
Elezioni in Portogallo. Vince il Centrodestra

Il leader del Centrodestra assicura che non governeranno con l'appoggio degli estremisti di Chega

epa11210787 The secretary-general of the Socialist Party (PS), Pedro Nuno Santos, accompanied by his son, casts his ballot in a polling station for the general elections at a school, in Lisbon, Portugal, 10 March 2024. More than 10.8 million Portuguese are expected to vote to elect 230 deputies to the Portuguese Parliament. Eighteen political forces (15 parties and three coalitions) are running in these elections.  EPA/JOSE SENA GOULAO
epa11213121 The leader of the Democratic Alliance (AD) coalition and President of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Luis Montenegro holds the victory speech during the election night of the legislative elections 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal, 11 March 2024. More than 10.8 million Portuguese are expected to vote to elect 230 deputies to the Portuguese Parliament. Eighteen political forces (15 parties and three coalitions) are running in these elections.  EPA/TIAGO PETINGA
epa11213116 The secretary-general of the Socialist Party (PS) Pedro Nuno Santos (C) and the Party President Carlos Cesar (R), during a press conference during the election night of the legislative elections 2024 at Party headquarters, in Lisbon, Portugal, 10 March 2024. More than 10.8 million Portuguese are expected to vote to elect 230 deputies to the Portuguese Parliament. Eighteen political forces (15 parties and three coalitions) are running in these elections.  EPA/ANTONIO PEDRO SANTOS
epa11210865 Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa casts his ballot for the general election at a polling station in Lisbon, Portugal, 10 March 2024. More than 10.8 million Portuguese are expected to vote to elect 230 deputies to the Portuguese Parliament. Eighteen political forces (15 parties and three coalitions) are running in these elections.  EPA/CARLOS M. ALMEIDA
epa11213132 The President of the Liberal Initiative (IL) Rui Rocha holds a press conference during the election night of the legislative elections 2024 at Party headquarters in Lisbon, Portugal, 11 March 2024. More than 10.8 million Portuguese are expected to vote to elect 230 deputies to the Portuguese Parliament. Eighteen political forces (15 parties and three coalitions) are running in these elections.  EPA/JOSE SENA GOULAO
epa11213213 The leader of the Democratic Alliance (AD) coalition and President of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Luis Montenegro during the victory speech during the election night of the legislative elections 2024 at Party headquarters in Lisbon, Portugal, 11 March 2024. More than 10.8 million Portuguese are expected to vote to elect 230 deputies to the Portuguese Parliament. Eighteen political forces (15 parties and three coalitions) are running in these elections.  EPA/TIAGO PETINGA

Le elezioni in Portogallo sono state vinte da Alleanza democratica (Ad) dopo un prolungato testa a testa con le forze del Partito socialista complicato spoglio elettorale che si è protratto oltre la mezzanotte. Entrambe le forze si attestano sul 28%, ma la coalizione formata dal Partito socialdemocratico, dai popolari del Cds-Pp e dai monarchici guidata da Luis Montenegro ha superato il Partito socialista di Pedro Nuno Santos per soli 50 mila voti circa, hanno fatto la differenza i voti delle donne e degli indecisi. Il terzo partito è quello dell’estrema destra di Chega. Nel suo discorso di ringraziamento Luís Montenegro ha chiesto dialogo e responsabilità in Parlamento, è conscio infatti della difficoltà nel raggiungere la maggioranza assoluta dei 116 seggi avendone solo 79.

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