
Tensione e spettacolo nei cieli di Taiwan

Le esercitazioni dei paracadutisti nei cieli di Taiwan mettono in evidenza da un lato la spettacolarità delle loro manovre, ma dall'altro la tensione sempre alta con la Cina

epa11786581 A Taiwanese paratrooper jumps from a C-130 plane during a live training session in Pingtung city, Taiwan, 20 December 2024. According to a 18 December report published by the United States Department of Defense (DoD), China continued to increase diplomatic, political, and military pressure against Taiwan in 2023.  EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO
epa11786583 A C-130 of the Taiwan Air Force plane flies during a live training session in Pingtung city, Taiwan, 20 December 2024. According to a 18 December report published by the United States Department of Defense (DoD), China continued to increase diplomatic, political, and military pressure against Taiwan in 2023.  EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO
epa11786577 A Taiwanese paratrooper jumps from a C-130 plane during a live training session in Pingtung city, Taiwan, 20 December 2024. According to a 18 December report published by the United States Department of Defense (DoD), in 2023, China continued to increase diplomatic, political, and military pressure against Taiwan.  EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO
epa11786575 Taiwanese paratroopers perform a formation after jumping from a C-130 plane during a live training session in Pingtung city, Taiwan, 20 December 2024. According to a 18 December report published by the United States Department of Defense (DoD), in 2023, China continued to increase diplomatic, political, and military pressure against Taiwan.  EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO
epa11786576 Taiwanese paratroopers perform a formation after jumping from a C-130 plane during a live training session in Pingtung city, Taiwan, 20 December 2024. According to a 18 December report published by the United States Department of Defense (DoD), in 2023, China continued to increase diplomatic, political, and military pressure against Taiwan.  EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO
epa11786578 Taiwanese paratroopers perform a formation during a live training session in Pingtung city, Taiwan, 20 December 2024. According to a 18 December report published by the United States Department of Defense (DoD), in 2023, China continued to increase diplomatic, political, and military pressure against Taiwan.  EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO
epa11786579 Taiwanese paratroopers perform a formation during a live training session in Pingtung city, Taiwan, 20 December 2024. According to a 18 December report published by the United States Department of Defense (DoD), in 2023, China continued to increase diplomatic, political, and military pressure against Taiwan.  EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO
epa11786580 A Taiwanese paratrooper hoists the national flag during a live training session in Pingtung city, Taiwan, 20 December 2024. According to an 18 December report published by the United States Department of Defense (DoD), China continued to increase diplomatic, political, and military pressure against Taiwan in 2023.  EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO
epa11786582 Taiwanese paratroopers perform formations during a live training session in Pingtung city, Taiwan, 20 December 2024. According to a 18 December report published by the United States Department of Defense (DoD), China continued to increase diplomatic, political, and military pressure against Taiwan in 2023.  EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO
epa11786587 Taiwanese paratroopers carry their parachutes after jumping from a C-130 plane during a live training session in Pingtung city, Taiwan, 20 December 2024. According to a 18 December report published by the United States Department of Defense (DoD), China continued to increase diplomatic, political, and military pressure against Taiwan in 2023.  EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO
epa11786585 Taiwanese paratroopers carry their parachutes after jumping from a C-130 plane during a live training session in Pingtung city, Taiwan, 20 December 2024. According to a 18 December report published by the United States Department of Defense (DoD), China continued to increase diplomatic, political, and military pressure against Taiwan in 2023.  EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO
epa11786586 Taiwanese paratroopers line up during a live training session in Pingtung city, Taiwan, 20 December 2024. According to a 18 December report published by the United States Department of Defense (DoD), China continued to increase diplomatic, political, and military pressure against Taiwan in 2023.  EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO
epa11786588 A Taiwanese paratrooper hoists the national flag during a live training session in Pingtung city, Taiwan, 20 December 2024. According to an 18 December report published by the United States Department of Defense (DoD), China continued to increase diplomatic, political, and military pressure against Taiwan in 2023.  EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO
epa11786584 A Taiwanese paratrooper prepares for landing during a live training session in Pingtung city, Taiwan, 20 December 2024. According to a 18 December report published by the United States Department of Defense (DoD), China continued to increase diplomatic, political, and military pressure against Taiwan in 2023.  EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO
epaselect epa11786587 Taiwanese paratroopers carry their parachutes after jumping from a C-130 plane during a live training session in Pingtung city, Taiwan, 20 December 2024. According to a 18 December report published by the United States Department of Defense (DoD), China continued to increase diplomatic, political, and military pressure against Taiwan in 2023.  EPA/RITCHIE B. TONGO

Queste immagini potrebbero strappare addirittura qualche espressione di meraviglia: le evoluzioni dei paracadutisti, infatti, sono sempre molto pittoresche a vedersi. Sarebbe bello poter dire che questo è solo uno spettacolo: ma non si può non porre l’attenzione sul fatto che sono state scattate a Taiwan, e più precisamente nella città di Pingtung, durante un’esercitazione delle truppe dell’isola. La tensione con la Cina si mantiene infatti, secondo un rapporto del ministero della Difesa statunitense pubblicato il 18 dicembre, a livelli molto elevati: un altro focolaio di pericoloso conflitto nel mondo, per quanto al momento ancora “freddo”, ma sempre pronto ad esplodere.

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