Emergenze umanitarie

L’Afghanistan devastato dal terremoto

Il sud est dell'Afghanistan è stato colpito da un terremoto di 5,9 gradi. Le vittime in continuo aumento: è emergenza.

Afghan boys site near their damaged house that was destroyed in an earthquake in the Spera District of the southwestern part of Khost Province, Afghanistan, Wednesday, June 22, 2022. A powerful earthquake struck a rugged, mountainous region of eastern Afghanistan early Wednesday, killing at least 1,000 people and injuring 1,500 more in one of the country's deadliest quakes in decades, the state-run news agency reported. (AP Photo)
An Afghan villager sits near his damaged house that was destroyed in an earthquake in the Spera District of the southwestern part of Khost Province, Afghanistan, Wednesday, June 22, 2022. A powerful earthquake struck a rugged, mountainous region of eastern Afghanistan early Wednesday, killing at least 1,000 people and injuring 1,500 more in one of the country's deadliest quakes in decades, the state-run news agency reported. (AP Photo)
An Afghan villager collects his belongings from under the rubble of his home that was destroyed in an earthquake in the Spera District of the southwestern part of Khost Province, Afghanistan, Wednesday, June 22, 2022. A powerful earthquake struck a rugged, mountainous region of eastern Afghanistan early Wednesday, killing at least 1,000 people and injuring 1,500 more in one of the country's deadliest quakes in decades, the state-run news agency reported. (AP Photo)
An Afghan villager collects his belongings from under the rubble of his home that was destroyed in an earthquake in the Spera District of the southwestern part of Khost Province, Afghanistan, Wednesday, June 22, 2022. A powerful earthquake struck a rugged, mountainous region of eastern Afghanistan early Wednesday, killing at least 1,000 people and injuring 1,500 more in one of the country's deadliest quakes in decades, the state-run news agency reported. (AP Photo)
An Afghan villager collects his belongings from under the rubble of his home that was destroyed in an earthquake in the Spera District of the southwestern part of Khost Province, Afghanistan, Wednesday, June 22, 2022. A powerful earthquake struck a rugged, mountainous region of eastern Afghanistan early Wednesday, killing at least 1,000 people and injuring 1,500 more in one of the country's deadliest quakes in decades, the state-run news agency reported. (AP Photo)
Dead livestock lie under the rubble of buildings destroyed in an earthquake in the Spera District of the southwestern part of Khost Province, Afghanistan, Wednesday, June 22, 2022. A powerful earthquake struck a rugged, mountainous region of eastern Afghanistan early Wednesday, killing at least 1,000 people and injuring 1,500 more in one of the country's deadliest quakes in decades, the state-run news agency reported. (AP Photo)

Un migliaio di morti e 1200 feriti solo nella provincia di Paktika, la più colpita dal terremoto che ha colpito la notte scorsa il sud est dell’Afghanistan, al confine con il Pakistan, ma che è stato avvertito in un raggio di 500 chilometri. Le case crollate sono centinaia e innumerevoli anche i capi di bestiame distrutti. Un colpo durissimo per l’Afghanistan, governato dai talebani e alle prese con una crisi economica ed alimentare terribile. E purtroppo il bilancio delle vittime sembra destinato ad aumentare. Le istituzioni afghane invocano aiuti internazionali, per cercare di recuperare le persone sotto le macerie e portare soccorso ai sopravvissuti. Cordoglio al popolo afghano è stato espresso da tutto il mondo. Papa Francesco ha auspicato l’invio di aiuti alla popolazione.

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