
In marcia per gli ostaggi

Parenti e amici delle 240 persone tenute prigioniere da Hamas a Gaza hanno intrapreso un cammino di cinque giorni da Tel Aviv a Gerusalemme, per chiederne la liberazione

Families and friends of about 240 hostages held by Hamas in Gaza call for their return as they participate in a five-day
Families and friends of about 240 hostages held by Hamas in Gaza call for their return as they participate in a five-day
Families and friends of about 240 hostages held by Hamas in Gaza call for their return as they participate in a five-day
Families and friends of about 240 hostages held by Hamas in Gaza call for their return as they participate in a five-day
Families and friends of about 240 hostages held by Hamas in Gaza call for their return as they participate in a five-day

L’hanno chiamata “marcia degli ostaggi”: una cinque giorni da Tel Aviv a Gerusalemme, per chiedere al primo ministro ulteriori sforzi per la liberazione delle 240 persone ancora trattenute da Hamas a Gaza. Le persone, ricordiamo, sono state rapite durante le incursioni del 7 ottobre scorso. Le foto sono state scattate nei pressi del villaggio di Beit Hashmonai. (AP Photo/Ohad Zwigenberg)

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