
Polonia, ambasciatore russo aggredito con vernice rossa

Successivamente è scoppiata una rissa tra le guardie del corpo dell'ambasciatore e i manifestanti pro-Ucraina

Russian Ambassador to Poland, Ambassador Sergey Andreev is covered with red paint in Warsaw, Poland, Monday, May 9, 2022. Protesters have thrown red paint on the Russian ambassador as he arrived at a cemetery in Warsaw to pay respects to Red Army soldiers who died during World War II. Ambassador Sergey Andreev arrived at the Soviet soldiers cemetery on Monday to lay flowers where a group of activists opposed to Russia’s war in Ukraine were waiting for him. (AP Photo/Maciek Luczniewski)
Russian Ambassador to Poland, Ambassador Sergey Andreev is covered with red paint in Warsaw, Poland, Monday, May 9, 2022. Protesters have thrown red paint on the Russian ambassador as he arrived at a cemetery in Warsaw to pay respects to Red Army soldiers who died during World War II. Ambassador Sergey Andreev arrived at the Soviet soldiers cemetery on Monday to lay flowers where a group of activists opposed to Russia’s war in Ukraine were waiting for him. (AP Photo/Maciek Luczniewski)
Activists shout slogans as Russian Ambassador to Poland, Ambassador Sergey Andreev, left, is covered with red paint in Warsaw, Poland, Monday, May 9, 2022. Protesters have thrown red paint on the Russian ambassador as he arrived at a cemetery in Warsaw to pay respects to Red Army soldiers who died during World War II. Ambassador Sergey Andreev arrived at the Soviet soldiers cemetery on Monday to lay flowers where a group of activists opposed to Russia’s war in Ukraine were waiting for him. (AP Photo/Maciek Luczniewski)
Activists hold up their arms as Russian Ambassador to Poland, Ambassador Sergey Andreev is covered with red paint in Warsaw, Poland, Monday, May 9, 2022. Protesters have thrown red paint on the Russian ambassador as he arrived at a cemetery in Warsaw to pay respects to Red Army soldiers who died during World War II. Ambassador Sergey Andreev arrived at the Soviet soldiers cemetery on Monday to lay flowers where a group of activists opposed to Russia’s war in Ukraine were waiting for him. (AP Photo/Maciek Luczniewski)
Russian Ambassador to Poland, Ambassador Sergey Andreev is covered with red paint in Warsaw, Poland, Monday, May 9, 2022. Protesters have thrown red paint on the Russian ambassador as he arrived at a cemetery in Warsaw to pay respects to Red Army soldiers who died during World War II. Ambassador Sergey Andreev arrived at the Soviet soldiers cemetery on Monday to lay flowers where a group of activists opposed to Russia’s war in Ukraine were waiting for him. (AP Photo/Maciek Luczniewski)

In occasione della Giornata della vittoria, oltre alla parata dell’armata rossa, in altre parti del mondo i diplomatici russi hanno cercato di festeggiare con alcune manifestazioni. L’ambasciatore russo in Polonia, Sergey Andreev, è stato ricoperto di vernice rossa da alcuni ucraini mentre cercava di deporre una corona di fiori nel cimitero dei soldati sovietici a Varsavia. Secondo il quotidiano Polsatnews all’aggressione subita da Andreev sarebbe seguita una rissa. «Sono orgoglioso del mio presidente», ha detto l’ambasciatore russo, aggiungendo che «la repubblica popolare di Donetsk e la repubblica popolare di Luhansk non appartengono all’Ucraina».



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