
Due secoli di National Gallery

La maggior collezione di dipinti britannica festeggia il 10 maggio 2024 i 200 anni. Le iniziative per questo speciale compleanno dureranno ben 12 mesi

epa11328620 Lighting is adjusted in the National Gallery in London, Britain, 08 May 2024 (issued 09 May 2024). On 10 May 2024 the National Gallery celebrates its Bicentenary. The National Gallery was established in 1824 with the first 38 paintings donated by banker John Julius Angerstein. The collection was initially displayed in a townhouse at 100 Pall Mall. After this became too small,  a new building was completed on Trafalgar Square in 1838 designed by the architect William Wilkins. The art collection currently comprises 2,300 works, spanning the major traditions of Western European painting with works by Van Gogh, Caravaggio, Turner, Constable, Michelangelo, Velazquez and Rembrandt. The National Gallery building welcomed over three million visitors in 2023,  which is open 361 days a year, free of charge. The National Gallery will mark the bicentenary year with 12 months of events celebrating art and creativity across the UK.  EPA/NEIL HALL  ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET
epa11328627 The ornate ceiling of the National Gallery in London, Britain, 09 May 2024. On 10 May 2024 the National Gallery celebrates its Bicentenary. The National Gallery was established in 1824 with the first 38 paintings donated by banker John Julius Angerstein. The collection was initially displayed in a townhouse at 100 Pall Mall. After this became too small,  a new building was completed on Trafalgar Square in 1838 designed by the architect William Wilkins. The art collection currently comprises 2,300 works, spanning the major traditions of Western European painting with works by Van Gogh, Caravaggio, Turner, Constable, Michelangelo, Velazquez and Rembrandt. The National Gallery building welcomed over three million visitors in 2023,  which is open 361 days a year, free of charge. The National Gallery will mark the bicentenary year with 12 months of events celebrating art and creativity across the UK.  EPA/NEIL HALL  ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET
epa11328621 A cleaner sweeps under the painting 'An Allegory with Venus and Cupid' by Bronzino in the National Gallery in London, Britain, 08 May 2024 (issued 09 May 2024). On 10 May 2024 the National Gallery celebrates its Bicentenary. The National Gallery was established in 1824 with the first 38 paintings donated by banker John Julius Angerstein. The collection was initially displayed in a townhouse at 100 Pall Mall. After this became too small,  a new building was completed on Trafalgar Square in 1838 designed by the architect William Wilkins. The art collection currently comprises 2,300 works, spanning the major traditions of Western European painting with works by Van Gogh, Caravaggio, Turner, Constable, Michelangelo, Velazquez and Rembrandt. The National Gallery building welcomed over three million visitors in 2023,  which is open 361 days a year, free of charge. The National Gallery will mark the bicentenary year with 12 months of events celebrating art and creativity across the UK.  EPA/NEIL HALL  ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET
epa11328626 Birthday banners are hung on the National Gallery in London, Britain, 08 May 2024 (issued 09 May 2024). On 10 May 2024 the National Gallery celebrates its Bicentenary. The National Gallery was established in 1824 with the first 38 paintings donated by banker John Julius Angerstein. The collection was initially displayed in a townhouse at 100 Pall Mall. After this became too small,  a new building was completed on Trafalgar Square in 1838 designed by the architect William Wilkins. The art collection currently comprises 2,300 works, spanning the major traditions of Western European painting with works by Van Gogh, Caravaggio, Turner, Constable, Michelangelo, Velazquez and Rembrandt. The National Gallery building welcomed over three million visitors in 2023,  which is open 361 days a year, free of charge. The National Gallery will mark the bicentenary year with 12 months of events celebrating art and creativity across the UK.  EPA/NEIL HALL  ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET
epa11328636 A cyclist passes the National Gallery in London, Britain, 08 May 2024 (issued 09 May 2024). On 10 May 2024 the National Gallery celebrates its Bicentenary. The National Gallery was established in 1824 with the first 38 paintings donated by banker John Julius Angerstein. The collection was initially displayed in a townhouse at 100 Pall Mall. After this became too small,  a new building was completed on Trafalgar Square in 1838 designed by the architect William Wilkins. The art collection currently comprises 2,300 works, spanning the major traditions of Western European painting with works by Van Gogh, Caravaggio, Turner, Constable, Michelangelo, Velazquez and Rembrandt. The National Gallery building welcomed over three million visitors in 2023,  which is open 361 days a year, free of charge. The National Gallery will mark the bicentenary year with 12 months of events celebrating art and creativity across the UK.  EPA/NEIL HALL  ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET
