024.  EPA/ATEF SAFADI
epa11445641 Israeli protesters hold up banners during an anti-government demonstration calling for immediate elections, the resignation of Prime Minister Netanyahu's government and the release of the hostages held in Gaza, near the Kirya military headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel, 29 June 2024.  EPA/ATEF SAFADI
epa11445644 Israeli protesters hold up banners during an anti-government demonstration calling for immediate elections, the resignation of Prime Minister Netanyahu's government and the release of the hostages held in Gaza, near the Kirya military headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel, 29 June 2024.  EPA/ATEF SAFADI

Continuano in Israele le manifestazioni che chiedono elezioni immediate, le dimissioni del governo del primo ministro Netanyahu e il rilascio degli ostaggi tenuti a Gaza.

Nel frattempo l’agenzia Ansa riporta che «il premier israeliano Benyamin ha ordinato una indagine immediata sul rilascio – insieme ad altri detenuti palestinesi – da parte di Israele di Mohammad Abu-Salmiya, direttore dell’ospedale Shifa a Gaza, criticato sia dalla maggioranza sia dall’opposizione di governo. Lo Shin Bet – agenzia di intelligence per gli affari interni dello stato di Israele- ha detto di essere stato “forzato” nella sua decisione per “la mancanza di spazio” nelle carceri israeliane e per la scelta di chiudere gradualmente l’uso del centro di detenzione di Sde Teiman. Al tempo stesso ha ricordato di aver avvisato da molto tempo “in ogni consesso possibile sulla crisi carceraria e sulla necessità di aumentare il numero delle [celle] alla luce della necessità di arrestare i terroristi in Cisgiordania e nella Striscia di Gaza”.

“Sfortunatamente, queste richieste, inoltrate a tutte le parti interessate, primo fra tutti il ministro della Sicurezza nazionale, che ne è responsabile – ha spiegato lo Shin Bet riferendosi a Itamar Ben Gvir – sono rimaste inevase”».

Foto Ansa/Epa

Manifestanti vicino al quartier generale militare di Kirya a Tel Aviv, Israele, 29 giugno 2024.

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