Attacco Illinois: 7 morti e 45 feriti nella festa dell’Indipendenza

Quello che doveva essere un giorno di festa è diventato un altro episodio di violenza nel centro degli Stati Uniti, a Chicago.

Mourners gather for a vigil near Central Avenue and St Johns Avenue in downtown Highland Park, Ill. Tuesday, July 5, 2022. (Anthony Vazquez/Chicago Sun-Times via AP)
Dozens of mourners gather for a vigil near Central Avenue and St. Johns Avenue in downtown Highland Park, one day after a gunman killed at least seven people and wounded dozens more by firing an AR-15-style rifle from a rooftop onto a crowd attending Highland Park's Fourth of July parade, Tuesday, July 5, 2022 in Highland Park, Ill.. (Ashlee Rezin/Chicago Sun-Times via AP)
Dozens of mourners gather for a vigil near Central Avenue and St. Johns Avenue in downtown Highland Park, one day after a gunman killed at least seven people and wounded dozens more by firing an AR-15-style rifle from a rooftop onto a crowd attending Highland Park's Fourth of July parade, Tuesday, July 5, 2022 in Highland Park, Ill.. (Ashlee Rezin/Chicago Sun-Times via AP)
Dozens of mourners gather for a vigil near Central Avenue and St. Johns Avenue in downtown Highland Park, one day after a gunman killed at least seven people and wounded dozens more by firing an AR-15-style rifle from a rooftop onto a crowd attending Highland Park's Fourth of July parade, Tuesday, July 5, 2022 in Highland Park, Ill.. (Ashlee Rezin/Chicago Sun-Times via AP)
Dozens of mourners gather for a vigil near Central Avenue and St. Johns Avenue in downtown Highland Park, one day after a gunman killed at least seven people and wounded dozens more by firing an AR-15-style rifle from a rooftop onto a crowd attending Highland Park's Fourth of July parade, Tuesday, July 5, 2022 in Highland Park, Ill.. (Ashlee Rezin/Chicago Sun-Times via AP)
Dozens of mourners gather for a vigil near Central Avenue and St. Johns Avenue in downtown Highland Park, one day after a gunman killed at least seven people and wounded dozens more by firing an AR-15-style rifle from a rooftop onto a crowd attending Highland Park's Fourth of July parade, Tuesday, July 5, 2022 in Highland Park, Ill.. (Anthony Vazquez/Chicago Sun-Times via AP)
Dozens of mourners gather for a vigil near Central Avenue and St. Johns Avenue in downtown Highland Park, one day after a gunman killed at least seven people and wounded dozens more by firing an AR-15-style rifle from a rooftop onto a crowd attending Highland Park's Fourth of July parade, Tuesday, July 5, 2022 in Highland Park, Ill.. (Anthony Vazquez/Chicago Sun-Times via AP)
Dozens of mourners gather for a vigil near Central Avenue and St. Johns Avenue in downtown Highland Park, one day after a gunman killed at least seven people and wounded dozens more by firing an AR-15-style rifle from a rooftop onto a crowd attending Highland Park's Fourth of July parade, Tuesday, July 5, 2022 in Highland Park, Ill.. (Anthony Vazquez/Chicago Sun-Times via AP)
Vice president Kamala Harris speaks to those gathered near the site of Monday's mass shooting during the Highland Park July 4th parade Tuesday, July 5, 2022, in Highland Park, Ill. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Dopo la sparatoria al Highland Park, nello Stato americano di Illinois, la Giornata dell’Indipendenza si è trasformata, da allegria in caos. I cittadini in lutto hanno commemorato le vittime con candele e cartelli contro la violenza nel luogo della tragedia.

Un caso di violenza armata che purtroppo non è isolato, e che dimostra i limiti della legge statunitense sul controllo delle armi nel proteggere la popolazione.

Foto: Anthony Vazquez; Ashlee Rezin/Chicago Sun-Times via AP; Charles Rex Arbogast/AP

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