epa11328632 The building of the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square in London, Britain, 08 May 2024 (issued 09 May 2024). On 10 May 2024 the National Gallery celebrates its Bicentenary. The National Gallery was established in 1824 with the first 38 paintings donated by banker John Julius Angerstein. The collection was initially displayed in a townhouse at 100 Pall Mall. After this became too small,  a new building was completed on Trafalgar Square in 1838 designed by the architect William Wilkins. The art collection currently comprises 2,300 works, spanning the major traditions of Western European painting with works by Van Gogh, Caravaggio, Turner, Constable, Michelangelo, Velazquez and Rembrandt. The National Gallery building welcomed over three million visitors in 2023,  which is open 361 days a year, free of charge. The National Gallery will mark the bicentenary year with 12 months of events celebrating art and creativity across the UK.  EPA/NEIL HALL  ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET
epa11328623 Art handers hang the work 'An Elderly Couple' by Dutch artist Jan Gossaert in the National Gallery in London, Britain, 09 May 2024. On 10 May 2024 the National Gallery celebrates its Bicentenary. The National Gallery was established in 1824 with the first 38 paintings donated by banker John Julius Angerstein. The collection was initially displayed in a townhouse at 100 Pall Mall. After this became too small,  a new building was completed on Trafalgar Square in 1838 designed by the architect William Wilkins. The art collection currently comprises 2,300 works, spanning the major traditions of Western European painting with works by Van Gogh, Caravaggio, Turner, Constable, Michelangelo, Velazquez and Rembrandt. The National Gallery building welcomed over three million visitors in 2023,  which is open 361 days a year, free of charge. The National Gallery will mark the bicentenary year with 12 months of events celebrating art and creativity across the UK.  EPA/NEIL HALL  ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET
epa11328634 The ornate building of the National Gallery in London, Britain, 09 May 2024. On 10 May 2024 the National Gallery celebrates its Bicentenary. The National Gallery was established in 1824 with the first 38 paintings donated by banker John Julius Angerstein. The collection was initially displayed in a townhouse at 100 Pall Mall. After this became too small,  a new building was completed on Trafalgar Square in 1838 designed by the architect William Wilkins. The art collection currently comprises 2,300 works, spanning the major traditions of Western European painting with works by Van Gogh, Caravaggio, Turner, Constable, Michelangelo, Velazquez and Rembrandt. The National Gallery building welcomed over three million visitors in 2023,  which is open 361 days a year, free of charge. The National Gallery will mark the bicentenary year with 12 months of events celebrating art and creativity across the UK.  EPA/NEIL HALL  ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET
epa11328629 Art handers wheel the work 'An Elderly Couple' by Dutch artist Jan Gossaert ahead of hanging in the National Gallery in London, Britain, 09 May 2024.  The work had been recently reframed. On 10 May 2024 the National Gallery celebrates its Bicentenary. The National Gallery was established in 1824 with the first 38 paintings donated by banker John Julius Angerstein. The collection was initially displayed in a townhouse at 100 Pall Mall. After this became too small,  a new building was completed on Trafalgar Square in 1838 designed by the architect William Wilkins. The art collection currently comprises 2,300 works, spanning the major traditions of Western European painting with works by Van Gogh, Caravaggio, Turner, Constable, Michelangelo, Velazquez and Rembrandt. The National Gallery building welcomed over three million visitors in 2023,  which is open 361 days a year, free of charge. The National Gallery will mark the bicentenary year with 12 months of events celebrating art and creativity across the UK.  EPA/NEIL HALL  ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET

È tappa obbligata per ogni turista che passi da Londra: la National Gallery, che nella suggestiva cornice di Trafalgar Square ospita oltre 2300 dipinti dei più grandi nomi della storia dell’arte – Van Gogh, Caravaggio, Turner, Constable, Michelangelo, Velazquez e Rembrandt, per citarne solo alcuni.

Oggi, 10 maggio 2024, la Gallerie festeggia i duecento anni: fu infatti fondata nel 1824 con i primi 38 dipinti, donati dal banchiere John Julius Angerstein. All’epoca aveva sede a Pall Mall, in un edificio che divenne presto insufficiente ad ospitare la mole di opere che si andavano accumulando: nel 1838 venne così ultimata l’attuale sede di Trafalgar Square, su progetto dell’architetto William Wilkins.

La National Gallery è gratuita, aperta 361 giorni l’anno, e nel 2023 ha accolto oltre tre milioni di visitatori. Le iniziative per festeggiare il bicentenario si dipaneranno nel’arco di ben 12 mesi.

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