Europa in guerra

Germania, mezzo milione in piazza per la pace in Ucraina

Mentre mezzo milione di persone si sono radunate davanti la porta di Brandeburgo, il governo tedesco, come quello italiano e la stessa Unione europea hanno deciso di sostenere l’Ucraina anche con la fornitura di armi

A peace mural showing a dove with a branch in Ukrainian colors by artist Justus Becker is painted on the wall of a house in Frankfurt, Germany, Monday, Feb. 28, 2022. (AP Photo/Michael Probst)
A girl holds a sign reading
 (AP Photo/Martin Meissner)
A man holds a sign demanding Putin for The Hague in Cologne, Germany, during a peace march against the war in Ukraine on Shrove Monday, Feb. 28, 2022. The traditional carnival Rose Monday Parade in Cologne was cancelled due to Russia's war in Ukraine. Instead of the parade, the political carnival floats were placed in the city followed by a peace protest of revelers. (AP Photo/Martin Meissner)
Tens of thousands demonstrate in Cologne, Germany, during a peace march against the war in Ukraine on Shrove Monday, Feb. 28, 2022. The traditional carnival Rose Monday Parade in Cologne was cancelled due to Russia's war in Ukraine. Instead of the parade, the political carnival floats were placed in the city followed by a peace protest of revelers. (AP Photo/Martin Meissner)
A satirical carnival float depicts Russia's President Vladimir Putin playing with the Ukraine to restore the Soviet Union on a square in Cologne, Germany, during a peace march against the war in Ukraine on Shrove Monday, Feb. 28, 2022. The traditional carnival Rose Monday Parade in Cologne was cancelled due to Russia's war in Ukraine. Instead of the parade, the political carnival floats were placed in the city followed by a peace protest of revelers. (AP Photo/Martin Meissner)
Carnival revelers show signs for peace in Cologne, Germany, during a peace march of tens of thousands against the war in Ukraine on Shrove Monday, Feb. 28, 2022. The traditional carnival Rose Monday Parade in Cologne was cancelled due to Russia's war in Ukraine. Instead of the parade, the political carnival floats were placed in the city followed by a peace protest of revelers. (AP Photo/Martin Meissner)
White peace doves flying over Carnival revelers in Cologne, Germany, during a peace march of tens of thousands against the war in Ukraine on Shrove Monday, Feb. 28, 2022. The traditional carnival Rose Monday Parade in Cologne was cancelled due to Russia's war in Ukraine. Instead of the parade, the political carnival floats were placed in the city followed by a peace protest of revelers. (AP Photo/Martin Meissner)
Carnival revelers knee down in Cologne, Germany, prior to a peace march of tens of thousands against the war in Ukraine on Shrove Monday, Feb. 28, 2022. The traditional carnival Rose Monday Parade in Cologne was cancelled due to Russia's war in Ukraine. Instead of the parade, the political carnival floats were placed in the city followed by a peace protest of revelers. (AP Photo/Martin Meissner)
A carnival revelers takes a selfie in Cologne, Germany, during a peace march of tens of thousands against the war in Ukraine on Shrove Monday, Feb. 28, 2022. The traditional carnival Rose Monday Parade in Cologne was cancelled due to Russia's war in Ukraine. Instead of the parade, the political carnival floats were placed in the city followed by a peace protest of revelers. (AP Photo/Martin Meissner)
Carnival revelers show signs for peace in Cologne, Germany, during a peace march of tens of thousands against the war in Ukraine on Shrove Monday, Feb. 28, 2022. The traditional carnival Rose Monday Parade in Cologne was cancelled due to Russia's war in Ukraine. Instead of the parade, the political carnival floats were placed in the city followed by a peace protest of revelers. (AP Photo/Martin Meissner)
Carnival revelers show a sign with the Swiss flag reading
A carnival float depicts a bloody peace dove in Cologne, Germany, during a peace march of tens of thousands against the war in Ukraine on Shrove Monday, Feb. 28, 2022. The traditional carnival Rose Monday Parade in Cologne was cancelled due to Russia's war in Ukraine. Instead of the parade, the political carnival floats were placed in the city followed by a peace protest of revelers. (AP Photo/Martin Meissner)
A Carnival reveler watches tens of thousands of protesters in Cologne, Germany, during a peace march against the war in Ukraine on Shrove Monday, Feb. 28, 2022. The traditional carnival Rose Monday Parade in Cologne was cancelled due to Russia's war in Ukraine. Instead of the parade, the political carnival floats were placed in the city followed by a peace protest of revelers. (AP Photo/Martin Meissner)
Carnival reveler fill a square in Cologne, Germany, during a peace march of tens of thousands against the war in Ukraine on Shrove Monday, Feb. 28, 2022. The traditional carnival Rose Monday Parade in Cologne was cancelled due to Russia's war in Ukraine. Instead of the parade, the political carnival floats were placed in the city followed by a peace protest of revelers. (AP Photo/Martin Meissner)
A man holds a peace sign in Ukrainian colors during a rally against Russia's invasion of Ukraine in Berlin, Germany, Sunday, Feb. 27, 2022. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber)
A woman holds flags with the peace symbol and a peace dove in the national colors of Ukraine in Osnabrueck, Germany, Saturday, Feb. 26, 2022. A prayer for peace in St. Mary's Church later leads to a silent march against Russia's attack on Ukraine. (Friso Gentsch/dpa via AP)

Sono emblematiche le foto Ap della grande manifestazione per la pace e contro la guerra in Ucraina che si è svolta a Berlino con una partecipazione che ha stupito gli stessi organizzatori.

Dalla caduta del Muro che si ergeva in quella città simbolo della tragedia del Novecento non si è sprigionata una politica di pace nella giustizia. La politica degli armamenti ha alimentato la strategia della tensione che conduce alla guerra segnando il fallimento della politica.


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