
Spagna, proteste per l’accordo tra Junts e Psoe

A Madrid sono scesi in piazza i cittadini contrari all'amnistia concessa agli indipendentisti catalani da parte del partito socialista

Demonstrators gather to protest against the amnesty at the headquarters of Socialist party in Madrid, Spain, Thursday, Nov. 9, 2023. Protests backed by Vox party turned on Thursday night as Spain's Socialists to grant amnesty to Catalan separatists in exchange for support of new government. (AP Photo/Andrea Comas)
Demonstrators gather to protest against the amnesty at the headquarters of Socialist party in Madrid, Spain, Thursday, Nov. 9, 2023. Protests backed by Vox party turned on Thursday night as Spain's Socialists to grant amnesty to Catalan separatists in exchange for support of new government. (AP Photo/Andrea Comas)
Demonstrators gather to protest against the amnesty at the headquarters of Socialist party in Madrid, Spain, Thursday, Nov. 9, 2023. Protests backed by Vox party turned on Thursday night as Spain's Socialists to grant amnesty to Catalan separatists in exchange for support of new government. (AP Photo/Andrea Comas)
Demonstrators gather to protest against the amnesty at the headquarters of Socialist party in Madrid, Spain, Thursday, Nov. 9, 2023. Protests backed by Vox party turned on Thursday night as Spain's Socialists to grant amnesty to Catalan separatists in exchange for support of new government. (AP Photo/Andrea Comas)
Demonstrators raise their right arm making the fascist salute as they protest against the amnesty at the headquarters of Socialist party in Madrid, Spain, Thursday, Nov. 9, 2023. Protests backed by Vox party turned on Thursday night as Spain's Socialists to grant amnesty to Catalan separatists in exchange for support of new government. (AP Photo/Andrea Comas)

Continuano le proteste contro l’amnistia ai “ribelli” catalani in Spagna, ancora senza governo a oltre tre mesi dalle elezioni anticipate del 23 luglio. A scendere in piazza a Madrid giovedì sera, dopo le manifestazioni di Barcellona, Valencia e altre città spagnole, sono stati militanti di destra mobilitati da Vox, partito sovranista guidato da Santiago Abascal.

Nel mirino dei manifestanti, diretti contro la sede del partito socialista (Psoe) in calle Ferraz, la proposta di amnistia per i dirigenti della Catalogna coinvolti nel fallito tentativo di secessione del 2017, una delle condizioni poste dai deputati catalani separatisti per garantire i loro voti al governo del premier uscente Pedro Sanchez che, altrimenti, non avrà una maggioranza. Appunto per avere il loro sostegno, Sanchez sta negoziando su questo punto con i catalani. (AP Photo/Andrea Comas)

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