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Gaza, non esiste un piano di protezione dei civili secondo Blinken

Forte allarme di Oxfam e Sanitari per Gaza. Rischio epidemie e migliaia di vittime civili. Manca un piano credibile di protezione della popolazione civile secondo il Segretario di Stato Usa Blinken

Studenti per la palestina libera occupano con le tende l'università a Palazzo Nuovo, Torino, 13 Maggio 2024 ANSA/ALESSANDRO DI MARCO
epa11337005 Sri Lankan pro-Palestinian civil rights activists hold placards and shout slogans during a solidarity protest to support the Palestinian people 'Free Gaza Free Palestine' in Colombo, Sri Lanka, 13 May 2023. Sri Lankan pro-Palestinian civil rights activists staged a solidarity protest in Colombo to support the Palestinian people and protest against the Israeli-Hamas conflict, demanding its immediate end and the affirmation of the right to life of the Palestinian people.  EPA/CHAMILA KARUNARATHNE 52283
epa11337009 Sri Lankan pro-Palestinian civil rights activists hold placards and shout slogans during a solidarity protest to support the Palestinian people 'Free Gaza Free Palestine' in Colombo, Sri Lanka, 13 May 2023. Sri Lankan pro-Palestinian civil rights activists staged a solidarity protest in Colombo to support the Palestinian people and protest against the Israeli-Hamas conflict, demanding its immediate end and the affirmation of the right to life of the Palestinian people.  EPA/CHAMILA KARUNARATHNE 52283
epa11336745 Demonstrators, including Palestinians living in Lebanon, stand in front of the Red Cross headquarters during a protest ahead of Nakba Day in solidarity with Gaza, organized by Lebanon's Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, in Beirut, Lebanon, 13 May 2024. Palestinians observe Nakba Day (The Catastrophe) on 15 May to commemorate the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Arabs at the time of the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. More than 34,900 Palestinians and over 1,455 Israelis have been killed, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), since Hamas militants launched an attack against Israel from the Gaza Strip on 07 October 2023, and the Israeli operations in Gaza and the West Bank which followed it.  EPA/WAEL HAMZEH
Studenti per la palestina libera occupano con le tende l'università a Palazzo Nuovo, Torino, 13 Maggio 2024 ANSA/ALESSANDRO DI MARCO
epa11337108 Smoke rises as a result of an Israeli air strike in Jabalia, Gaza Strip, as seen from the Israeli side of the border, southern Israel, 13 May 2024. More than 34,900 Palestinians and over 1,455 Israelis have been killed, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), since Hamas militants launched an attack against Israel from the Gaza Strip on 07 October 2023, and the Israeli operations in Gaza and the West Bank which followed it  EPA/ATEF SAFADI
epa11337107 Israeli tanks maneuver along the border with the Gaza Strip, near the Palestinian city of Jabalia (background), as seen from the Israeli side of the border, southern Israel, 13 May 2024. More than 34,900 Palestinians and over 1,455 Israelis have been killed, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), since Hamas militants launched an attack against Israel from the Gaza Strip on 07 October 2023, and the Israeli operations in Gaza and the West Bank which followed it  EPA/ATEF SAFADI
epa11337112 An Israeli tank maneuvers along the border with the Gaza Strip, near the Palestinian city of Jabalia, as seen from the Israeli side of the border, southern Israel, 13 May 2024. More than 34,900 Palestinians and over 1,455 Israelis have been killed, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), since Hamas militants launched an attack against Israel from the Gaza Strip on 07 October 2023, and the Israeli operations in Gaza and the West Bank which followed it.  EPA/ATEF SAFADI
epa11337108 Smoke rises as a result of an Israeli air strike in Jabalia, Gaza Strip, as seen from the Israeli side of the border, southern Israel, 13 May 2024. More than 34,900 Palestinians and over 1,455 Israelis have been killed, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), since Hamas militants launched an attack against Israel from the Gaza Strip on 07 October 2023, and the Israeli operations in Gaza and the West Bank which followed it  EPA/ATEF SAFADI
epa11336563 People, among them Israeli soldiers, visit the memorial site for the victims of the Nova music festival killed in the 07 October Hamas attacks, on the occasion of Israel's Memorial Day, in Re'im, near the border with the Gaza Strip, southern Israel, 13 May 2024. More than 350 people were killed and several others taken hostage when militants from the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas attacked the music festival on 07 October 2023, according to the Israel Defence Forces (IDF). Israel marks Memorial Day (Yom HaZikaron) in remembrance of its fallen soldiers and victims of terrorism. According to the Israeli Ministry of Defense, 1,533 people, 711 security personnel and 822 civilians, have been killed since the 07 October Hamas attacks.  EPA/ATEF SAFADI
epa11336596 A member of the Magen David Adom emergency service stands in front of a portrait of a victim, at the memorial site for the victims of the Nova music festival killed in the 07 October Hamas attacks, on the occasion of Israel's Memorial Day, in Re'im, near the border with the Gaza Strip, southern Israel, 13 May 2024. More than 350 people were killed and several others taken hostage when militants from the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas attacked the music festival on 07 October 2023, according to the Israel Defence Forces (IDF). Israel marks Memorial Day (Yom HaZikaron) in remembrance of its fallen soldiers and victims of terrorism. According to the Israeli Ministry of Defense, 1,533 people, 711 security personnel and 822 civilians, have been killed since the 07 October Hamas attacks.  EPA/ATEF SAFADI
epa11336567 Two persons hug each other as they visit the memorial site for the victims of the Nova music festival killed in the 07 October Hamas attacks, on the occasion of Israel's Memorial Day, in Re'im, near the border with the Gaza Strip, southern Israel, 13 May 2024. More than 350 people were killed and several others taken hostage when militants from the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas attacked the music festival on 07 October 2023, according to the Israel Defence Forces (IDF). Israel marks Memorial Day (Yom HaZikaron) in remembrance of its fallen soldiers and victims of terrorism. According to the Israeli Ministry of Defense, 1,533 people, 711 security personnel and 822 civilians, have been killed since the 07 October Hamas attacks.  EPA/ATEF SAFADI

