
Violenze in Svezia per il Corano bruciato

La comunità musulmana reagisce ai roghi del Corano

Riot police watch a city bus burn on a street in Malmo, Sweden, Saturday, April 16, 2022. Unrest broke out in southern Sweden late Saturday despite police moving a rally by an anti-Islam far-right group, which was planning to burn a Quran among other things, to a new location as a preventive measure. (Johan Nilsson/TT via AP)
Protesters set fire to a police bus in the park Sveaparken in Orebro, Sweden, Friday, April 15, 2022. Police in Sweden say they are preparing for new violent clashes following riots that erupted between demonstrators and counter-protesters in the central city of Orebro on Friday ahead of an anti-Islam far-right group’s plan to burn a Quran there. (Kicki Nilsson/TT via AP)
Protesters chant slogans during a demonstration to condemn planned Quran burnings by a right-wing group in Sweden, in front of the Swedish Embassy in Tehran, Iran, Monday, April 18, 2022. Sweden has seen unrest, scuffles and violence since Thursday, triggered by Danish far-right politician Rasmus Paludan's meetings and planned Quran burnings across the country. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)
Two cars are burn in a parking lot during a riot in Norrkoping, Sweden, Sunday, April 17, 2022. Unrest has broken out in southern Sweden despite police moving a rally by an anti-Islam far-right group, which was planning to burn a Quran among other things, to a new location as a preventive measure.  (Stefan Jerrevang/TT News Agency via AP)
Protesters set fire to a police bus in the park Sveaparken in Orebro, Sweden, Friday, April 15, 2022. Police in Sweden say they are preparing for new violent clashes following riots that erupted between demonstrators and counter-protesters in the central city of Orebro on Friday ahead of an anti-Islam far-right group’s plan to burn a Quran there. (Kicki Nilsson/TT via AP)
Protesters chant slogans during a demonstration to condemn planned Quran burnings by a right-wing group in Sweden, in front of the Swedish Embassy in Tehran, Iran, Monday, April 18, 2022. Sweden has seen unrest, scuffles and violence since Thursday, triggered by Danish far-right politician Rasmus Paludan's meetings and planned Quran burnings across the country. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)
Cars are engulfed by flames after protests broke out at Rosengard in Malmo, Sweden, early Monday, April 17, 2022. The riots broke out following Danish far-right politician Rasmus Paludan’s meetings and planned Quran burnings in various Swedish cities and towns since Thursday. (Johan Nilsson/TT via AP)
A protester holds a copy of the Quran, the Muslims holy book, during a demonstration to condemn planned Quran burnings by a right-wing group in Sweden, in front of the Swedish Embassy in Tehran, Iran, Monday, April 18, 2022. Sweden has seen unrest, scuffles and violence since Thursday, triggered by Danish far-right politician Rasmus Paludan's meetings and planned Quran burnings across the country. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)
Police on buses try to break up the crowd as a city bus burns on a street in Malmo, Sweden, Saturday, April 16, 2022. Unrest broke out in southern Sweden late Saturday despite police moving a rally by an anti-Islam far-right group, which was planning to burn a Quran among other things, to a new location as a preventive measure. (Johan Nilsson/TT via AP)
People are silhouetted by smoke after protests broke out at Rosengard in Malmo, Sweden, early Monday, April 17, 2022. The riots broke out following Danish far-right politician Rasmus Paludan’s meetings and planned Quran burnings in various Swedish cities and towns since Thursday. (Johan Nilsson/TT via AP)
People burn branches to block a road during a riot in Norrkoping, Sweden, Sunday, April 17, 2022. Unrest has broken out in southern Sweden despite police moving a rally by an anti-Islam far-right group, which was planning to burn a Quran among other things, to a new location as a preventive measure.  (Stefan Jerrevang/TT News Agency via AP)
Protesters set fire to a police bus in the park Sveaparken in Orebro, Sweden, Friday, April 15, 2022. Police in Sweden say they are preparing for new violent clashes following riots that erupted between demonstrators and counter-protesters in the central city of Orebro on Friday ahead of an anti-Islam far-right group’s plan to burn a Quran there. (Kicki Nilsson/TT via AP)

Disordini, violenze, feriti, arresti: quarta notte consecutiva di scontri nel Paese scandinavo. Tutto è iniziato quando il leader danese di estrema destra Rasmus Paludan, attualmente in Svezia per una serie di comizi, ha cominciato a bruciare copie del Corano alla fine dei suoi discorsi aggressivi e pieni di odio.

La comunità islamica ha reagito con contromanifestazioni e violente proteste nelle città dove sono previsti gli incontri di Paludan.

Mentre si inaspriscono le relazioni tra le varie etnie e gruppi religiosi, le autorità si rifiutano di vietare i raduni di Paludan, in nome della libertà di espressione.

Manifestazioni di protesta sono in corso anche in Iran davanti all’ambasciata svedese.

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