
Situazione ogni volta più critica in Cina dovuta al Covid-19

Aumentano i contagi, i test, le restrizioni, la chiusura dei confini, il numero di morti e il malcontento dei cittadini

Residents line up to get their throat swab at a coronavirus testing site, Tuesday, April 5, 2022, in Beijing. China has sent more than 10,000 health workers from across the country to Shanghai, including 2,000 military medical staff, as it struggles to stamp out a rapidly spreading COVID-19 outbreak in China's largest city. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)
A man wearing face mask burns paper money at the gravesite of a relative in a cemetery during the Chinese Ching Ming, or Tomb Sweeping Day, in Hong Kong Tuesday, April 5, 2022. Thousands of Hong Kong residents pay respects to their ancestors and relatives during the annual festival. (AP Photo/Vincent Yu)
A health worker in protective suit takes a throat swab sample from a resident at an outdoor coronavirus testing site, Wednesday, March 23, 2022, in Beijing, China. A fast-spreading variant known as
Residents line up to get a coronavirus test at an outdoor testing site setup outside the Drum Tower, Wednesday, March 23, 2022, in Beijing, China. A fast-spreading variant known as
A delivery man passes by barriers set up to lock down a community in Shanghai, China, Wednesday, March 30, 2022. As millions of Shanghai residents line up for coronavirus tests in the closed-down metropolis, authorities are promising tax cuts for shopkeepers and to keep its busy port functioning to limit disruptions to industry and trade. (AP Photo/Chen Si)
A resident wearing a mask walks past shadows of a tree in a park on Thursday, March 31, 2022, in Beijing. China's case numbers in its latest infection surge are low compared with other major countries. But the ruling Communist Party is enforcing a
A woman wearing a face mask to help protect from the coronavirus is reflected in her wing mirror of her electric-powered scooter tied with a national flag as she waits at an intersection during the morning rush hour, Monday, April 11, 2022, in Beijing. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)
A man looks at his smartphone on a balcony in a residential community in Shanghai, China, Monday, April 11 2022. The U.S. has ordered all non-emergency consular staff to leave Shanghai, which is under a tight lockdown to contain a COVID-19 surge. Many residents in the city of 26 million have been confined to their homes for up to three weeks as China maintains its
A man wearing a face mask exercises at a public park in Beijing, Thursday, April 21, 2022. In mainland China, the death toll rose to more than 20 in an outbreak in Shanghai that has all but shut down the country's largest city. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)
Una residente viene testata all'esterno di un edificio per uffici nel distretto di Haidian, martedì 26 aprile 2022, Pechino. (Foto AP/Ng Han Guan)

La Cina sta vivendo il più pronunciato picco nel numero di infezioni dall’inizio della pandemia Covid-19 alla fine del 2019. Finora, la città più colpita è stata Shanghai, dall’inizio di aprile, sottoposta a un duro confino che ha isolato milioni di cittadini. Ora anche Pechino ha rilevato un aumento del numero di infezioni e la popolazione teme di dover affrontare misure simili alla più grande città del Paese. Mentre gran parte della società cinese mette in dubbio l’efficacia delle misure restrittive “Covid zero” adottate dal governo ed esprime il proprio disaccordo, l’economia ne subisce le conseguenze.

Foto AP/Andy Wong, Vincent Yu, Chen Si, Ng Han Guan, Mark Schiefelbein.

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