America Latina

Chi era padre Marcelo, assassinato nel Chiapas

Il sacerdote indigeno Marcelo Perez «ha lottato per i valori della verità e della vita», ha detto il card. Arizmendi

epa11673989 Hundreds of people participate in a mass for the murdered priest Marcelo Perez, in San Andres Larrainzar, Chiapas state, Mexico, 21 October 2024. Civil organizations, indigenous catechists and priests participated in the funeral mass for Father Marcelo Perez, who was shot by a gunman after leaving a church service. According to a statement by the Jesuits, Father Perez was a vocal opponent of organized criminal groups and supporter of indigeonous and worker's rights.  EPA/Carlos López
epaselect epa11673987 Hundreds of people participate in a mass for the murdered priest Marcelo Perez, in San Andres Larrainzar, Chiapas state, Mexico, 21 October 2024. Civil organizations, indigenous catechists and priests participated in the funeral mass for Father Marcelo Perez, who was shot by a gunman after leaving a church service. According to a statement by the Jesuits, Father Perez was a vocal opponent of organized criminal groups and supporter of indigeonous and worker's rights.  EPA/Carlos López
epa11673988 Hundreds of people participate in a mass for the murdered priest Marcelo Perez, in San Andres Larrainzar, Chiapas state, Mexico, 21 October 2024. Civil organizations, indigenous catechists and priests participated in the funeral mass for Father Marcelo Perez, who was shot by a gunman after leaving a church service. According to a statement by the Jesuits, Father Perez was a vocal opponent of organized criminal groups and supporter of indigeonous and worker's rights.  EPA/Carlos López

Il 20 ottobre il sacerdote gesuita Marcelo Pérez Pérez è stato messo a tacere colpito da almeno otto colpi di pistola nella sua auto dopo aver celebrato messa a San Cristóbal de las Casas, nello Stato messicano del Chiapas. Aveva ricevuto minacce dal crimine organizzato a causa del suo impegno coraggioso e senza tregua a favore della pace e dei popoli indigeni. Per un suo profilo più approfondito leggi qui (foto Ansa e Celam)

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