
La Siria e le altre guerre fuori dai riflettori

In Siria sono più di 14,6 milioni le persone che hanno bisogno di assistenza umanitaria. Questo include 5,3 milioni di sfollati interni.  Circa 5 milioni di bambini sono nati in Siria dal 2011: non conoscono altro che guerra e conflitto.

FILE - A Free Syrian Army soldier throws a petrol bomb towards Syrian Army positions in Saif Al Dawle district in Aleppo, Syria, Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2012. Tuesday, March 15, 2022 marks the 11th anniversary of Syria's revolution-turned-civil war. This year, many survivors are watching in shock as Ukrainians face the same horrors they did. (AP Photo/ Manu Brabo, File)
This photo provided by Afraa Hashem in March 2022, shows her, second left, with other protesters holding anti-Bashar Assad signs during a rally east of Aleppo, Syria. Hashem and other Aleppo survivors on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, mark the 11th anniversary of Syria's revolution-turned-civil war. This year, many survivors are watching in shock as Ukrainians face the same horrors they did. (Milad al-Shehabi via AP)
FILE - Syrian citizens bury bodies of those who were found dead next to a river the previous week and who were not identified by their relatives, in Aleppo, Syria, Thursday, Jan. 31, 2013. Tuesday, March 15, 2022 marks the 11th anniversary of Syria's revolution-turned-civil war. This year, many survivors are watching in shock as Ukrainians face the same horrors they did. (AP Photo/Abdullah al-Yassin, File)
FILE - A ball of fire rises following a Syrian government air strike that hit rebel positions in the eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo, Syria, Monday, Dec. 5, 2016. Tuesday, March 15, 2022 marks the 11th anniversary of Syria's revolution-turned-civil war. This year, many survivors are watching in shock as Ukrainians face the same horrors they did. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar, File)
This photo provided by Afraa Hashem in March 2022, shows her, right, with her children Wissam, left, and Zein in the once rebel-held Salaheddine neighborhood in the eastern Aleppo, Syria. Hashem and other Aleppo survivors on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, mark the 11th anniversary of Syria's revolution-turned-civil war. This year, many survivors are watching in shock as Ukrainians face the same horrors they did. (Afraa Hashem via AP)
Ucraian Siria (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar, File)
FILE - In this Jan. 20, 2017 photo, a man carries a baby as he walks past rubble in the once rebel-held Salaheddine neighborhood of eastern Aleppo, Syria. Tuesday, March 15, 2022 marks the 11th anniversary of Syria's revolution-turned-civil war. This year, many survivors are watching in shock as Ukrainians face the same horrors they did. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar, File)
FILE - Residents walk through the destruction of the once rebel-held Salaheddine neighborhood in the eastern Aleppo, Syria, Friday, Jan. 20, 2017. Tuesday, March 15, 2022 marks the 11th anniversary of Syria's revolution-turned-civil war. This year, many survivors are watching in shock as Ukrainians face the same horrors they did. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar, File)
FILE - In this photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, residents gather near green government buses for evacuation from eastern Aleppo, Syria, Thursday, Dec. 15, 2016. Tuesday, March 15, 2022 marks the 11th anniversary of Syria's revolution-turned-civil war. This year, many survivors are watching in shock as Ukrainians face the same horrors they did. (SANA via AP, File)
FILE - In this Saturday, Dec. 3, 2016, file photo, children who were displaced with their family from eastern Aleppo play in the village of Jibreen south of Aleppo, Syria. Tuesday, March 15, 2022 marks the 11th anniversary of Syria's revolution-turned-civil war. This year, many survivors are watching in shock as Ukrainians face the same horrors they did. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar, File)

Nelle foto emblematiche di Ap la tragedia rimossa di un Paese in forte sofferenza da 11 anni, davanti ai riflettori puntati sul disastro ucraino che può evolvere versco scenari catastrofici.

Come riporta l’Unicef, a 11 anni dall’inizio della crisi in Siria, violenze, sfollamento e mancanza di accesso a servizi essenziali continuano a ostacolare le vite dei bambini. Lo scorso anno, circa 900 bambini in Siria hanno perso la vita o sono stati feriti. Questo porta il numero totale di bambini uccisi o feriti, dall’inizio della crisi, a circa 13.000. Mine antiuomo, residuati bellici esplosivi e ordigni inesplosi sono stati la causa principale di questi incidenti nel 2021, rappresentando circa un terzo di tutti i ferimenti e le morti registrati e lasciando molti bambini convivere con una disabilità.
«Circa 5 milioni di bambini sono nati in Siria dal 2011. Non conoscono altro che guerra e conflitto. In molte parti della Siria, continuano a vivere con la paura di violenze, mine e residuati bellici esplosivi» ha dichiarato Bo Viktor Nylund, Rappresentante dell’UNICEF in Siria 
La crisi continua a lasciare sui bambini siriani ferite psicologiche. Lo scorso anno, un terzo dei bambini in Siria ha mostrato segnali di stress psicologico, compresi ansia, tristezza, stanchezza e difficoltà ad addormentarsi. 

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