
Violenze conto i manifestanti pro Palestina negli atenei Usa

Almeno 300 persone sono state arrestate. La polizia è intervenuta con proiettili di gomma e ha sgomberato gli accampamenti

epa11314338 Police officers confront demonstrators gathered at the ongoing encampment of pro-Palestinian protesters on the campus of University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) in Los Angeles, California, USA, 02 May 2024. Nationwide protests have sprung up across the country on school campuses, many calling for institutions to divest investments in Israel and in support of a ceasefire in the Gaza conflict.  EPA/ALLISON DINNER
epa11314342 Police officers confront demonstrators gathered at the ongoing encampment of pro-Palestinian protesters on the campus of University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) in Los Angeles, California, USA, 02 May 2024. Nationwide protests have sprung up across the country on school campuses, many calling for institutions to divest investments in Israel and in support of a ceasefire in the Gaza conflict.  EPA/ALLISON DINNER
epa11314221 Demonstrators face off with police officers at the ongoing encampment of pro-Palestinian protesters on the campus of University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) in Los Angeles, California, USA, 02 May 2024. Nationwide protests have sprung up across the country on school campuses, many calling for institutions to divest investments in Israel and in support of a ceasefire in the Gaza conflict.  EPA/ALLISON DINNER
epa11313670 People link arms while gathered inside the ongoing encampment of pro-Palestinian protestors on the campus of University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) in Los Angeles, California, USA, 01 May 2024. Nationwide protests have sprung up across the country on school campuses, many calling for institutions to divest investments in Israel and in support of a ceasefire in the Gaza conflict.  EPA/ALLISON DINNER
epa11313504 People gather in support of the  encampment of pro-Palestinian protesters on the campus of University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) in Los Angeles, California, USA, 01 May 2024. Nationwide protests have sprung up across the country on school campuses, many calling for institutions to divest investments in Israel and in support of a ceasefire in the Gaza conflict.  EPA/CAROLINE BREHMAN
epa11313580 A person stands among the tents set up in an encampment of pro-Palestinian protesters on the campus of University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) in Los Angeles, California, USA, 01 May 2024. Nationwide protests have sprung up across the country on school campuses, many calling for institutions to divest investments in Israel and in support of a ceasefire in the Gaza conflict.  EPA/CAROLINE BREHMAN

Un’ondata di proteste si diffonde dal 18 aprile tra gli atenei statunitensi, dove migliaia di persone si manifestano contro la decisione del Governo Usa di sostenere Israele nella guerra a Gaza. Gli studenti esigono le università di dissociarsi dalle aziende e dagli individui che traggono profitto dal conflitto armato.

Nella notte tra mercoledì 1 e giovedì 2 maggio, le forze dell’ordine sono intervenute nel campus dell’Università della California di Los Angeles (Ucla), sfondando le barricate dei manifestanti filopalestinesi dopo aver definito l’insediamento come “raduno illegale”.

Giornalisti della Cnn denunciano l’utilizzo di proiettili di gomma da parte della polizia durante l’azione dissuasiva, che si è chiusa con almeno 19 arrestati. Durante la notte precedente, le forze dell’ordine erano intervenute per separare gli scontri violenti tra manifestanti filoisraeliani e filopalestinesi.

Inoltre, negli ultimi giorni sono stati smantellati altri accampamenti in diversi campus Usa, come l’Università del Texas a Dallas, la Columbia University di New York, l’Università dell’Arizona a Tucson e l’Università del Wisconsin-Madison. Secondo la polizia di New York, il primo maggio erano già 300 le persone arrestate.

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