
Mosca si prepara alla parata del 9 maggio

Si prepara a Mosca la grande parata in memoria della vittoria contro il nazifascismo nella seconda guerra mondiale mentre il conflitto in Ucraina sembra avvitarsi in una spirale sempre più pericolosa per il mondo intero

Self-propelled artillery vehicles Msta-S drive past the Winter Palace, the part of the State Hermitage museum during a rehearsal for the Victory Day military parade which will take place at Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square on May 9 to celebrate 77 years after the victory in World War II in St. Petersburg, Russia, Thursday, April 28, 2022. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky)
Troops march during a rehearsal for the Victory Day military parade which will take place at Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square on May 9 to celebrate 77 years after the victory in World War II in St. Petersburg, Russia, Thursday, April 28, 2022. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky)
Soldiers prepare their Russian T-72 tanks prior to a rehearsal for the Victory Day military parade which will take place at Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square on May 9 to celebrate 77 years after the victory in World War II in St. Petersburg, Russia, Thursday, April 28, 2022, with feet of a famous sculpture of Atlas at the State Hermitage museum in the foreground. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky)
A woman looks at a self-propelled artillery vehicle Msta-S transported by trucks prior to a rehearsal for the Victory Day military parade which will take place at Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square on May 9 to celebrate 77 years after the victory in World War II in St. Petersburg, Russia, Thursday, April 28, 2022. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky)
Troops march during a rehearsal for the Victory Day military parade which will take place at Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square on May 9 to celebrate 77 years after the victory in World War II in St. Petersburg, Russia, Thursday, April 28, 2022. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky)
Young female members of Yunarmia (Young Army), an organization sponsored by the Russian military that aims to encourage patriotism among the Russian youth, march during a rehearsal for the Victory Day military parade which will take place at Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square on May 9 to celebrate 77 years after the victory in World War II in St. Petersburg, Russia, Thursday, April 28, 2022. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky)
Cadets march during a rehearsal for the Victory Day military parade which will take place at Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square on May 9 to celebrate 77 years after the victory in World War II in St. Petersburg, Russia, Thursday, April 28, 2022. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky)
Seagulls walk along during a rehearsal for the Victory Day military parade which will take place at Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square on May 9 to celebrate 77 years after the victory in World War II in St. Petersburg, Russia, Thursday, April 28, 2022. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky)
Russian army tanks drive during a rehearsal for the Victory Day military parade which will take place at Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square on May 9 to celebrate 77 years after the victory in World War II in St. Petersburg, Russia, Thursday, April 28, 2022. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky)
Boys salute during a rehearsal for the Victory Day military parade which will take place at Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square on May 9 to celebrate 77 years after the victory in World War II in St. Petersburg, Russia, Thursday, April 28, 2022. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky)
Russian army soldiers clean their tanks prior to a rehearsal for the Victory Day military parade which will take place at Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square on May 9 to celebrate 77 years after the victory in World War II in St. Petersburg, Russia, Thursday, April 28, 2022. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky)
A seagull marches along during a rehearsal for the Victory Day military parade which will take place at Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square on May 9 to celebrate 77 years after the victory in World War II in St. Petersburg, Russia, Thursday, April 28, 2022. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky)
Troops march and sing during a rehearsal for the Victory Day military parade which will take place at Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square on May 9 to celebrate 77 years after the victory in World War II in St. Petersburg, Russia, Tuesday, April 26, 2022. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky)
A pigeon walks along during a rehearsal for the Victory Day military parade which will take place at Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square on May 9 to celebrate 77 years after the victory in World War II in St. Petersburg, Russia, Tuesday, April 26, 2022. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky)
Honour guard soldiers warm up prior to a rehearsal for the Victory Day military parade which will take place at Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square on May 9 to celebrate 77 years after the victory in World War II in St. Petersburg, Russia, Tuesday, April 26, 2022. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky)
A soldier of Russian Rosguardia (National Guard) with an attached letter Z, which has become a symbol of the Russian military, stands guard during a rehearsal for the Victory Day military parade which will take place at Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square on May 9 to celebrate 77 years after the victory in World War II in St. Petersburg, Russia, Tuesday, April 26, 2022. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky)
Troops attend a rehearsal for the Victory Day military parade which will take place at Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square on May 9 to celebrate 77 years after the victory in World War II in St. Petersburg, Russia, Tuesday, April 26, 2022. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky)
Troops march during a rehearsal for the Victory Day military parade which will take place at Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square on May 9 to celebrate 77 years after the victory in World War II in St. Petersburg, Russia, Tuesday, April 26, 2022. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky)
A honour guard soldier marches during a rehearsal for the Victory Day military parade which will take place at Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square on May 9 to celebrate 77 years after the victory in World War II in St. Petersburg, Russia, Tuesday, April 26, 2022. (AP Photo/Dmitri Lovetsky)

Nelle foto Ap alcuni momenti dei preparativi a Mosca della grande parata che ogni anno ricorda la vittoria contro il nazifascismo. Data che rimanda al sacrificio di oltre 20 milioni di russi durante la seconda guerra mondiale.

Secondo alcuni analisti l’invasione dell’Ucraina potrebbe terminare a ridosso di tale data se Putin riuscirà presentare un risultato significativo a livello militare della guerra in corso. Sembra tuttavia che la tragedia del conflitto si stia avvitando in un sentiero sempre più pericoloso e indefinito come tempi e possibile escalation.

Arrivano anche notizie di possibili segnali di dissenso durante le celebrazioni di maggio da parte dei familiari dei soldati morti nei combattimenti in Ucraina. Un numero top secret ma stimato in migliaia e destinato ad aumentare con il concentramento e l’uso progressivo di armi pesanti da entrambe le parti.

Si spera che la memoria della guerra anche vittoriosa diventi, in ogni luogo, sempre più un momento di crescita della coscienza e di ripudio dell’assassinio di massa degli esseri umani.

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