Paesi e natura

La stagione delle migrazioni in India

Spettacolari immagini offerte dagli uccelli migratori sul fiume Yamuna a Nuova Delhi

epa11058146 Indian people on boats feed the migratory birds on a foggy, cold winter morning on the banks of the Yamuna river in New Delhi, India, 05 January 2024. Winter takes a heavy toll each year around northern India, as poverty forces many homeless people to live outdoors. Temperatures in the northern Indian regions continue to decrease. Migratory birds, including seagulls, arrive at Delhi’s Yamuna bank during the onset of winter season as they migrate through Delhi making a temporary home in Yamuna river and sometime fed by devotees who arrive to bathe in the river in the morning time.  EPA/RAJAT GUPTA
epa11058149 An Indian tries to warm himself near a fire as migratory birds are seen behind him on a foggy, cold winter morning on the banks of the Yamuna river in New Delhi, India, 05 January 2024. Winter takes a heavy toll each year around northern India, as poverty forces many homeless people to live outdoors. Temperatures in the northern Indian regions continue to decrease. Migratory birds, including seagulls, arrive at Delhi’s Yamuna bank during the onset of winter season as they migrate through Delhi making a temporary home in Yamuna river and sometime fed by devotees who arrive to bathe in the river in the morning time.  EPA/RAJAT GUPTA
epa11058145 A Indian man rows a boat on a foggy, cold winter morning on the banks of the Yamuna river in New Delhi, India, 05 January 2024. Winter takes a heavy toll each year around northern India, as poverty forces many homeless people to live outdoors. Temperatures in the northern Indian regions continue to decrease. Migratory birds, including seagulls, arrive at Delhi’s Yamuna bank during the onset of winter season as they migrate through Delhi making a temporary home in Yamuna river and sometime fed by devotees who arrive to bathe in the river in the morning time.  EPA/RAJAT GUPTA
epa11058138 An Indian man feeds the migratory birds on a foggy, cold winter morning on the banks of the Yamuna river in New Delhi, India, 05 January 2024. Winter takes a heavy toll each year around northern India, as poverty forces many homeless people to live outdoors. Temperatures in the northern Indian regions continue to decrease. Migratory birds, including seagulls, arrive at Delhi’s Yamuna bank during the onset of winter season as they migrate through Delhi making a temporary home in Yamuna river and sometime fed by devotees who arrive to bathe in the river in the morning time.  EPA/RAJAT GUPTA
epa11058144 Indian people on a boat feed migratory birds on a foggy, cold winter morning on the banks of the Yamuna river in New Delhi, India, 05 January 2024. Winter takes a heavy toll each year around northern India, as poverty forces many homeless people to live outdoors. Temperatures in the northern Indian regions continue to decrease. Migratory birds, including seagulls, arrive at Delhi’s Yamuna bank during the onset of winter season as they migrate through Delhi making a temporary home in Yamuna river and sometime fed by devotees who arrive to bathe in the river in the morning time.  EPA/RAJAT GUPTA
epa11058139 Indian people on a boat feed migratory birds on a foggy, cold winter morning on the banks of the Yamuna river in New Delhi, India, 05 January 2024. Winter takes a heavy toll each year around northern India, as poverty forces many homeless people to live outdoors. Temperatures in the northern Indian regions continue to decrease. Migratory birds, including seagulls, arrive at Delhi’s Yamuna bank during the onset of winter season as they migrate through Delhi making a temporary home in Yamuna river and sometime fed by devotees who arrive to bathe in the river in the morning time.  EPA/RAJAT GUPTA
epa11058128 A photograph taken with a slow shutter speed shows Indian people on a boat feeding migratory birds on a foggy, cold winter morning on the banks of the Yamuna river in New Delhi, India, 05 January 2024. Winter takes a heavy toll each year around northern India, as poverty forces many homeless people to live outdoors. Temperatures in the northern Indian regions continue to decrease. Migratory birds, including seagulls, arrive at Delhi’s Yamuna bank during the onset of winter season as they migrate through Delhi making a temporary home in Yamuna river and sometime fed by devotees who arrive to bathe in the river in the morning time.  EPA/RAJAT GUPTA
epa11058137 A photograph taken with a slow shutter speed shows Indian people on a boat feeding migratory birds on a foggy, cold winter morning on the banks of the Yamuna river in New Delhi, India, 05 January 2024. Winter takes a heavy toll each year around northern India, as poverty forces many homeless people to live outdoors. Temperatures in the northern Indian regions continue to decrease. Migratory birds, including seagulls, arrive at Delhi’s Yamuna bank during the onset of winter season as they migrate through Delhi making a temporary home in Yamuna river and sometime fed by devotees who arrive to bathe in the river in the morning time.  EPA/RAJAT GUPTA
epa11058127 Indian people on a boat feed the migratory birds on a foggy, cold winter morning on the banks of the Yamuna river in New Delhi, India, 05 January 2024. Winter takes a heavy toll each year around northern India, as poverty forces many homeless people to live outdoors. Temperatures in the northern Indian regions continue to decrease. Migratory birds, including seagulls, arrive at Delhi’s Yamuna bank during the onset of winter season as they migrate through Delhi making a temporary home in Yamuna river and sometime fed by devotees who arrive to bathe in the river in the morning time.  EPA/RAJAT GUPTA

Sono alquanto pittoresche le immagini offerte dagli uccelli migratori che, tra le nebbie dell’inverno, affollano il fiume Yamuna a Nuova Delhi. A dar loro nutrimento sono numerosi devoti indù. Immagini che tuttavia stridono con quelle dei numerosi senzatetto che affollano anch’essi le rive del fiume, e per i quali la stagione invernale rappresenta un momento di particolare difficoltà. (Foto Ansa/EPA/RAJAT GUPTA)

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