
Concluso il funerale di Elisabetta II

Terminati i funerali solenni della regina Elisabetta nell'abbazia di Westminster. Seguito dal re e dai membri della famiglia reale, il feretro, è arrivato a Wellington Arch, ed è partito per il castello di Windsor, dove si terrà l'ultimo saluto alla sovrana morta l'8 settembre scorso. Un funerale colmo di persone. In particolare erano presenti, oltre al re Carlo III e al resto della famiglia reale, oltre 2000 invitati e 500 tra monarchi e capi di Stato. Elisabetta II “ha dedicato la sua vita a servire la nazione e il Commonwealth“, come aveva promesso nella trasmissione radiofonica fatta per il suo 21esimo compleanno. Sono state queste le parole dell’arcivescovo di Canterbury, Justin Welby, primate della Chiesa d’Inghilterra, nel suo sermone durante la liturgia solenne. Una sovrana “gioiosa. Presente a tanti, che ha toccato tantissime vite”, l’ha ricordata l’arcivescovo. (Foto: Ap)

Britain's Prince Harry, right, and Prince William attend the procession for Queen Elizabeth II following her funeral service in Westminster Abbey in central London, Monday, Sept. 19, 2022. The Queen, who died aged 96 on Sept. 8, will be buried at Windsor alongside her late husband, Prince Philip, who died last year. (Sarah Meyssonnier/Pool Photo via AP)
Corona Regina Elisabetta  (Mark Large/Pool Photo via AP)
Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie attend the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, at the Westminster Abbey, in London Monday, Sept. 19, 2022. (Phil Noble/Pool Photo via AP)
Meghan, Duchess of Sussex arrives for the funeral service of Queen Elizabeth II at Westminster Abbey in central London, Monday Sept. 19, 2022. The Queen, who died aged 96 on Sept. 8, will be buried at Windsor alongside her late husband, Prince Philip, who died last year. (Geoff Pugh/Pool via AP)
US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden arrive for the funeral service of Queen Elizabeth II at Westminster Abbey in central London, Monday Sept. 19, 2022. The Queen, who died aged 96 on Sept. 8, will be buried at Windsor alongside her late husband, Prince Philip, who died last year. (Geoff Pugh/Pool via AP)
Prince Harry, second left, walks behind the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II ahead of the funeral service at Westminster Abbey in central London, Monday Sept. 19, 2022. The Queen, who died aged 96 on Sept. 8, will be buried at Windsor alongside her late husband, Prince Philip, who died last year. (Geoff Pugh/Pool via AP)
A view of the State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, at Westminster Abbey, in London, Monday Sept. 19, 2022. The Queen, who died aged 96 on Sept. 8, will be buried at Windsor alongside her late husband, Prince Philip, who died last year. (Jack Hill/Pool Photo via AP)
Prince William follows the procession of Queen Elizabeth after her funeral service in Westminster Abbey in central London, Monday, Sept. 19, 2022. The Queen, who died aged 96 on Sept. 8, will be buried at Windsor alongside her late husband, Prince Philip, who died last year. (Sarah Meyssonnier/Pool Photo via AP)

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