
Strage in Nigeria, il male non avrà mai l’ultima parola!

Attentato terroristico nella Chiesa di San Francesco a Owo, nello stato sudoccidentale di Ondo in Nigeria

St Francis Catholic Church following an explosion in Owo Nigeria, Sunday, June 5, 2022. Lawmakers in southwestern Nigeria say more than 50 people are feared dead after gunmen opened fire and detonated explosives at a church. Ogunmolasuyi Oluwole with the Ondo State House of Assembly said the gunmen targeted the St Francis Catholic Church in Ondo state on Sunday morning just as the worshippers gathered for the weekly Mass. (AP Photo/Rahaman A Yusuf)
A view of the St. Francis Catholic Church in Owo Nigeria, Sunday, June 5, 2022. Lawmakers in southwestern Nigeria say more than 50 people are feared dead after gunmen opened fire and detonated explosives at a church. Ogunmolasuyi Oluwole with the Ondo State House of Assembly said the gunmen targeted the St Francis Catholic Church in Ondo state on Sunday morning just as the worshippers gathered for the weekly Mass. (AP Photo/Rahaman A Yusuf)
A view of the St. Francis Catholic Church in Owo Nigeria, Sunday, June 5, 2022. Lawmakers in southwestern Nigeria say more than 50 people are feared dead after gunmen opened fire and detonated explosives at a church. Ogunmolasuyi Oluwole with the Ondo State House of Assembly said the gunmen targeted the St Francis Catholic Church in Ondo state on Sunday morning just as the worshippers gathered for the weekly Mass. (AP Photo/Rahaman A Yusuf)
Personal belongings and shoes lie on the pavement of St. Francis Catholic Church in Owo Nigeria, Sunday, June 5, 2022. Lawmakers in southwestern Nigeria say more than 50 people are feared dead after gunmen opened fire and detonated explosives at a church. Ogunmolasuyi Oluwole with the Ondo State House of Assembly said the gunmen targeted the St Francis Catholic Church in Ondo state on Sunday morning just as the worshippers gathered for the weekly Mass. (AP Photo/Rahaman A Yusuf)
People walk in the St. Francis Catholic Church in Owo Nigeria, Sunday, June 5, 2022. Lawmakers in southwestern Nigeria say more than 50 people are feared dead after gunmen opened fire and detonated explosives at a church. Ogunmolasuyi Oluwole with the Ondo State House of Assembly said the gunmen targeted the St Francis Catholic Church in Ondo state on Sunday morning just as the worshippers gathered for the weekly Mass. (AP Photo/Rahaman A Yusuf)
A victim of St. Francis Catholic Church attack receives treatment at St Louis Catholic Hospital in Owo Nigeria, Monday, June 6, 2022. Lawmakers in southwestern Nigeria say more than 50 people are feared dead after gunmen opened fire and detonated explosives at a church. Ogunmolasuyi Oluwole with the Ondo State House of Assembly said the gunmen targeted the St Francis Catholic Church in Ondo state on Sunday morning just as the worshippers gathered for the weekly Mass. (AP Photo/Sunday Alamba)
A victim of St. Francis Catholic Church attack receives treatment at St Louis Catholic Hospital in Owo Nigeria, Monday, June 6, 2022. Lawmakers in southwestern Nigeria say more than 50 people are feared dead after gunmen opened fire and detonated explosives at a church. Ogunmolasuyi Oluwole with the Ondo State House of Assembly said the gunmen targeted the St Francis Catholic Church in Ondo state on Sunday morning just as the worshippers gathered for the weekly Mass. (AP Photo/Sunday Alamba)
A Catholic Priests pays a visit to victims of St. Francis Catholic Church attack receiving treatment at St Louis Catholic Hospital in Owo Nigeria, Monday, June 6, 2022. Lawmakers in southwestern Nigeria say more than 50 people are feared dead after gunmen opened fire and detonated explosives at a church. Ogunmolasuyi Oluwole with the Ondo State House of Assembly said the gunmen targeted the St Francis Catholic Church in Ondo state on Sunday morning just as the worshippers gathered for the weekly Mass. (AP Photo/Sunday Alamba)
A victim of St. Francis Catholic Church attack receives treatment at St Louis Catholic hospital in Owo Nigeria, Monday, June 6, 2022. Lawmakers in southwestern Nigeria say more than 50 people are feared dead after gunmen opened fire and detonated explosives at a church. Ogunmolasuyi Oluwole with the Ondo State House of Assembly said the gunmen targeted the St Francis Catholic Church in Ondo state on Sunday morning just as the worshippers gathered for the weekly Mass. (AP Photo/Sunday Alamba)
A police officer stands guard inside the St. Francis Catholic Church, a day after an attack that targeted worshipers in Owo, Nigeria, Monday, June 6, 2022. The gunmen who killed 50 people at a Catholic church in southwestern Nigeria opened fire on worshippers both inside and outside the building in a coordinated attack before escaping the scene, authorities and witnesses said Monday. (AP Photo/Sunday Alamba)
Personal belongings and shoes lie on the ground of St. Francis Catholic Church in Owo, Nigeria, Monday, June 6, 2022, a day after an attack that targeted worshipers. The gunmen who killed 50 people at a Catholic church in southwestern Nigeria opened fire on worshippers both inside and outside the building in a coordinated attack before escaping the scene, authorities and witnesses said Monday. (AP Photo/Sunday Alamba)
Nigerian police officers tape around the St. Francis Catholic church in Owo Nigeria, Monday, June 6, 2022 a day after an attack that targeted worshipers. The gunmen who killed 50 people at a Catholic church in southwestern Nigeria opened fire on worshippers both inside and outside the building in a coordinated attack before escaping the scene, authorities and witnesses said Monday. (AP Photo/Sunday Alamba)
Nigerian police stand guard outside of the St. Francis Catholic church in Owo, Nigeria, Monday, June 6, 2022 a day after an attack that targeted worshipers. The gunmen who killed 50 people at a Catholic church in southwestern Nigeria opened fire on worshippers both inside and outside the building in a coordinated attack before escaping the scene, authorities and witnesses said Monday. (AP Photo/Sunday Alamba)
A view of the St. Francis Catholic church in Owo, Nigeria, Monday, June 6, 2022 a day after an attack targeted worshipers. The gunmen who killed 50 people at a Catholic church in southwestern Nigeria opened fire on worshippers both inside and outside the building in a coordinated attack before escaping the scene, authorities and witnesses said Monday. (AP Photo/Sunday Alamba)
Nigerian soldiers secure the area outside of the St. Francis Catholic church in the town of Owo, Nigeria, Monday, June 6, 2022 a day after an attack that targeted worshipers. The gunmen who killed 50 people at the St. Francis church in southwestern Nigeria opened fire on worshippers both inside and outside the building in a coordinated attack before escaping the scene, authorities and witnesses said Monday. (AP Photo/Sunday Alamba)
Vigilante stand guard outside of the St Louis Catholic hospital in the town of Owo, Nigeria, Monday, June 6, 2022. The gunmen who killed 50 people at the St. Francis church in southwestern Nigeria opened fire on worshippers both inside and outside the building in a coordinated attack before escaping the scene, authorities and witnesses said Monday. (AP Photo/Sunday Alamba)
Authorities in southwestern Nigeria say gunmen killed at least 50 people at a church in Ondo State, Nigeria

