
Bolivia, tentato golpe dei militari

Ore di tensione a La Paz, dove il comandate dell'esercito appena destituito ha cercato la prova di forza

epa11440390 Military form up in front of Bolivia's government headquarters in La Paz, Bolivia, 26 June 2024. Bolivia's President Luis Arce denounced the 'irregular mobilization' of some units of the Bolivian military, he wrote in a post on social media. The vice president of Bolivia David Choquehuanca announced a 'coup d'etat' is taking place against the Government of Luis Arce, after a tank forcibly entered the Executive headquarters in the city of La Paz.  EPA/Luis Gandarillas
epa11440826 Dismissed Navy Vice Admiral Juan Arnez Salvador is presented at the premises of the Special Force Against Crime after his arrest for being part of a military takeover against the government, in La Paz, Bolivia, 26 June 2024. A group of soldiers led by Bolivian Army general commander Juan Jose Zuniga entered Plaza Murillo on 26 June 2024 using a tank to knock down the door of the government headquarters. The soldiers withdrew after Bolivian President Luis Arce changed the heads of the entire military high command, describing the action as a coup attempt.  EPA/STR
epaselect epa11440390 Military form up in front of Bolivia's government headquarters in La Paz, Bolivia, 26 June 2024. Bolivia's President Luis Arce denounced the 'irregular mobilization' of some units of the Bolivian military, he wrote in a post on social media. The vice president of Bolivia David Choquehuanca announced a 'coup d'etat' is taking place against the Government of Luis Arce, after a tank forcibly entered the Executive headquarters in the city of La Paz.  EPA/Luis Gandarillas
epa11440387 Military form up in front of Bolivia's government headquarters in La Paz, Bolivia, 26 June 2024. Bolivia's President Luis Arce denounced the 'irregular mobilization' of some units of the Bolivian military, he wrote in a post on social media. The vice president of Bolivia David Choquehuanca announced a 'coup d'etat' is taking place against the Government of Luis Arce, after a tank forcibly entered the Executive headquarters in the city of La Paz.  EPA/Luis Gandarillas
epa11440388 Military form up in front of Bolivia's government headquarters in La Paz, Bolivia, 26 June 2024. Bolivia's President Luis Arce denounced the 'irregular mobilization' of some units of the Bolivian military, he wrote in a post on social media. The vice president of Bolivia David Choquehuanca announced a 'coup d'etat' is taking place against the Government of Luis Arce, after a tank forcibly entered the Executive headquarters in the city of La Paz.  EPA/Luis Gandarillas
epa11440389 Two military armored vehicles in front of the headquarters of the Government in La Paz, Bolivia, 26 June 2024. Bolivia's President Luis Arce denounced the 'irregular mobilization' of some units of the Bolivian military, he wrote in a post on social media. The vice president of Bolivia David Choquehuanca announced a 'coup d'etat' is taking place against the Government of Luis Arce, after a tank forcibly entered the Executive headquarters in the city of La Paz.  EPA/Luis Gandarillas
Il presidente Luis Arce, al centro, dopo il fallito tentativo di colpo si Stato. Foto via Ansa EPA/Luis Gandarillas
epa11440747 Bolivian President Luis Arce (L) and Vice President David Choquehuanca greet followers gathered at Plaza Murillo in La Paz, Bolivia, 26 June 2024.  A group of soldiers led by Bolivian Army general commander Juan Jose Zuniga entered Plaza Murillo on 26 June 2024 using a tank to knock down the door of the government headquarters. The soldiers withdrew after Bolivian President Luis Arce changed the heads of the entire military high command, describing the action as a coup attempt.  EPA/Luis Gandarillas
epa11440825 Dismissed Bolivian Army general commander Juan Jose Zuniga is presented at the premises of the Special Force Against Crime after his arrest for being part of a military takeover against the government, in La Paz, Bolivia, 26 June 2024. A group of soldiers led by Bolivian Army general commander Juan Jose Zuniga entered Plaza Murillo on 26 June 2024 using a tank to knock down the door of the government headquarters. The soldiers withdrew after Bolivian President Luis Arce changed the heads of the entire military high command, describing the action as a coup attempt.  EPA/STR
epa11440824 Dismissed Bolivian Army general commander Juan Jose Zuniga is presented at the premises of the Special Force Against Crime after his arrest for being part of a military takeover against the government, in La Paz, Bolivia, 26 June 2024. A group of soldiers led by Bolivian Army general commander Juan Jose Zuniga entered Plaza Murillo on 26 June 2024 using a tank to knock down the door of the government headquarters. The soldiers withdrew after Bolivian President Luis Arce changed the heads of the entire military high command, describing the action as a coup attempt.  EPA/STR

Il generale Juan José Zuñiga, comandante dell’esercito destituito il giorno prima, ha cercato il 26 giugno di prendere il potere in Bolivia. Nel pomeriggio alcuni militari ai suoi ordini hanno preso il controllo di piazza Murillo, cuore politico di La Paz, mentre un tank sfondava il portone di Palacio Quemado, sede del governo. Il presidente in carica, Luis Arce, ha immediatamente denunciato «movimenti irregolari» di truppe invitando la popolazione a «organizzarsi» in difesa della democrazia. Il tentato golpe è durato poche ore, al termine delle quali Zuñiga è stato arrestato.

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