
Sudafrica, la riconciliazione difficile

I reali d'Olanda, ex potenza coloniale, sono stati accolti da proteste a Città del Capo

King Willem Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands arrive at the Iziko Slave Lodge museum in Cape Town during their state visit to South Africa, Friday, Oct. 20, 2023. The king and queen of the Netherlands were confronted by angry protesters in South Africa on a visit Friday to a monument that traces part of their country's involvement in slavery as a colonial power 300 years ago. (AP Photo/Nardus Engelbrecht)

Associated Press/LaPresse
Only Italy and Spain
Khoisan protesters protest during the visit of King Willem Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands at the Slave Lodge in Cape Town, South Africa, Friday, Oct. 20, 2023. The king and queen of the Netherlands were confronted by angry protesters in South Africa on a visit Friday to a monument that traces part of their country's involvement in slavery as a colonial power 300 years ago. (AP Photo/Nardus Engelbrecht)

Associated Press/LaPresse
Only Italy and Spain
Khoisan protesters protest during the visit of King Willem Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands at the Slave Lodge in Cape Town, South Africa, Friday, Oct. 20, 2023. The king and queen of the Netherlands were confronted by angry protesters in South Africa on a visit Friday to a monument that traces part of their country's involvement in slavery as a colonial power 300 years ago. (AP Photo/Nardus Engelbrecht)

Associated Press/LaPresse
Only Italy and Spain
Khoisan protesters surround King Willem Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands at the Iziko Slave Lodge museum in Cape Town during their state visit to South Africa Friday, Oct. 20, 2023. The king and queen of the Netherlands were confronted by angry protesters in South Africa on a visit Friday to a monument that traces part of their country's involvement in slavery as a colonial power 300 years ago. (AP Photo/Nardus Engelbrecht)

Associated Press/LaPresse
Only Italy and Spain
Khoisan protesters protest during the visit of King Willem Alexander and Queen Maxima of the Netherlands at the Slave Lodge in Cape Town, South Africa, Friday, Oct. 20, 2023. The king and queen of the Netherlands were confronted by angry protesters in South Africa on a visit Friday to a monument that traces part of their country's involvement in slavery as a colonial power 300 years ago. (AP Photo/Nardus Engelbrecht)

Associated Press/LaPresse
Only Italy and Spain

Molti di noi probabilmente nemmeno sanno come si chiamano il re e la regina d’Olanda – vi aiutiamo noi: Willem Alexander e Maxima -, né ricordano che l’Olanda era la potenza coloniale in Sudafrica prima della dominazione britannica – tristemente nota per aver implementato l’apartheid; non lo dimenticano invece gli abitanti appunto del Sudafrica, e in particolare quelli di etnia Khoisan, che venerdì 20 ottobre hanno accolto i rappresentanti degli ormai ex dominatori con vivaci proteste. L’occasione è stata la visita dei reali al museo Iziko Slave Lodge, che racconta la storia della schiavitù in Sudafrica; questione nella quale appunto l’Olanda ha avuto un ruolo centrale. I cartelli “rispettateci”, “rivogliamo la nostra terra”, “siamo le vittime”, sono indicativi di come la popolazione africana viva ancora in situazioni critiche anche se l’apartheid è terminata da trent’anni: e se sarebbe semplicistico dire che le ragioni siano tutte ascrivibili al passato coloniale, gli ex dominatori sono comunque visti come almeno in oparte responsabili. (AP Photo/Nardus Engelbrecht)

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