Emergenze ambientali

California, un incendio brucia più di 200 km²

È il più grande incendio dell'anno registrato nello stato di California. Oltre 2.000 abitanti hanno ricevuto ordini di evacuazione, mentre una squadra di 650 persone lavora per spegnere le fiamme

Fiamme nella foresta nazionale di Klamath, in California, domenica 31 luglio 2022. (Foto AP/Noah Berger)
Rubble from a building sits in an area scorched by the McKinney Fire in Klamath National Forest, Calif., on Sunday, July 31, 2022. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
A chimney stands behind cars as the McKinney Fire burns in Klamath National Forest, Calif., on Sunday, July 31, 2022. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
A chimney stands at a destroyed building as the McKinney Fire burns in Klamath National Forest, Calif., on Sunday, July 31, 2022. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
Horses stand in a scorched pasture as the McKinney Fire burns in Klamath National Forest, Calif., on Sunday, July 31, 2022. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
A scorched vehicle rests sits next to a driveway as the McKinney Fire burns in Klamath National Forest, Calif., on Sunday, July 31, 2022. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
A deer swims across the Klamath River as flames burn the opposite bank in Klamath National Forest, Calif., on Saturday, July 30, 2022. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
A chimney stands at a destroyed building as the McKinney Fire burns in Klamath National Forest, Calif., on Sunday, July 31, 2022. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
A scorched van sits in a clearing as the McKinney Fire burns in Klamath National Forest, Calif., on Sunday, July 31, 2022. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
A man runs to a truck as a wildfire called the McKinney fire burns in Klamath National Forest, Calif., on Saturday, July 30, 2022. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
Scorched vehicles and residences line the Oaks Mobile Home Park in the Klamath River community as the McKinney Fire burns in Klamath National Forest, Calif., Saturday, July 30, 2022. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
L'incendio McKinney brucia la foresta nazionale di Klamath, in California. Angela Crawford e suo marito sono rimasti per proteggere la loro casa dalle fiame. Sabato 30 luglio 2022. Foto AP/Noah Berger
Angela Crawford leans against a fence as a wildfire called the McKinney fire burns a hillside above her home in Klamath National Forest, Calif., on Saturday, July 30, 2022. Crawford and her husband stayed, as other residents evacuated, to defend their home from the fire. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
A scorched pickup truck rests on California Highway 96 in Klamath National Forest, Calif., as the McKinney Fire burns nearby, Saturday, July 30, 2022. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
A horse grazes in a pasture as the McKinney Fire burns in Klamath National Forest, Calif., Saturday, July 30, 2022. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
A firetruck drives along California Highway 96 as the McKinney Fire burns in Klamath National Forest, Calif., Saturday, July 30, 2022. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
The Klamath River Community Hall is seen destroyed by the McKinney Fire in the community of Klamath River, Calif., Saturday, July 30, 2022. (Scott Stoddard/Grants Pass Daily Courier via AP)

L’incendio McKinney in California si è diffuso durante il fine settimana lungo la foresta nazionale di Klamath, nel nord della California. Lo stato è stato colpito da continui incendi forestali a rapida diffusione causati dai cambiamenti climatici.

Il vento e il caldo, le tormente elettriche, i combustibili secchi e la siccità estrema stanno peggiorando la situazione e aumentano il rischio di propagazione dell’incendio, già amplificato da altri due incendi a poca distanza.

Una densa nuvola di fumo arancione ha ricoperto l’area e la qualità dell’aria è notevolmente peggiorata in gran parte dello stato.

Foto AP/Noah Berger; Scott Stoddard/Grants Pass Daily Courier via AP

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