
La Colombia commemora l’anniversario di Bojayá

Musica e canti hanno ricordato le oltre cento vittime di questo tragico episodio della guerra civile

epa11315504 Cantadoras de Pogue participate during the commemoration of the 22nd anniversary of the Bojaya massacre, in Bojaya, Colombia, 02 May 2024. The Afro-descendant and indigenous communities of Bojaya, a municipality in the Colombian department of Choco, held a commemoration ceremony for the relatives and friends who died in the massacre that in which more than a hundred people were killed, 22 years ago.  EPA/Luis Eduardo Noriega A.
epa11315508 Cantadoras de Pogue participate during the commemoration of the 22nd anniversary of the Bojayá massacre, in Bojaya, Colombia, 02 May 2024. The Afro-descendant and indigenous communities of Bojaya, a municipality in the Colombian department of Choco, held a commemoration ceremony for the relatives and friends who died in the massacre that in which more than a hundred people were killed, 22 years ago.  EPA/Luis Eduardo Noriega A.
epa11315510 A woman walks to the commemoration of the 22nd anniversary of the Bojaya massacre, in Bojaya, Colombia, 02 May 2024. The Afro-descendant and indigenous communities of Bojaya, a municipality in the Colombian department of Choco, held a commemoration ceremony for the relatives and friends who died in the massacre that in which more than a hundred people were killed, 22 years ago.  EPA/Luis Eduardo Noriega A.
epa11315506 A cantadora de Pogue holds a sign that reads 'Peace' during the commemoration of the 22nd anniversary of the Bojayá massacre, in Bojaya, Colombia, 02 May 2024. The Afro-descendant and indigenous communities of Bojaya, a municipality in the Colombian department of Choco, held a commemoration ceremony for the relatives and friends who died in the massacre that in which more than a hundred people were killed, 22 years ago.  EPA/Luis Eduardo Noriega A.
epa11315512 Attendees gather at the commemoration of the 22nd anniversary of the Bojaya massacre, in Bojaya, Colombia, 02 May 2024. The Afro-descendant and indigenous communities of Bojaya, a municipality in the Colombian department of Choco, held a commemoration ceremony for the relatives and friends who died in the massacre that in which more than a hundred people were killed, 22 years ago.  EPA/Luis Eduardo Noriega A.
epa11315505 The National Symphony Orchestra of Colombia participates in the commemoration of the 22nd anniversary of the Bojaya massacre, in Bojaya, Colombia, 02 May 2024. The Afro-descendant and indigenous communities of Bojaya, a municipality in the Colombian department of Choco, held a commemoration ceremony for the relatives and friends who died in the massacre that in which more than a hundred people were killed, 22 years ago.  EPA/Luis Eduardo Noriega A.
epa11315507 A man shows an image of the mutilated Christ of Bojayá during the commemoration of the 22nd anniversary of the Bojaya massacre, in Bojaya, Colombia, 02 May 2024. The Afro-descendant and indigenous communities of Bojaya, a municipality in the Colombian department of Choco, held a commemoration ceremony for the relatives and friends who died in the massacre that in which more than a hundred people were killed, 22 years ago.  EPA/Luis Eduardo Noriega A.
epa11315509 The free symphony orchestra of Quibdo participates in the commemoration of the 22nd anniversary of the Bojaya massacre, in Bojaya, Colombia, 02 May 2024. The Afro-descendant and indigenous communities of Bojaya, a municipality in the Colombian department of Choco, held a commemoration ceremony for the relatives and friends who died in the massacre that in which more than a hundred people were killed, 22 years ago.  EPA/Luis Eduardo Noriega A.

La Colombia ha commemorato il 22mo anniversario del massacro di Bojayá, nel dipartimento nordoccidentale di Chocó, dove il 2 maggio 2002 un ordigno lanciato dalla guerriglia contro la chiesa di Bellavista causò la morte di 119 persone, in gran parte bambini, che si erano rifugiati nel luogo di culto per sfuggire ai combattimenti.

La popolazione locale, in gran parte di discendenza afroamericana e indigena, ha ricordato in particolare con la musica le persone uccise. A partecipare è stata anche l’orchestra sinfonica nazionale.

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