Proteste in vista delle elezioni in Indonesia

Il più popoloso Paese musulmano del mondo si avvia alle consultazioni elettorali il prossimo 14 febbraio. La comunità accademica è però scesa in piazza

epa11138698 Members of the Syiah Kuala University academic community take part in a protest rally against the election process, which they consider unfair, in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 09 February 2024. Professors, lecturers and members of the academic community in Aceh demand fair elections and criticize the president Joko Widodo over what they described as 'his implicit support’ for frontrunner Prabowo Subianto in Indonesia's presidential race. Indonesia is scheduled to hold presidential and general elections on 14 February 2024.  EPA/HOTLI SIMANJUNTAK
epa11138690 Members of the Syiah Kuala University academic community take part in a protest rally against the election process, which they consider unfair, in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 09 February 2024. Professors, lecturers and members of the academic community in Aceh demand fair elections and criticize the president Joko Widodo over what they described as 'his implicit support’ for frontrunner Prabowo Subianto in Indonesia's presidential race. Indonesia is scheduled to hold presidential and general elections on 14 February 2024.  EPA/HOTLI SIMANJUNTAK
epa11138689 Members of the Syiah Kuala University academic community take part in a protest rally against the election process, which they consider unfair, in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 09 February 2024. Professors, lecturers and members of the academic community in Aceh demand fair elections and criticize the president Joko Widodo over what they described as 'his implicit support’ for frontrunner Prabowo Subianto in Indonesia's presidential race. Indonesia is scheduled to hold presidential and general elections on 14 February 2024.  EPA/HOTLI SIMANJUNTAK
epa11138691 Members of the Syiah Kuala University academic community hold a protest rally against the election process, which they consider unfair, in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 09 February 2024. Professors, lecturers and members of the academic community in Aceh demand fair elections and criticize the president Joko Widodo over what they described as 'his implicit support’ for frontrunner Prabowo Subianto in Indonesia's presidential race. Indonesia is scheduled to hold presidential and general elections on 14 February 2024.  EPA/HOTLI SIMANJUNTAK
epa11138688 Members of the Syiah Kuala University academic community take part in a protest rally against the election process, which they consider unfair, in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 09 February 2024. Professors, lecturers and members of the academic community in Aceh demand fair elections and criticize the president Joko Widodo over what they described as 'his implicit support’ for frontrunner Prabowo Subianto in Indonesia's presidential race. Indonesia is scheduled to hold presidential and general elections on 14 February 2024.  EPA/HOTLI SIMANJUNTAK
epa11138692 Members of the Syiah Kuala University academic community take part in a protest rally against the election process, which they consider unfair, in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 09 February 2024. Professors, lecturers and members of the academic community in Aceh demand fair elections and criticize the president Joko Widodo over what they described as 'his implicit support’ for frontrunner Prabowo Subianto in Indonesia's presidential race. Indonesia is scheduled to hold presidential and general elections on 14 February 2024.  EPA/HOTLI SIMANJUNTAK
epa11138699 Members of the Syiah Kuala University academic community take part in a protest rally against the election process, which they consider unfair, in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 09 February 2024. Professors, lecturers and members of the academic community in Aceh demand fair elections and criticize the president Joko Widodo over what they described as 'his implicit support’ for frontrunner Prabowo Subianto in Indonesia's presidential race. Indonesia is scheduled to hold presidential and general elections on 14 February 2024.  EPA/HOTLI SIMANJUNTAK

Si terranno il prossimo 14 febbraio le elezioni sia presidenziali che parlamentari in Indonesia. Ma la comunità accademica – qui quella dell’università Syiah Kuala a Banda Aceh – denuncia pesanti influenze nella campagna elettorale da parte del presidente in carica, Joko Widodo, in favore del candidato Prabowo Subianto.


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