
Libia, dal disastro l’urgenza dell’unità nel Paese diviso

Il disastro delle inondazioni è stato accentuato dalò crollo di due dighe rimaste senza manutenzione a causa del conflitto che devasta il Paese nordafricano dal 2011

This combination of satellite images from Maxar Technologies shows port facilities in Derna, Libya, on July 1, 2023, top, and the same flood damaged area on Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2023. The destruction came to Derna and other parts of eastern Libya on Sunday night, Sept. 10, 2023. The destruction came to Derna and other parts of eastern Libya on Sunday night, Sept. 10, 2023. As the storm pounded the coast, Derna residents said they heard loud explosions and realized that dams outside the city had collapsed. Flash floods were unleashed down Wadi Derna, a river running from the mountains through the city and into the sea. (Satellite image ©2023 Maxar Technologies via AP)
Rescuers search for bodies of the flood victims at the Corniche of the city of Derna, Libya, Friday, Sept. 15, 2023.  The death toll in Libya's coastal city of Derna has  as search efforts continue following a massive flood fed by the breaching of two dams in heavy rains, the Libyan Red Crescent. (AP Photo/Abdulaziz Almnsori)
A building collapses after flooding in Derna, Libya, Saturday, Sept. 16, 2023. Search teams are combing streets, wrecked buildings, and even the sea to look for bodies in Derna, where the collapse of two dams unleashed a massive flash flood that killed thousands of people. (AP Photo/Ricardo Garcia Vilanova)
A view of the destruction after flooding in Derna, Libya, Saturday, Sept. 16, 2023. Search teams are combing streets, wrecked buildings, and even the sea to look for bodies in Derna, where the collapse of two dams unleashed a massive flash flood that killed thousands of people. (AP Photo/Ricardo Garcia Vilanova)
Rescuers search for bodies of the flood victims at the Corniche of the city of Derna, Libya, Friday, Sept. 15, 2023.  The death toll in Libya's coastal city of Derna has  as search efforts continue following a massive flood fed by the breaching of two dams in heavy rains, the Libyan Red Crescent. (AP Photo/Abdulaziz Almnsori)
Rescue teams search for victims in Derna, Libya, on Sunday, Sept. 17, 2023. Libyan authorities have opened an investigation into the collapse of two dams that caused a devastating flood in a Derna as rescue teams searched for bodies on Saturday, nearly a week after the deluge killed more than 11,000 people. (AP Photo/Yousef Murad)
Rescue teams look for flash flood victims in the city of Derna, Libya, Monday, Sept. 18, 2023. Mediterranean storm Daniel caused flooding that overwhelmed two dams, sending a wall of water through the city. More than 10,000 were killed, and another 10,000 are missing. (AP Photo/Yousef Murad)
Rescue teams look for flash flood victims in the city of Derna, Libya, Monday, Sept. 18, 2023. Mediterranean storm Daniel caused flooding that overwhelmed two dams, sending a wall of water through the city. More than 10,000 were killed, and another 10,000 are missing. (AP Photo/Yousef Murad)
Rescuers and relatives of victims set up tents in front of collapsed buildings in Derna, Libya, Monday, Sept. 18, 2023. Some 11,300 people died when two dams collapsed during Mediterranean storm Daniel last week sending a wall of water gushing through the city, according to the Red Crescent aid group. A further 10,000 people are missing, and presumed dead. (AP Photo/Muhammad J. Elalwany)

Come riporta la Ong Medici senza Frontiere presente sul territorio con una missione umanitaria «La notte di sabato 11 settembre 2023, l’Uragano Daniel ha colpito la Libia, causando danni terribili. A nord-est del paese, nella città di Derna, due dighe sono crollate, causando un’esondazione dell’acqua dei fiumi che dalle montagne raggiungono la città. L’area è ora completamente inondata.

L’agenzia umanitaria libica della Mezzaluna Rossa stima a circa 20.000 i morti in Libia per l’Uragano Daniel. Le vittime dell’inondazione, tuttavia, potrebbero crescere man mano che il mare ne restituisce i corpi. Il numero degli sfollati, causati dall’alluvione, ammonta a circa 30.000 secondo l’OIM (Organizzazione internazionale per le migrazioni). Ci vorrà del tempo prima di ottenere un bilancio ufficiale».

Come sottolinea Cornelia I. Toelgyes su Africa Express «Ora più che mai la Libia necessita di unità. Le lotte tra le fazioni politiche non solo hanno danneggiato la governance del Paese, ma hanno anche influito sulla sua capacità di prepararsi e affrontare i disastri.

Il conflitto in Libia ha lasciato infrastrutture fatiscenti e inadeguate”, ha dichiarato Intisar Shennib, membro della Camera dei Rappresentanti, l’organo legislativo del governo libico orientale. “Il Paese non è ‘attrezzato’ per gestire una catastrofe del genere. Le nostre risorse non sono sufficienti”».

Il disastro dell’uragano è stato accentuato dal crollo di due dighe enormi, costruite decenni fa da una società dell’ex Jugoslavia, rimaste senza adeguata manutenzione a causa del conflitto incorso nel Paese a partire dalla guerra del 2011 sostenuta dalla coalizione occidentale dietro la forte spinta della Francia. Nel Paese così diviso hanno assunto un ruolo sempre più decisivo le truppe mercenarie russe e l’esercito turco.


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