Come riporta Vatican news nella festa di Pentecoste in Nigeria, «uomini armati di fucili hanno aperto il fuoco contro i fedeli dentro una chiesa cattolica nel Sud Ovest del Paese, uccidendo diverse persone, tra cui molti bambini. Secondo una prima ricostruzione, il commando avrebbe anche fatto uso di esplosivi sul finire della messa. L’attacco è avvenuto nella chiesa di San Francesco Saverio a Owo, nello Stato di Ondo, finora uno dei più pacifici del Paese».

La stessa fonte vaticana riporta un’analisi del contesto dove è avvenuta la strage offerta mesi addietro dal cardinale nigeriano OLuferni Onayekan: «Non sono d’accordo quando si interpreta la nostra situazione come una persecuzione di cristiani da parte dei musulmani. Questa non è la realtà. Per me l’unico modo per superare questa situazione è trovare un governo che ci aiuti a ricostruire la nostra unità e la coesistenza nazionale. Naturalmente abbiamo anche bisogno della preghiera. Io prego per tutti i miei confratelli cattolici e cristiani, e prego anche per tutti i miei concittadini musulmani che sono in mano ai terroristi da anni. Prima ritroviamo un Paese stabile per tutti, meglio sarà anche per noi cristiani».

Secondo Osai Ojigho, direttore di Amnesty international Nigeria, «quanto accaduto a Owo mostra l’impunità di cui beneficiano gli autori delle carneficine che hanno luogo in Nigeria. Le autorità devono reagire, facendo tutto il possibile per assicurare alla giustizia i responsabili di questo crimine orrendo».

Esprimendo la solidarietà della Chiesa italiana il presidente della Cei, card.Matteo Zuppi,  ha affermato «Come il Cireneo condividiamo il dramma di quanto avvenuto, portando insieme a voi il peso della Croce, nella consapevolezza che il nostro cammino sarà sempre rischiarato dalla luce della Risurrezione. Il male non avrà mai l’ultima parola! Anche se l’oscurità e la morte sembrano avvolgere il mondo, siamo certi che la forza della preghiera e il dono della fede diraderanno le nubi».

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