Emergenze ambientali

Brucia il deserto del Mojave

Anche la California deve far fronte all'emergenza incendi

Flames rise from the York Fire on Ivanpah Rd. on Sunday, July 30, 2023, in the Mojave National Preserve, Calif. The York Fire has burned over 77,000 acres and has 0% containment. (AP Photo/Ty ONeil)
Smoke rises from a mountain range on Sunday, July 30, 2023, in the Mojave National Preserve, Calif. The York Fire has burned over 77,000 acres and has 0% containment. (AP Photo/Ty ONeil)
Joshia Trees burn in the York Fire, Sunday, July 30, 2023, in the Mojave National Preserve, Calif. The York Fire has burned over 77,000 acres and has 0% containment. (AP Photo/Ty ONeil)
The York Fire is seen through Joshua trees on Sunday, July 30, 2023, in the Mojave National Preserve, Calif. The York Fire has burned over 77,000 acres and has 0% containment. (AP Photo/Ty ONeil)
A fire truck heading towards the York Fire on Sunday, July 30, 2023, in the Mojave National Preserve, Calif. The York Fire has burned over 77,000 acres and has 0% containment. (AP Photo/Ty ONeil)

Non solo Sud Italia, e Sud Europa in generale: anche la California deve – come ogni anno negli ultimi tempi – far fronte ad incendi di vastità inusuale. Qui vediamo le fiamme che si sono sviluppate nel Parco Nazionale del Mojave, una zona desertica ma ricca comunque di arbusti che bruciano facilmente. L’incendio ha bruciato un’area corrispondente a oltre 30 mila ettari, e non è stato ancora domato. (AP Photo/Ty ONeil)

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