
In corso in Belgio i mondiali di ginnastica

Tra le discipline più spettacolari c'è indubbiamente questa: alcune immagini da Anversa

Poland's Marta Pihan-Kulesza practices on the balance beam during podium training at the Artistic Gymnastics World Championships in Antwerp, Belgium, Thursday, Sept. 28, 2023. The event will take place until Sunday, Oct. 8. (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo)
Italy's Arianna Belardelli practices on the uneven bars during podium training at the Artistic Gymnastics World Championships in Antwerp, Belgium, Thursday, Sept. 28, 2023. The event will take place until Sunday, Oct. 8. (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo)
Italy's Alice D'Amato practices on the floor exercise during podium training at the Artistic Gymnastics World Championships in Antwerp, Belgium, Thursday, Sept. 28, 2023. The event will take place until Sunday, Oct. 8. (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo)
Netherland's Sanne Wevers practices on the balance beam during podium training at the Artistic Gymnastics World Championships in Antwerp, Belgium, Thursday, Sept. 28, 2023. The event will take place until Sunday, Oct. 8. (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo)
Netherland's Eythora Thorsdottir practices on the balance beam during podium training at the Artistic Gymnastics World Championships in Antwerp, Belgium, Thursday, Sept. 28, 2023. The event will take place until Sunday, Oct. 8. (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo)
North Korea's An Changok competes on her way the gold medal for the Artistic Gymnastics Women's Vault event of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, China, Thursday, Sept. 28, 2023. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

Sono in corso fino all’8 ottobre i mondiali di ginnastica artistica ad Anversa, in Belgio: e queste foto rendono bene le spettacolari evoluzioni tra parallele asimmetriche, volteggio, trave e corpo libero. Da segnalare il ritorno di Simone Biles, considerata una delle più grandi ginnaste di tutti i tempi, dopo il suo ritiro in piena olimpiade a Tokyo. (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo)

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