Medio Oriente

Fragile tregua a Gaza

La striscia di Gaza continua ad essere al centro del conflitto latente in Medio Oriente

Palestinians search through the rubble of a building in which Khaled Mansour, a top Islamic Jihad militant was killed following an Israeli airstrike in Rafah, southern Gaza strip, Sunday, Aug. 7, 2022. An Israeli airstrike killed a senior commander in the Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad, authorities said Sunday, its second leader to be slain amid an escalating cross-border conflict. (AP Photo/Fatima Shbair)
Mourners carry the bodies of Khaled Mansour a senior commander in the Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad and other Palestinians, who were killed in Israeli airstrikes in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, Sunday, Aug. 7, 2022, during their funeral. Israel has killed two senior Islamic Jihad militants in three days of air strikes in the Gaza Strip, and Palestinian militants have launched nearly 600 rockets at Israel. Palestinian officials say at least 31 people in Gaza have died. (AP Photo/Yousef Masoud)
A rocket is launched from the Gaza Strip towards Israel, in Gaza City, Sunday, Aug. 7, 2022. (AP Photo/Hatem Moussa)
Rockets are launched from the Gaza Strip towards Israel, in Gaza City, Sunday, Aug. 7, 2022. (AP Photo/Hatem Moussa)
A youth reacts while other residents inspect a wounded horse near a damaged car that was hit in an Israeli airstrike that killed people in the car and the horse cart, at the main road in Gaza City, Sunday, Aug. 7, 2022. (AP Photo/Adel Hana)

Dopo 3 giorni di scontri è arrivata una fragile tregua nell’operazione Breaking Dawn lanciata venerdì 5 agosto da Israele contro la Jihad islamica nella Striscia di Gaza.

Al 7 agosto il bilancio aggiornato delle vittime da parte del ministero della sanità di Gaza parla di 36 morti e di 311 feriti dall’inizio delle ostilità.

Foto Ap

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