
Ancora attacchi in Israele

La violenza non si ferma, si susseguono gli attentati da parte di israeliani e palestinesi dalla fine di marzo

Israeli police inspect the scene of a shooting attack In Tel Aviv, Israel, Thursday, April 7, 2022. Israeli police say several people were wounded in a shooting in central Tel Aviv. The shooting on Thursday evening occurred in a crowded area with several bars and restaurants. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)
Israeli security forces search for assailants near the scene of a shooting attack in Tel Aviv, Israel, Thursday, April 7, 2022. Israeli health officials say two people were killed and at least eight others wounded in a shooting in central Tel Aviv. The shooting on Thursday evening, the fourth attack in recent weeks, occurred in a crowded area with several bars and restaurants. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)
A woman is treated near the scene of a shooting attack in Tel Aviv, Israel, Thursday, April 7, 2022. Israeli health officials say two people were killed and at least eight others wounded in a shooting in central Tel Aviv. The shooting on Thursday evening, the fourth attack in recent weeks, occurred in a crowded area with several bars and restaurants. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)
Members of Israeli Zaka Rescue and Recovery team clean blood from the site of a shooting attack In Tel Aviv, Israel, Thursday, April 7, 2022. Israeli health officials say two people were killed and at least eight others wounded in a shooting in central Tel Aviv. The shooting on Thursday evening, the fourth attack in recent weeks, occurred in a crowded area with several bars and restaurants. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)
A woman reacts at the scene of a shooting attack In Tel Aviv, Israel, Thursday, April 7, 2022. Israeli health officials say two people were killed and at least eight others wounded in a shooting in central Tel Aviv. The shooting on Thursday evening, the fourth attack in recent weeks, occurred in a crowded area with several bars and restaurants. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit). (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)
Israeli soldiers speak with a Palestinian man crossing from the West Bank town of Bethlehem into Jerusalem for the first Friday prayers in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan at the Al Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem's Old City, Friday, April 8, 2022. (AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo)
Israeli Border Police secure the exit to a checkpoint from the West Bank town of Bethlehem into Jerusalem as Palestinians cross for the first Friday prayers in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan at the Al Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem's Old City, Friday, April 8, 2022. (AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo)
Palestinian women board a bus after crossing from the West Bank town of Bethlehem into Jerusalem the first Friday prayers in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan at the Al Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem's Old City, Friday, April 8, 2022. (AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo)
An Israeli Border Police officer secures a checkpoint from the West Bank town of Bethlehem into Jerusalem as Palestinians cross for the first Friday prayers in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan at the Al Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem's Old City, Friday, April 8, 2022. (AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo)
Israeli soldiers and police stand guard as security forces are on high alert following recent deadly attacks, in Tel Aviv, Israel, Friday, April 8, 2022. Israeli security forces early Friday hunted down and killed a Palestinian man who had opened fire into a crowded bar in central Tel Aviv, killing two and wounding over 10 in an attack that caused scenes of mass panic in the heart of the bustling city on Thursday night. (AP Photo/Oded Balilty)
A paramedic helps a Palestinian woman on a wheelchair to cross from the West Bank into Jerusalem, for the first Friday prayers in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan at the Al Aqsa mosque compound, through the Qalandia Israeli army checkpoint, west of Ramallah, Friday, April 8, 2022. (AP Photo/Nasser Nasser)
Palestinian families wait to cross from the West Bank into Jerusalem, for the first Friday prayers in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan at the Al Aqsa mosque compound, through the Qalandia Israeli army checkpoint, west of Ramallah, Friday, April 8, 2022. (AP Photo/Nasser Nasser)
People gather to pay their respects at the site of last night shooting attack, in Tel Aviv, Israel, Friday, April 8, 2022. Israeli security forces early Friday hunted down and killed a Palestinian man who had opened fire into a crowded bar in central Tel Aviv, killing two and wounding over 10 in an attack that caused scenes of mass panic in the heart of the bustling city on Thursday night. (AP Photo/Oded Balilty)
Israelis light candles at the site of last night shooting attack, in Tel Aviv, Israel, Friday, April 8, 2022. Israeli security forces early Friday hunted down and killed a Palestinian man who had opened fire into a crowded bar in central Tel Aviv, killing two and wounding over 10 in an attack that caused scenes of mass panic in the heart of the bustling city on Thursday night. (AP Photo/Oded Balilty)
Palestinian women pray during holy Islamic month of Ramadan at the al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem, Friday, April 8, 2022. (AP Photo/Mahmoud Illean)
Israelis light candles at the site of last night shooting attack, in Tel Aviv, Israel, Friday, April 8, 2022. Israeli security forces early Friday hunted down and killed a Palestinian man who had opened fire into a crowded bar in central Tel Aviv, killing two and wounding over 10 in an attack that caused scenes of mass panic in the heart of the bustling city on Thursday night. (AP Photo/Oded Balilty)
Israelis light candles at the site of last night shooting attack, in Tel Aviv, Israel, Friday, April 8, 2022. Israeli security forces early Friday hunted down and killed a Palestinian man who had opened fire into a crowded bar in central Tel Aviv, killing two and wounding over 10 in an attack that caused scenes of mass panic in the heart of the bustling city on Thursday night. (AP Photo/Oded Balilty)
People light candles at the site of last night shooting attack, in Tel Aviv, Israel, Friday, April 8, 2022. Israeli security forces early Friday hunted down and killed a Palestinian man who had opened fire into a crowded bar in central Tel Aviv, killing two and wounding over 10 in an attack that caused scenes of mass panic in the heart of the bustling city on Thursday night. (AP Photo/Oded Balilty)

Nella sera di giovedì 7 aprile, in concomitanza con l’inizio del fine settimana in Israele, Tel Aviv ha sofferto un nuovo attentato. Un uomo di origine palestinese ha sparato in un bar della strada Dizengoff, una delle più affollate del capoluogo israeliano. Il giovane di 28 anni ha ucciso due persone e almeno 15 sono state ferite. Dopo varie ore, le forze di sicurezza israeliane hanno trovato e ucciso l’uomo che aveva aperto il fuoco.

L’attacco si inserisce in un clima di crescente tensione e violenza, essendo il quarto in due settimane. Come conseguenza, l’esercito è tornato a pattugliare il centro delle principali città di Israele, cosa che non accadeva dal 2016. L’allerta delle forze di sicurezza è massima visto che venerdì 8 aprile si celebra la prima grande preghiera di massa del Ramadan, nella moschea Al Aqsa a Gerusalemme, terzo luogo sacro dell’Islam, in occasione della quale tanti palestinesi della Cisgiordania si recano a Gerusalemme.

Quest’anno, le feste sacre delle tre religioni presenti nella zona convergono nel mese di aprile: la Pasqua ebraica, che quest’anno coincide pienamente con la Settimana Santa cristiana, e il Ramadan musulmano.

Foto: AP/Oded Balilty, Nasser Nasser, Ariel Schalit, Maya Alleruzzo, Mahmoud Illean

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