L’invasione di Rafah, a Gaza, appare sempre più imminente da parte dell’esercito israeliano.

L’ong Oxfam avverte che è stata interrotta l’erogazione d’acqua potabile con il rischio di nuove gravi epidemie nelle prossime settimane: «Sono oltre 350 mila le persone in fuga verso rifugi e campi profughi già sovraffollati e al collasso nelle altre zone della Striscia, mentre la popolazione è senza cibo e carburante a causa della chiusura dei valichi alla frontiera e le strade sono invase di rifiuti e fiumi di liquami, che traboccano dalle fognature».

La “rete nazionale italiana dei sanitari per Gaza” fa sapere che «ancora non è arrivato il gasolio nei pochi Ospedali residui della striscia di Gaza, ancora parzialmente funzionanti. Questo significa che fra poche ore i macchinari per i quali è necessario il gasolio per assicurarne il funzionamento negli ospedali, saranno fermi e tutti i pazienti che dipendono da essi moriranno nel giro di ore o giorni: si calcola che moriranno quasi un migliaio di dializzati, centinaia di persone in terapia intensiva di ogni età, neonati inclusi, e tutti coloro che urgono chirurgie salvavita».

La mancanza di acqua, denunciano i sanitari, renderà impossibile preparare «latte per i bambini, così come non sarà possibile avere acqua pulita per la sterilizzazione di tutti i materiali elettromedicali e sale operatorie e persino per il lavaggio degli stessi chirurghi che si accingono ad operare».

Una nota dell’agenzia Aska news riporta le dichiarazioni del segretario di Stato Antony Blinken secondo il quale «Gli Stati Uniti non hanno ancora visto né “un piano chiaro e credibile per proteggere i civili” nel corso dell’operazione israeliana a Rafah, nel Sud della Striscia di Gaza, né “un piano su quello che accadrà una volta che sarà finito il conflitto a Gaza”». Lo ha detto il segretario di Stato Usa, Antony Blinken, nell’intervista a “Face The Nation” sulla Cbs, aggiungendo: “E cosa stiamo vedendo in questo momento? Stiamo vedendo zone di Gaza che Israele aveva ripulito da Hamas, dove Hamas sta tornando, anche nel Nord, compresa Khan Younis”».

Nelle foto Ansa alcune immagini dei bombardamenti su Gaza, le proteste in tutto il mondo contro la carneficina in corso nella Striscia di Gaza e il memoriale delle giovani vittime israeliane dell’eccidio di  Hamas mentre partecipavano ad un concerto nelle vicinanze della Striscia il 7 ottobre 2023

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