
Israele, Amnesty international e l’apartheid

Continua l’acceso dibattito dopo l’inattesa denuncia di Amnesty international nei confronti dello stato di Israele, accusato di praticare un sistema di apartheid nei confronti della popolazione palestinese

FILE - In this Friday, Aug. 2, 2013, file photo,  Palestinians use a ladder to climb over the separation barrier with Israel on their way to pray at the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, in Al-Ram, north of Jerusalem. John Kerry’s warning that Israel could become an “apartheid state” if it doesn’t reach a peace deal with the Palestinians has set off an uproar in Israel and angered Israel’s allies in Washington. Kerry was forced to backtrack from his comments, but he voiced an opinion that is frequently heard in Israel itself and tapped into a debate that has become increasingly heated in recent years. (AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed, File)
FILE - In this Friday, Aug. 10, 2012, file photo, Palestinian men pass near a section of Israel's separation barrier on their way to pray at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, on the fourth Friday of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan near the West Bank city of Ramallah. John Kerry’s warning that Israel could become an “apartheid state” if it doesn’t reach a peace deal with the Palestinians has set off an uproar in Israel and angered Israel’s allies in Washington. Kerry was forced to backtrack from his comments, but he voiced an opinion that is frequently heard in Israel itself and tapped into a debate that has become increasingly heated in recent years. (AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed, File)
Palestinian women wait to cross the Qalandia checkpoint between the West Bank city of Ramallah and Jerusalem, to attend the first Friday prayers in al-Aqsa mosque, during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Friday, April 16, 2021. One of the world's best-known human rights groups says Israel is guilty of the international crimes of apartheid and persecution. Human Rights Watch cites discriminatory policies toward Palestinians within Israel's own borders and in the occupied territories. In so doing, the New York-based group joins a growing number of commentators and rights groups that consider Israel and the territories as a single entity in which Palestinians are denied basic rights that are granted to Jews. (AP Photo/Nasser Nasser)
FILE - In this Sept. 6, 2020 file photo, Palestinian laborers some wearing protective face masks amid concerns over the country's coronavirus outbreak, cross illegally into Israel from the West Bank through an opening in a fence, south of the West Bank town of Hebron. One of the world's best-known human rights groups says Israel is guilty of the international crimes of apartheid and persecution. Human Rights Watch cites discriminatory policies toward Palestinians within Israel's own borders and in the occupied territories. In so doing, the New York-based group joins a growing number of commentators and rights groups that consider Israel and the territories as a single entity in which Palestinians are denied basic rights that are granted to Jews. (AP Photo/Oded Balilty, File)
FILE - A Palestinian demonstrator holds portraits of late South African Leader Nelson Mandela and late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat as he stands in front of Israeli soldier during a weekly demonstration against Israel's separation barrier, in the West Bank village of Bilin, near Ramallah, Dec. 6, 2013. Israel on Monday, Jan. 31, 2022, called on Amnesty International not to publish an upcoming report accusing it of apartheid, saying the conclusions of the London-based international human rights group are “false, biased and antisemitic.” (AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed, File)
FILE - Palestinian workers wait to cross a checkpoint to work in Israel at the separation barrier in the West Bank town of Bethlehem,  June 21, 2009. Israel on Monday, Jan. 31, 2022, called on Amnesty International not to publish an upcoming report accusing it of apartheid, saying the conclusions of the London-based international human rights group are “false, biased and antisemitic.” (AP Photo/Kevin Frayer, File)
FILE - A Palestinian youth tries to push past an Israeli soldier during a demonstration against Israel's controversial separation barrier in the village of Maasarah near the West Bank city of Bethlehem, April 24, 2009. Israel on Monday, Jan. 31, 2022, called on Amnesty International not to publish an upcoming report accusing it of apartheid, saying the conclusions of the London-based international human rights group are “false, biased and antisemitic.” (AP Photo/Nasser Shiyoukhi, File)
Foto Ap.
FILE - This aerial view shows a Palestinian village, left, and a Jewish settlement, right, separated by a wall, part of the separation barrier, in the West Bank, July 29, 2003. Israel on Monday, Jan. 31, 2022, called on Amnesty International not to publish an upcoming report accusing it of apartheid, saying the conclusions of the London-based international human rights group are “false, biased and antisemitic.” (AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis, File)
FILE - Palestinians use a ladder to climb over the separation barrier with Israel on their way to pray at the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, in Al-Ram, north of Jerusalem, July 11, 2014. Israel on Monday, Jan. 31, 2022, called on Amnesty International not to publish an upcoming report accusing it of apartheid, saying the conclusions of the London-based international human rights group are “false, biased and antisemitic.” (AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed, File)
FILE - A Palestinian man carries an olive tree as he crosses illegally into Israel from the West Bank, through a gap in the separation barrier, south of the West Bank town of Hebron, March. 8, 2021. Israel on Monday, Jan. 31, 2022, called on Amnesty International not to publish an upcoming report accusing it of apartheid, saying the conclusions of the London-based international human rights group are “false, biased and antisemitic.” (AP Photo/Oded Balilty, File)

