
Tra Haiti e USA, oltre 800 migranti incagliati a Cuba

L’insostenibile crisi economica e politica unita alla violenza inarrestabile che affligge il Paese spingono i cittadini haitiani a cercare la sopravvivenza oltre i confini nazionali

A Haitian celebrates his goal during a game at a campground being used to house a large group of Haitian migrants in Sierra Morena in Cuba's Villa Clara province, Thursday, May 26, 2022. A vessel carrying more than 800 Haitians trying to reach the United States wound up instead on the coast of central Cuba, in what appeared to be the largest group seen yet in a swelling exodus from crisis-stricken Haiti. (AP Photo Ramon Espinosa)
Loverie Horat, left, stands by her mother holding her 24-day-old daughter Maylie Dhavavaise as her husband Maximaud Cherizad looks on, at a campground being used to house the large group of Haitian migrants with whom they are traveling, in Sierra Morena in Cuba's Villa Clara province, Thursday, May 26, 2022. A vessel carrying more than 800 Haitians trying to reach the United States wound up instead on the coast of central Cuba, in what appeared to be the largest group seen yet in a swelling exodus from crisis-stricken Haiti. (AP Photo Ramon Espinosa)
A Haitian migrant swings at a tourist campground in Sierra Morena, in the Villa Clara province of Cuba, Wednesday, May 25, 2022. A vessel carrying more than 800 Haitians trying to reach the United States wound up instead on the coast of central Cuba, government news media said Wednesday. (AP Photo Ramon Espinosa)
Haitians wait to be processed and get medical attention at a tourist campground in Sierra Morena, in the Villa Clara province of Cuba, Wednesday, May 25, 2022. A vessel carrying more than 800 Haitians trying to reach the United States wound up instead on the coast of central Cuba, government news media said Wednesday. (AP Photo Ramon Espinosa)
Haitian migrants wait to be processed and receive medical attention at a tourist campground in Sierra Morena, in the Villa Clara province of Cuba, Wednesday, May 25, 2022. A vessel carrying more than 800 Haitians trying to reach the United States wound up instead on the coast of central Cuba, government news media said Wednesday. (AP Photo Ramon Espinosa)
A Haitian migrant, wearing a protective face mask over hie eyes, swings at a tourist campground in Sierra Morena, in the Villa Clara province of Cuba, Wednesday, May 25, 2022. A vessel carrying more than 800 Haitians trying to reach the United States wound up instead on the coast of central Cuba, government news media said Wednesday. (AP Photo Ramon Espinosa)
Cuban Red Cross workers help a Haitian migrant onto a stretcher at a tourist campground in Sierra Morena, in the Villa Clara province of Cuba, Wednesday, May 25, 2022. A vessel carrying more than 800 Haitians trying to reach the United States wound up instead on the coast of central Cuba, government news media said Wednesday. (AP Photo Ramon Espinosa)
A healthcare worker examines a Haitian migrant child at a tourist campground in Sierra Morena, in the Villa Clara province of Cuba, Wednesday, May 25, 2022. A vessel carrying more than 800 Haitians trying to reach the United States wound up instead on the coast of central Cuba, government news media said Wednesday. (AP Photo Ramon Espinosa)
A Haitian migrant speaks with a healthcare worker at a tourist campground in Sierra Morena, in the Villa Clara province of Cuba, Wednesday, May 25, 2022. A vessel carrying more than 800 Haitians trying to reach the United States wound up instead on the coast of central Cuba, government news media said Wednesday. (AP Photo Ramon Espinosa)
A healthcare worker greets a Haitian migrant at a tourist campground in Sierra Morena, in the Villa Clara province of Cuba, Wednesday, May 25, 2022. A vessel carrying more than 800 Haitians trying to reach the United States wound up instead on the coast of central Cuba, government news media said Wednesday. (AP Photo Ramon Espinosa)
Cuban Red Cross workers attend to Haitian migrants at a tourist campground in Sierra Morena, in the Villa Clara province of Cuba, Wednesday, May 25, 2022. A vessel carrying more than 800 Haitians trying to reach the United States wound up instead on the coast of central Cuba, government news media said Wednesday. (AP Photo Ramon Espinosa)
A Haitian migrant lies on a gurney at a tourist campground in Sierra Morena, in the Villa Clara province of Cuba, Wednesday, May 25, 2022. A vessel carrying more than 800 Haitians trying to reach the United States wound up instead on the coast of central Cuba, government news media said Wednesday. (AP Photo Ramon Espinosa)
Haitians wait to be processed and receive medical attention at a tourist campground in Sierra Morena, in the Villa Clara province of Cuba, Wednesday, May 25, 2022. A vessel carrying more than 800 Haitians trying to reach the United States wound up instead on the coast of central Cuba, government news media said Wednesday. (AP Photo Ramon Espinosa)
Haitian migrants play a pick up game of soccer at a tourist campground in Sierra Morena, in the Villa Clara province of Cuba, Wednesday, May 25, 2022. A vessel carrying more than 800 Haitians trying to reach the United States wound up instead on the coast of central Cuba, government news media said Wednesday. (AP Photo Ramon Espinosa)
Haitians wait to be processed and receive medical attention at a tourist campground in Sierra Morena, in the Villa Clara province of Cuba, Wednesday, May 25, 2022. A vessel carrying more than 800 Haitians trying to reach the United States wound up instead on the coast of central Cuba, government news media said Wednesday. (AP Photo Ramon Espinosa)
Haitians wait to be processed and receive medical attention at a tourist campground in Sierra Morena, in the Villa Clara province of Cuba, Wednesday, May 25, 2022. A vessel carrying more than 800 Haitians trying to reach the United States wound up instead on the coast of central Cuba, government news media said Wednesday. (AP Photo Ramon Espinosa)
Haitians wait to be processed and receive medical attention at a tourist campground in Sierra Morena, in the Villa Clara province of Cuba, Wednesday, May 25, 2022. A vessel carrying more than 800 Haitians trying to reach the United States wound up instead on the coast of central Cuba, government news media said Wednesday. (AP Photo Ramon Espinosa)
The shadows of Haitian migrants are cast on a wall as they wait to receive food at a tourist campground in Sierra Morena, in the Villa Clara province of Cuba, Wednesday, May 25, 2022. A vessel carrying more than 800 Haitians trying to reach the United States wound up instead on the coast of central Cuba, government news media said Wednesday. (AP Photo Ramon Espinosa)

Centinaia di migranti, in concreto 842 tra cui 97 donne e 70 bambini sono stati soccorsi nelle vicinanze della costa cubana Caibarién, dove hanno ricevuto assistenza sanitaria.

L’imbarcazione sulla quale viaggiavano con direzione gli Stati Uniti in fuga dall’estrema violenza provocata dalle bande di gang, le carenze alimentari e l’instabilità politica ed economica del Paese più povero di America, sarebbe stata lasciata alla deriva dopo che il capitano l’aveva abbandonata, secondo il racconto dei migranti haitiani.

In attesa che i nuovi arrivati vengano rimpatriati ad Haiti, le oltre 800 persone salvate in mare sono state temporaneamente accolti nel campeggio di Sierra Morena, nella provincia di Villa Clara.

(AP Photo Ramon Espinosa)

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