
Giornata internazionale dello yoga

Si celebra ogni anno il 21 giugno. Qui le immagini di Calcutta

epa11427215 Yoga enthusiasts attend a themed exercise entitled 'focusing on enhancing the physical and mental well-being of women' on the 10th International Day of Yoga, in Bangalore, India, 21 June 2024. International Yoga Day is celebrated annually on 21 June and has been recognized worldwide since 2015. The United Nations declared yoga a practice of physical, mental, and spiritual exercise originating in ancient India.  EPA/JAGADEESH NV
epa11427209 Yoga enthusiasts attend a themed exercise entitled 'focusing on enhancing the physical and mental well-being of women' on the 10th International Day of Yoga, in Bangalore, India, 21 June 2024. International Yoga Day is celebrated annually on 21 June and has been recognized worldwide since 2015. The United Nations declared yoga a practice of physical, mental, and spiritual exercise originating in ancient India.  EPA/JAGADEESH NV
epaselect epa11427211 Yoga enthusiasts attend a themed exercise entitled 'focusing on enhancing the physical and mental well-being of women' on the 10th International Day of Yoga, in Bangalore, India, 21 June 2024. International Yoga Day is celebrated annually on 21 June and has been recognized worldwide since 2015. The United Nations declared yoga a practice of physical, mental, and spiritual exercise originating in ancient India.  EPA/JAGADEESH NV
epa11427212 Yoga enthusiasts attend a themed exercise entitled 'focusing on enhancing the physical and mental well-being of women' on the 10th International Day of Yoga, in Bangalore, India, 21 June 2024. International Yoga Day is celebrated annually on 21 June and has been recognized worldwide since 2015. The United Nations declared yoga a practice of physical, mental, and spiritual exercise originating in ancient India.  EPA/JAGADEESH NV
epa11427202 A person performs yoga exercises during International Day of Yoga in Kolkata, India 21 June 2024. International Yoga Day is celebrated annually on 21 June and has been recognized worldwide since 2015. The United Nations declared yoga a practice of physical, mental, and spiritual exercise originating in ancient India.  EPA/PIYAL ADHIKARY
epa11427194 People perform yoga exercises during International Day of Yoga in Kolkata, India 21 June 2024. International Yoga Day is celebrated annually on 21 June and has been recognized worldwide since 2015. The United Nations declared yoga a practice of physical, mental, and spiritual exercise originating in ancient India.  EPA/PIYAL ADHIKARY 55717
epa11427193 People perform yoga exercises during International Day of Yoga in Kolkata, India 21 June 2024. International Yoga Day is celebrated annually on 21 June and has been recognized worldwide since 2015. The United Nations declared yoga a practice of physical, mental, and spiritual exercise originating in ancient India.  EPA/PIYAL ADHIKARY 55717

Probabilmente la prima cosa che ci viene in mente pensando al 21 giugno è il solstizio d’estate, ma è anche la Giornata internazionale dello yoga: una disciplina riconosciuta dalle Nazioni Unite come “una pratica di esercizio fisico, mentale e spirituale” che ha avuto origine in India, e a cui dal 2015 è dedicata questa giornata. Queste immagini si riferiscono appunto alle manifestazioni per festeggiarla a Calcutta.

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