
Bombardamenti turchi sul Kurdistan

Mentre scorrono sui media internazionali le immagini del mondiale di calcio in corso in Qatar, non si spengono le tensioni interazionali

In this photo released by Turkey's defense ministry, Defense Minister Hulusi Akar, right, and top army commanders work at the Air Force command center, in Ankara, Turkey, early Sunday, Nov. 20, 2022. Turkey launched airstrikes over northern regions of Syria and Iraq, the Turkish Defense Ministry said Sunday, targeting Kurdish groups that Ankara holds responsible for last week's bomb attack in Istanbul. (Turkish Defense Ministry via AP)
People inspect a site damaged by Turkish airstrikes that hit an electricity station in the village of Taql Baql, in Hasakeh province, Syria, Sunday, Nov. 20, 2022. The Turkish Defense Ministry said Sunday that Turkey launched deadly airstrikes over northern regions of Syria and Iraq, targeting Kurdish groups that Ankara holds responsible for last week's deadly bomb attack in a bustling street in Istanbul. (AP Photo/Baderkhan Ahmad)
People look at a site damaged by Turkish airstrikes that hit an electricity station in the village of Taql Baql, in Hasakeh province, Syria, Sunday, Nov. 20, 2022. The Turkish Defense Ministry said Sunday that Turkey launched deadly airstrikes over northern regions of Syria and Iraq, targeting Kurdish groups that Ankara holds responsible for last week's deadly bomb attack in a bustling street in Istanbul. (AP Photo/Baderkhan Ahmad)
A man inspects a damaged car that hit by Turkish airstrikes near an electricity station in the village of Taql Baql, in Hasakeh province, Syria, Sunday, Nov. 20, 2022. The Turkish Defense Ministry said Sunday that Turkey launched deadly airstrikes over northern regions of Syria and Iraq, targeting Kurdish groups that Ankara holds responsible for last week's deadly bomb attack in a bustling street in Istanbul. (AP Photo/Baderkhan Ahmad)
People inspect a site damaged by Turkish airstrikes that hit an electricity station in the village of Taql Baql, in Hasakeh province, Syria, Sunday, Nov. 20, 2022. The Turkish Defense Ministry said Sunday that Turkey launched deadly airstrikes over northern regions of Syria and Iraq, targeting Kurdish groups that Ankara holds responsible for last week's deadly bomb attack in a bustling street in Istanbul. (AP Photo/Baderkhan Ahmad)
Syrian Kurds attend a funeral of people killed in Turkish airstrikes in the village of Al Malikiyah , northern Syria, Monday, Nov. 21, 2022. The airstrikes, which Turkey said were aimed at Kurdish militants whom Ankara blamed for a deadly Nov. 13 bombing in Istanbul, also struck several Syrian army positions in three different provinces along the border with Turkey. (AP Photo/Baderkhan Ahmad)
Syrian Kurds attend a funeral of people killed in Turkish airstrikes in the village of Al Malikiyah , northern Syria, Monday, Nov. 21, 2022. The airstrikes, which Turkey said were aimed at Kurdish militants whom Ankara blamed for a deadly Nov. 13 bombing in Istanbul, also struck several Syrian army positions in three different provinces along the border with Turkey. (AP Photo/Baderkhan Ahmad)
Syrian Kurds attend a funeral of people killed in Turkish airstrikes in the village of Al Malikiyah , northern Syria, Monday, Nov. 21, 2022. The airstrikes, which Turkey said were aimed at Kurdish militants whom Ankara blamed for a deadly Nov. 13 bombing in Istanbul, also struck several Syrian army positions in three different provinces along the border with Turkey. (AP Photo/Baderkhan Ahmad)
Syrian Kurds attend a funeral of people killed in Turkish airstrikes in the village of Al Malikiyah , northern Syria, Monday, Nov. 21, 2022. The airstrikes, which Turkey said were aimed at Kurdish militants whom Ankara blamed for a deadly Nov. 13 bombing in Istanbul, also struck several Syrian army positions in three different provinces along the border with Turkey. (AP Photo/Baderkhan Ahmad)
Syrian Kurds attend a funeral of people killed in Turkish airstrikes in the village of Al Malikiyah , northern Syria, Monday, Nov. 21, 2022. The airstrikes, which Turkey said were aimed at Kurdish militants whom Ankara blamed for a deadly Nov. 13 bombing in Istanbul, also struck several Syrian army positions in three different provinces along the border with Turkey. (AP Photo/Baderkhan Ahmad)
Syrian Kurds attend a funeral of people killed in Turkish airstrikes in the village of Al Malikiyah , northern Syria, Monday, Nov. 21, 2022. The airstrikes, which Turkey said were aimed at Kurdish militants whom Ankara blamed for a deadly Nov. 13 bombing in Istanbul, also struck several Syrian army positions in three different provinces along the border with Turkey. (AP Photo/Baderkhan Ahmad)
Syrian Kurds attend a funeral of people killed in Turkish airstrikes in the village of Al Malikiyah , northern Syria, Monday, Nov. 21, 2022. The airstrikes, which Turkey said were aimed at Kurdish militants whom Ankara blamed for a deadly Nov. 13 bombing in Istanbul, also struck several Syrian army positions in three different provinces along the border with Turkey. (AP Photo/Baderkhan Ahmad)
Syrian Kurds attend a funeral of people killed in Turkish airstrikes in the village of Al Malikiyah , northern Syria, Monday, Nov. 21, 2022. The airstrikes, which Turkey said were aimed at Kurdish militants whom Ankara blamed for a deadly Nov. 13 bombing in Istanbul, also struck several Syrian army positions in three different provinces along the border with Turkey. (AP Photo/Baderkhan Ahmad)

Come riporta l’agenzia Nova, l’aviazione militare turca ha sferrato a partire da domenica 20 novembre una serie di bombardamenti, effettuati tramite caccia F-16 e  droni, in quattro località della Siria – Kobane, Tel Rifat, Derbysia e Derik provocando morti e feriti e in Iraq.

«Da parte sua, il ministero della Difesa di Ankara – continua l’agenzia Nova- ha annunciato che l’aviazione turca ha colpito 89 obiettivi del Partito dei lavoratori del Kurdistan (Pkk) e delle Ypg, gruppo armato curdo-siriano sostenuto dagli Stati Uniti, entrambi al bando in Turchia, durante i bombardamenti effettuati nel nord di Iraq e Siria».

L’operazione militare “Spada di artiglio” è stata giustificata come risposta all’attacco terroristico del 13 novembre avvenuto a Istanbul dove ha provocato 6 morti e 81 feriti.

Si teme che l’intervento sia destinato a continuare ed allargarsi anche nelle regioni del Kurdistan iracheno andandosi a saldare con l’iniziativa di terra da parte delle truppe iraniane.

Da parte loro, le Forze democratiche siriane (SDF, l’organizzazione generale che comprende le YPG e le YPJ). hanno rifiutato ogni accusa di coinvolgimento nella strage in Turchia, dichiaran infondata e costruita a tavolino ogni ricostruzione effettuata dal governo di Erdogan.

I commenti principali mettono in evidenza che il bombardamento turco, giustificato formalmente in forza dell’articolo 51 dello statuto dell’Onu, ha colpito Kobanê e cioè la città simbolo della resistenza alle forze dell’Isis e riconquistata dai curdi il 30 gennaio 2015.

La realtà di tanti conflitti, rimossi e silenziati nella comunicazione prevalente, mette in evidenza una pluralità di casi di aggressione militare definiti con nomi diversi dal termine guerra, mentre non scatta sempre automaticamente la convinzione di dover intervenire a difesa della parte aggredita.  

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