
I colori dell’India

È in corso a Nuova Delhi il Ramayana Festival, che attira artisti a livello internazionale. Un evento ricchissimo di colori

epa11087205 An idol of Lord Hanuman flying with Sanjeevani mountain is seen at the India International Ramayana Festival in New Delhi, India, 18 January 2024. Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR) organized a five-day long festival emphasizing the enduring relevance and universality of the Ramayana ahead of the Pran Pratistha ceremony, or the inauguration ceremony of the Lord Ram temple in Ayodhya, that is scheduled for 22 January 2024. Pran Pratistha is the act which transforms an idol into a deity, giving it the capacity to accept prayers. The Indian prime minister will perform the Pran Pratishtha ceremony on the inauguration day.  EPA/HARISH TYAGI
epa11087203 An Indonesian artist walks back after a performance at the India International Ramayana Festival in New Delhi, India, 18 January 2024. Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR) organized a five-day long festival emphasizing the enduring relevance and universality of the Ramayana ahead of the Pran Pratistha ceremony, or the inauguration ceremony of the Lord Ram temple in Ayodhya, that is scheduled for 22 January 2024. Pran Pratistha is the act which transforms an idol into a deity, giving it the capacity to accept prayers. The Indian prime minister will perform the Pran Pratishtha ceremony on the inauguration day.  EPA/HARISH TYAGI
epa11087204 An Indonesian artist walks back after a performance at the India International Ramayana Festival in New Delhi, India, 18 January 2024. Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR) organized a five-day long festival emphasizing the enduring relevance and universality of the Ramayana ahead of the Pran Pratistha ceremony, or the inauguration ceremony of the Lord Ram temple in Ayodhya, that is scheduled for 22 January 2024. Pran Pratistha is the act which transforms an idol into a deity, giving it the capacity to accept prayers. The Indian prime minister will perform the Pran Pratishtha ceremony on the inauguration day.  EPA/HARISH TYAGI
epa11087201 An Indian man holds a model replica of Ayodhya Ram Mandir at the India International Ramayana Festival in New Delhi, India, 18 January 2024. Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR) organized a five-day long festival emphasizing the enduring relevance and universality of the Ramayana ahead of the Pran Pratistha ceremony, or the inauguration ceremony of the Lord Ram temple in Ayodhya, that is scheduled for 22 January 2024. Pran Pratistha is the act which transforms an idol into a deity, giving it the capacity to accept prayers. The Indian prime minister will perform the Pran Pratishtha ceremony on the inauguration day.  EPA/HARISH TYAGI
epa11087248 A small idol of Lord Ganesha is displayed at the India International Ramayana Festival in New Delhi, India, 18 January 2024. Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR) organized a five-day long festival emphasizing the enduring relevance and universality of the Ramayana ahead of the Pran Pratistha ceremony, or the inauguration ceremony of the Lord Ram temple in Ayodhya, that is scheduled for 22 January 2024. Pran Pratistha is the act which transforms an idol into a deity, giving it the capacity to accept prayers. The Indian prime minister will perform the Pran Pratishtha ceremony on the inauguration day.  EPA/HARISH TYAGI
epaselect epa11087207 A Hindu devotee gets the name of Lord Ram inked on her face at the India International Ramayana Festival in New Delhi, India, 18 January 2024. Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR) organized a five-day long festival emphasizing the enduring relevance and universality of the Ramayana ahead of the Pran Pratistha ceremony, or the inauguration ceremony of the Lord Ram temple in Ayodhya, that is scheduled for 22 January 2024. Pran Pratistha is the act which transforms an idol into a deity, giving it the capacity to accept prayers. The Indian prime minister will perform the Pran Pratishtha ceremony on the inauguration day.  EPA/HARISH TYAGI
epa11087210 Indian visitors arrive at the India International Ramayana Festival in New Delhi, India, 18 January 2024. Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR) organized a five-day long festival emphasizing the enduring relevance and universality of the Ramayana ahead of the Pran Pratistha ceremony, or the inauguration ceremony of the Lord Ram temple in Ayodhya, that is scheduled for 22 January 2024. Pran Pratistha is the act which transforms an idol into a deity, giving it the capacity to accept prayers. The Indian prime minister will perform the Pran Pratishtha ceremony on the inauguration day.  EPA/HARISH TYAGI
epa11087224 An Indian visitor arrives at the India International Ramayana Festival in New Delhi, India, 18 January 2024. Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR) organized a five-day long festival emphasizing the enduring relevance and universality of the Ramayana ahead of the Pran Pratistha ceremony, or the inauguration ceremony of the Lord Ram temple in Ayodhya, that is scheduled for 22 January 2024. Pran Pratistha is the act which transforms an idol into a deity, giving it the capacity to accept prayers. The Indian prime minister will perform the Pran Pratishtha ceremony on the inauguration day.  EPA/HARISH TYAGI

A noi “occidentali” la cosa che colpisce di più è il tripudio di colori, un qualcosa che sicuramente ci affascina l’occhio: ma c’è molto di più nel Ramayana Festival di Nuova Delhi, la capitale indiana, in corso fino al 22 gennaio. Il Ramayana è uno dei grandi poemi epici della cultura indiana, e narra le gesta del principe Rama. Il festival vuole celebrarne la sua rilevanza culturale ancora oggi, con numerose esibizioni artistiche; e si concluderà con l’inaugurazione del tempio di Ram ad Ayodhya, con la cerimonia del Pran Pratisha. A presiederla sarà lo stesso primo ministro indiano.



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