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Il festival di Kalunga in Brasile

La settimana per la patrona Nostra Signora di Abadia a Kalunga in Brasile

Sophia Fernandes, a member of the Kalunga quilombo, the descendants of runaway slaves, dons traditional afro braids, during the culmination of the week-long pilgrimage and celebration for the patron saint
Adonildes da Cunha, right, Emperor, and Nilda dos Santos, left, Queen, arrive for a celebration after Mass in the chapel of the Kalunga quilombo, during the culmination of the week-long pilgrimage and celebration for the patron saint
A family with their baptized daughter poses for photos in front of their home in the Kalunga quilombo, during the culmination of the week-long pilgrimage and celebration for the patron saint
A girl holds her candle during a baptism ceremony in the chapel of the Kalunga quilombo, during the culmination of the week-long pilgrimage and celebration for the patron saint
Adonildes da Cunha, right, Emperor, and Nilda dos Santos, left, Queen, arrive for a celebration after a Mass in the chapel of the Kalunga quilombo, during the culmination of the week-long pilgrimage and celebration for the patron saint
Members of the Kalunga quilombo, the descendants of runaway slaves, prepare the decoration for the coronation of the Emperor of the Holy Spirit, during the culmination of the week-long pilgrimage and celebration for the patron saint
A family with their baptized young daughter family poses for photos during the post-baptism party at their home in the Kalunga quilombo, during the culmination of the week-long pilgrimage and celebration for the patron saint
A girl looks on during her baptism in the chapel of the Kalunga quilombo, during the culmination of the week-long pilgrimage and celebration for the patron saint
Members of the Kalunga quilombo, the descendants of runaway slaves, bathe in Rio Branco, during the culmination of the week-long pilgrimage and celebration for the patron saint
Vandeli Matos, wearing his crown as Emperor of the Holy Spirit, stands during the culmination of the week-long pilgrimage and celebration for the patron saint
Members of the Kalunga quilombo, the descendants of runaway slaves, bathe in Rio Branco, during the culmination of the week-long pilgrimage and celebration for the patron saint
Vandeli Matos is crowned as Emperor of the Holy Spirit during the culmination of the week-long pilgrimage and celebration for the patron saint
Vandeli Matos, wearing his crown as Emperor of the Holy Spirit, walks with his court during the culmination of the week-long pilgrimage and celebration for the patron saint
A girl, member of the Kalunga quilombo, descendants of runaway slaves, attends the coronation of the Emperor of the Holy Spirit, during the culmination of the week-long pilgrimage and celebration for the patron saint
A member of the Kalunga quilombo, the descendants of runaway slaves, take part in the candlelight procession during the culmination of the week-long pilgrimage and celebration for the patron saint
A boy, member of the Kalunga quilombo, a descendant of runaway slaves, prepares the decoration for the coronation of the Emperor of the Holy Spirit, during the culmination of the week-long pilgrimage and celebration for the patron saint

A Kalunga, nello stato di Goias in Brasile, in questi giorni si celebra la settimana per la patrona Nostra Signora di Abadia. Durante questo periodo di pellegrinaggio, i discendenti degli schiavi africani festeggiano con matrimoni, battesimi e incoronazione di membri illustri della comunità.

In questo modo mantengono le pratiche culturali originarie dell’Africa, mescolandole con le tradizioni cattoliche. (AP Photo/Eraldo Peres)

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