
Tensioni in Kosovo, feriti militari del contingente Kfor

Duri scontri in Kosovo fra i manifestanti serbi e i militari Nato della Kosovo Force (Kfor). Una tensione che dura dalla guerra degli anni 90 nell’ex Jugoslavia

Kosovo police officers guard a municipal building after yesterday's violent clashes between police and ethnic Serbs, in the town of Zvecan, northern Kosovo, Saturday, May 27, 2023. Serbia on Saturday condemned NATO-led peacekeepers stationed in neighboring Kosovo for their alleged failure to stop
Polish soldiers, part of the peacekeeping mission in Kosovo KFOR guard a municipal building in the town of Zvecan, northern Kosovo, Monday, May 29, 2023. Ethnic Serbs in northern Kosovo on Monday tried to take over the local government buildings where Albanian mayors entered last week with the help of police. (AP Photo/Bojan Slavkovic)
Polish soldiers, part of the peacekeeping mission in Kosovo KFOR, right, and Kosovo police officers guard a municipal building in the town of Zvecan, northern Kosovo, Monday, May 29, 2023. Serbia condemned NATO-led peacekeepers stationed in neighboring Kosovo for their alleged failure to stop
Hungarian soldiers serving in the NATO-led peacekeeping force KFOR guard a municipal building in the town of Zvecan, northern Kosovo, Monday, May 29, 2023. Serbia condemned NATO-led peacekeepers stationed in neighboring Kosovo for their alleged failure to stop
KFOR soldiers guard a municipal building in the town of Zvecan, northern Kosovo, Monday, May 29, 2023. Serbia condemned NATO-led peacekeepers stationed in neighboring Kosovo for their alleged failure to stop
KFOR soldiers guard a municipal building in the town of Zvecan, northern Kosovo, Monday, May 29, 2023. Serbia condemned NATO-led peacekeepers stationed in neighboring Kosovo for their alleged failure to stop
A KFOR soldier is carried on a stretcher after suffering an injury during clashes with Kosovo Serbs in the town of Zvecan, northern Kosovo, Monday, May 29, 2023. Ethnic Serbs in northern Kosovo clashed with troops from the NATO-led KFOR peacekeeping force as they tried to take over the offices of one of the municipalities where ethnic Albanian mayors took up their posts last week, with the help of the authorities. (AP Photo/Bojan Slavkovic)
KFOR soldiers guard a municipal building after clashes with Kosovo Serbs in the town of Zvecan, northern Kosovo, Monday, May 29, 2023. Ethnic Serbs in northern Kosovo clashed with troops from the NATO-led KFOR peacekeeping force as they tried to take over the offices of one of the municipalities where ethnic Albanian mayors took up their posts last week, with the help of the authorities. (AP Photo/Bojan Slavkovic)
In this grab taken from video, a view of a car set on fire as KFOR soldiers clash with Kosovo Serbs in the town of Zvecan, northern Kosovo, Monday, May 29, 2023. Ethnic Serbs in northern Kosovo have clashed with troops from the NATO-led KFOR peacekeeping force outside a municipal building. They were trying to take over one of the local government offices where ethnic Albanian mayors entered last week with the help of the authorities. (AP Photo)
In this grab taken from video, KFOR soldiers guard a municipal building after clashes with Kosovo Serbs in the town of Zvecan, northern Kosovo, Monday, May 29, 2023. Ethnic Serbs in northern Kosovo have clashed with troops from the NATO-led KFOR peacekeeping force outside a municipal building. They were trying to take over one of the local government offices where ethnic Albanian mayors entered last week with the help of the authorities. (AP Photo)
KFOR soldiers, front, and Kosovo police officers guard a municipal building after yesterday's clashes between ethnic Serbs and troops from the NATO-led KFOR peacekeeping force, in the town of Zvecan, northern Kosovo, Tuesday, May 30, 2023. The violence was the latest incident as tensions soared over the past week, with Serbia putting the country's military on high alert and sending more troops to the border with Kosovo, which declared independence from Belgrade in 2008. (AP Photo/Dejan Simicevic)
KFOR soldiers, front, and Kosovo police officers guard a municipal building after yesterday's clashes between ethnic Serbs and troops from the NATO-led KFOR peacekeeping force, in the town of Zvecan, northern Kosovo, Tuesday, May 30, 2023. The violence was the latest incident as tensions soared over the past week, with Serbia putting the country's military on high alert and sending more troops to the border with Kosovo, which declared independence from Belgrade in 2008. (AP Photo/Dejan Simicevic)
KFOR soldiers set up a security fence in front of a municipal building after yesterday's clashes between ethnic Serbs and troops from the NATO-led KFOR peacekeeping force, in the town of Zvecan, northern Kosovo, Tuesday, May 30, 2023. The violence was the latest incident as tensions soared over the past week, with Serbia putting the country's military on high alert and sending more troops to the border with Kosovo, which declared independence from Belgrade in 2008. (AP Photo/Bojan Slavkovic)

Come riporta l’Agi sono «14 i militari italiani del contingente Kfor appartenenti al nono reggimento Alpini L’Aquila rimasti feriti il 29 maggio 2023 durante le operazioni di contenimento di manifestazioni dei serbi che protestavano contro l’elezione di sindaci albanesi in aree del Paese a maggioranza serba. I tumulti si sono verificati nelle città di Mitrovica Nord, Zvecan, Zubin Potok e Leposavic».

Sarebbero 34 complessivamente i militari delle forze Nato rimasti feriti negli scontri.

Purtroppo gli scontri erano largamente prevedibili come testimonia la visita effettuata in Serbia nel novembre 2022 dal ministro della Difesa Guido Crosetto assieme al vice presidente del Consiglio e ministro degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale Antonio Tajani per una serie di incontri istituzionali. In quella occasione Crosetto aveva incontrato anche  il presidente della Repubblica del Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, e il primo ministro Albin Kurti per ribadire che «i Balcani Occidentali hanno una grande importanza per l’Italia, confermata anche dalla presenza negli ultimi 20 anni dei contingenti italiani nella missione KFOR. Il governo italiano nei prossimi mesi e nei prossimi anni gli darà molta più attenzione».

Lo stato di tensione dura dal 26 maggio quando nei comuni a maggioranza serba nel nord del Kosovo si sono registrati i primi scontri tra le forze dell’ordine kosovare e i cittadini di nazionalità serba.

Come ha fatto notare Marija Andrić Rakić sul sito dell’Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso,  «l’ultima escalation della situazione nel nord del Kosovo arriva a meno di tre mesi da un accordo verbale raggiunto a Ohrid tra Albin Kurti (Kosovo) e Aleksandar Vučić (Serbia) sull’implementazione di un piano europeo per la normalizzazione delle relazioni tra Pristina e Belgrado.

L’UE ha presentato questo accordo come un grande passo in avanti che dovrebbe cambiare le dinamiche del dialogo, trasformandolo da uno strumento di gestione della crisi in un meccanismo di regolazione delle relazioni future. Tuttavia, a Ohrid non si è nemmeno discusso di molti problemi pressanti con cui deve fare i conti la popolazione del nord del Kosovo, tra cui la questione irrisolta delle targhe, l’elezione delle nuove amministrazioni comunali e le ripetute richieste della comunità serba che chiede il ritiro delle forze speciali della polizia kosovara dal nord del Paese».

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