
La Romania verso il ballottaggio

Domenica 8 dicembre si terrà il secondo turno delle presidenziali in Romania. In testa è il candidato ultranazionalista Calin Georgescu

epa11759495 People shout slogans an wave Romanian and EU flags during a pro-Europe rally ahead of the runoff elections at the University Plaza in downtown Bucharest, Romania, 05 December 2024. Thousands of people and civil rights activists gathered to support the European Union's core values during a rally called 'Romania Hopes! Every vote counts!', organized by Geeks for Romania NGO and endorsed by the Save Romania Union Party (USR). Romania is set for the second round of the presidential election after its top court certified a shock first-round result, confirming the lead of independent ultra-nationalist candidate Calin Georgescu, who will face USR liberal leader Elena Lasconi in the second round on 08 December.  EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT
epaselect epa11759167 People shout slogans and wave Romanian and EU flags during a Pro-Europe rally ahead of the presidential runoff at the University Plaza in downtown Bucharest, Romania, 05 December 2024. Thousands of people and civil rights activists gathered to support European Union core values during a rally ‘Romania Hopes! Every vote counts!', organized by Geeks for Romania NGO and endorsed by the Save Romania Union Party (USR). Romania is set for the second round of presidential election after its top court certified shock first-round result, confirming the lead of independent ultra-nationalist candidate Calin Georgescu, who will face USR liberal leader Elena Lasconi in the second round on 08 December.  EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT
epa11759493 People sing a rock song while waving Romanian and European Union flags during a pro-Europe rally ahead of the runoff elections at the University Plaza in downtown Bucharest, Romania, 05 December 2024. Thousands of people and civil rights activists gathered to support the European Union's core values during a rally called 'Romania Hopes! Every vote counts!', organized by Geeks for Romania NGO and endorsed by the Save Romania Union Party (USR). Romania is set for the second round of the presidential election after its top court certified a shock first-round result, confirming the lead of independent ultra-nationalist candidate Calin Georgescu, who will face USR liberal leader Elena Lasconi in the second round on 08 December.  EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT
epa11759492 People sing a rock song while waving Romanian and European Union flags during a pro-Europe rally ahead of the runoff elections at the University Plaza in downtown Bucharest, Romania, 05 December 2024. Thousands of people and civil rights activists gathered to support the European Union's core values during a rally called 'Romania Hopes! Every vote counts!', organized by Geeks for Romania NGO and endorsed by the Save Romania Union Party (USR). Romania is set for the second round of the presidential election after its top court certified a shock first-round result, confirming the lead of independent ultra-nationalist candidate Calin Georgescu, who will face USR liberal leader Elena Lasconi in the second round on 08 December.  EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT
epaselect epa11759492 People sing a rock song while waving Romanian and European Union flags during a pro-Europe rally ahead of the runoff elections at the University Plaza in downtown Bucharest, Romania, 05 December 2024. Thousands of people and civil rights activists gathered to support the European Union's core values during a rally called 'Romania Hopes! Every vote counts!', organized by Geeks for Romania NGO and endorsed by the Save Romania Union Party (USR). Romania is set for the second round of the presidential election after its top court certified a shock first-round result, confirming the lead of independent ultra-nationalist candidate Calin Georgescu, who will face USR liberal leader Elena Lasconi in the second round on 08 December.  EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT
epa11759494 People wave their mobile phones while shouting slogans during a pro-Europe rally ahead of the runoff elections at the University Plaza in downtown Bucharest, Romania, 05 December 2024. Thousands of people and civil rights activists gathered to support the European Union's core values during a rally called 'Romania Hopes! Every vote counts!', organized by Geeks for Romania NGO and endorsed by the Save Romania Union Party (USR). Romania is set for the second round of the presidential election after its top court certified a shock first-round result, confirming the lead of independent ultra-nationalist candidate Calin Georgescu, who will face USR liberal leader Elena Lasconi in the second round on 08 December.  EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT
epaselect epa11759496 A guitar player, backed by the European Union flag, warms-up before to sing a rock song during a pro-Europe rally ahead of the runoff elections at the University Plaza in downtown Bucharest, Romania, 05 December 2024. Thousands of people and civil rights activists gathered to support the European Union's core values during a rally called 'Romania Hopes! Every vote counts!', organized by Geeks for Romania NGO and endorsed by the Save Romania Union Party (USR). Romania is set for the second round of the presidential election after its top court certified a shock first-round result, confirming the lead of independent ultra-nationalist candidate Calin Georgescu, who will face USR liberal leader Elena Lasconi in the second round on 08 December.  EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT
epa11759497 Romanian actor and musician Tudor Chirila holds the book 'Secondhand Time: The Last of the Soviets by Belarusian writer Svetlana Alexievich, Nobel Prize winner for literature in 2015, before reading a passage to the gathered people during a pro-Europe rally ahead of the runoff elections at the University Plaza in downtown Bucharest, Romania, 05 December 2024. Thousands of people and civil rights activists gathered to support the European Union's core values during a rally called 'Romania Hopes! Every vote counts!', organized by Geeks for Romania NGO and endorsed by the Save Romania Union Party (USR). Romania is set for the second round of the presidential election after its top court certified a shock first-round result, confirming the lead of independent ultra-nationalist candidate Calin Georgescu, who will face USR liberal leader Elena Lasconi in the second round on 08 December.  EPA/ROBERT GHEMENT

Situazione tesa in Romania alla vigilia del turno di ballottaggio delle presidenziali, previsto per domenica 8 dicembre: si confronteranno infatti il candidato indipendente di estrema destra, l’ultranazionalista Calin Georgescu, e l’europeista Elena Lasconi. I sostenitori di quest’ultima sono scesi in piazza nella capitale Bucarest la sera del 5 dicembre, al grido di “Libertà” e “Europa” e sventolando le bandiere rumena ed europea.

Georgescu ha ottenuto a sorpresa il 23% dei voti al primo turno, nonostante le sue dichiarazioni anti-Ue, anti-Nato e filorusse avessero suscitato vive proteste nel Paese (tanto che i sondaggi lo davano al 10%); mentre Lasconi, la seconda candidata più votata, si è fermata poco sopra il 19%.

La situazione è ulteriormente complicata dal fatto che le elezioni parlamentari tenutesi in concomitanza con il primo turno hanno visto un incremento dei partiti di estrema destra, il cui maggior partito è risultato il secondo più votato con il 18,3%, ma il più voltato è comunque stato il partito socialdemocratico attualmente al governo, con il 22,3%: una situazione quindi alquanto incerta e frammentata, che profila un testa a testa al ballottaggio presidenziale.

Una sfida anche per tutta l’Europa.

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