Pressoché oscurato sui media italiani, continua ovviamente ad alimentare polemiche la denuncia lanciata da Amnesty international contro il governo dello stato Israele, accusato di praticare un sistema di apartheid contro i palestinesi.

L’inchiesta redatta dalla celebre organizzazione di difesa dei diritti umani afferma che «Israele impone un sistema di oppressione e dominazione sulle e sui palestinesi in tutte le aree sotto il suo controllo: in Israele e nei Territori occupati, e contro i rifugiati palestinesi, in modo che a beneficiarne siano le e gli ebrei israeliani. Ciò equivale all’apartheid ed è proibita dal diritto internazionale». Amnesty denuncia l’adozione da parte di Israele di «leggi, politiche e pratiche volte a mantenere un sistema crudele di controllo sulle e sui palestinesi: li hanno frammentati geograficamente e politicamente, spesso impoveriti in un costante stato di paura e insicurezza».

Il sito della comunità ebraica di Milano riporta la dichiarazione del ministro degli Esteri Yair Lapid secondo il quale «Il rapporto di Amnesty consolida e ricicla bugie, incongruenze e affermazioni infondate che provengono da note organizzazioni di odio anti-israeliane, il tutto con l’obiettivo di rivendere le merci danneggiate in nuovi imballaggi. Ripetere più e più volte le stesse bugie delle organizzazioni di odio non rende le bugie realtà, ma piuttosto rende illegittima Amnesty».

Secondo David Horovitz, che scrive sul sito, «è proprio la distruzione di Israele quella che Amnesty persegue e promuove in modo trasparente, quando invoca un “diritto al ritorno” potenzialmente di milioni di palestinesi dentro Israele anziché il loro insediamento nel loro stato futuro arabo-palestinese una volta che avranno veramente accettato l’esistenza del nostro stato ebraico; quando esorta la comunità internazionale a negare a Israele le armi di cui purtroppo ha assoluto bisogno per difendersi dagli aggressori della regione».

Secondo Amnesty, invece, «l’esperienza palestinese di vedersi negata una casa è al centro del sistema di apartheid israeliano. Ecco perché, come primo passo verso lo smantellamento di questo sistema, chiediamo a Israele di porre fine alla pratica delle demolizioni di case. Le famiglie palestinesi hanno bisogno di persone che stiano al loro fianco contro l’ingiustizia e la discriminazione, agendo per aiutarle a proteggere le loro abitazioni».

Secondo Amnesty «Il crimine contro l’umanità dell’apartheid, ai sensi della Convenzione sull’apartheid, dello Statuto di Roma e del diritto internazionale consuetudinario, viene commesso quando un atto disumano (essenzialmente una grave violazione dei diritti umani) viene perpetrato nel contesto di un regime istituzionalizzato di oppressione sistematica e dominio da parte di un gruppo razziale rispetto a un altro, con l’intento di mantenere quel sistema».


Nelle foto Ap alcune immagini emblematiche della  situazione all’origine del contrasto in atto tra Amnesty international e il governo di Israele.

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