
Il Capodanno degli Aymara

Gli indigeni hanno celebrato questa ricorrenza, che cade nel giorno del solstizio, sulla montagna sacra Apacheta Murmutani in Bolivia

An Indigenous plays plays his Andean flute after receiving the first rays of sunlight in a New Year's ritual on the sacred mountain Apacheta Murmutani on the outskirts of Hampaturi, Bolivia, early Wednesday, June 21, 2023. Aymara Indigenous communities are celebrating the Andean new year 5,531 or
An Aymara Indigenous woman smiles as she receives the first rays of sunlight in a New Year's ritual on the sacred mountain Apacheta Murmutani on the outskirts of Hampaturi, Bolivia, early Wednesday, June 21, 2023. Aymara Indigenous communities are celebrating the Andean new year 5,531 or
An Aymara men exhales smoke during a New Year's ritual on the sacred mountain Apacheta Murmutani on the outskirts of Hampaturi, Bolivia, early Wednesday, June 21, 2023. Aymara Indigenous communities are celebrating the Andean new year 5,531 or
Aymara Indigenous people receive the first rays of sunlight in a New Year's ritual at the sacred mountain Apacheta Murmutani on the outskirts of Hampaturi, Bolivia, early Wednesday, June 21, 2023. Aymara Indigenous communities are celebrating the Andean new year 5,531 or
Musicians perform before as they wait for the first rays of sunlight in a New Year's ritual on the sacred mountain Apacheta Murmutani on the outskirts of Hampaturi, Bolivia, early Wednesday, June 21, 2023. Aymara Indigenous communities are celebrating the Andean new year 5,531 or
Aymara women embrace after receiving the first rays of sunlight in a New Year's ritual on the sacred mountain Apacheta Murmutani on the outskirts of Hampaturi, Bolivia, early Wednesday, June 21, 2023. Aymara Indigenous communities are celebrating the Andean new year 5,531 or
Aymara Indigenous people receive the early morning rays of sunlight during a New Year's ritual on the sacred mountain Apacheta Murmutani on the outskirts of Hampaturi, Bolivia, early Wednesday, June 21, 2023. Aymara Indigenous communities are celebrating the Andean new year 5,531 or
An Aymara Indigenous woman receives the first rays of sunlight in a New Year's ritual on the sacred mountain Apacheta Murmutani on the outskirts of Hampaturi, Bolivia, early Wednesday, June 21, 2023. Aymara Indigenous communities are celebrating the Andean new year 5,531 or
Aymara Indigenous people receive the first rays of sunlight in a New Year's ritual on the sacred mountain Apacheta Murmutani on the outskirts of Hampaturi, Bolivia, early Wednesday, June 21, 2023. Aymara Indigenous communities are celebrating the Andean new year 5,531 or
Aymara women embrace after receiving the first rays of sunlight in a New Year's ritual on the sacred mountain Apacheta Murmutani on the outskirts of Hampaturi, Bolivia, early Wednesday, June 21, 2023. Aymara Indigenous communities are celebrating the Andean new year 5,531 or
Aymara Indigenous people receive the first rays of sunlight in a New Year's ritual on the sacred mountain Apacheta Murmutani on the outskirts of Hampaturi, Bolivia, early Wednesday, June 21, 2023. Aymara Indigenous communities are celebrating the Andean new year 5,531 or
Aymara Indigenous burn offerings in honor of Pachamama or Mother Earth, after receiving the first rays of sunlight in a New Year's ritual on the sacred mountain Apacheta Murmutani on the outskirts of Hampaturi, Bolivia, early Wednesday, June 21, 2023. Aymara Indigenous communities are celebrating the Andean new year 5,531 or

L’appuntamento era allo spuntare dei primi raggi di sole del giorno più corto dell’anno – quindi nel primo pomeriggio per noi in Italia – nell’emisfero australe: gli indigeni Aymara hanno così festeggiato l’inizio del loro nuovo anno, il 5.531 nel conteggio andino, sulla montagna sacra Apacheta Murmutani in Bolivia. La cerimonia prende il nome di “Willka Kuti”, che significa “ritorno del sole”, appunto nel giorno del solstizio d’inverno in cui le giornate iniziano nuovamente ad allungarsi.


(AP Photo/Juan Karita)

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